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malifaux's success

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hi there everybody


I live in England I don't have a local gaming club that plays (they are all playing infinity/ wild west exodus/ dead zone) and there is no generic games shop that would allow me to meat people and make the sales pitch. so what would you recommend as a way to get playing the game, people have suggested just going to tourneys to meat people and pick it up, but with the tiny amount of games I have had I would be beyond awful and making rules mistakes a lot and generally slowing things down. I really want to get a chance to play regularly get good (at least 98% rules fluent) and then maybe escalate to tournaments (although I work till 10pm Friday and do 9-5 Saturday so that may be a bit of a dream).


edit: originally had a few questions about the success of malifaux, but lost interest as a wrote them so figured it wasn't worth it, that's why the title is that

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Get yourself on vassal on play games ok there. There are a lot of players who play online when they cant meet people face to face. I for one tend to try and get a game a week in the evening so more than happy to give you a run through and a game. All you need is skype, download vassal and the latest module 1.7 and cards for the models you want to play. Oh and a rulebook would be good.

there is a section of this forum to arrange vassal games but twitter is the best way.

after you have got familiar with everything rules wise then get to a tournament. It really is the best way to learn and the scene im the uk is amazingly friendly. I am new to malifaux having only played about 10 games before going to a tourny.

hope this helps

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Im in Lincolnshire, about an hour from Lincoln. it dose help thanks, I haven't really thought about vassal, I messed around with it one time a year ago, but ill have a look at it. I have the rule book and stuff, but I go into a trance when I start reading the rule's so I do it in sections, I new the 1st ed rules ok as I read the book over and over, but I need to read the second ed stuff and pick up on the small and big changes

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I have found that malifaux tournaments are a great way to learn and improve your game play. I have found the malifaux players in tournaments to be very helpful to each other, and very receptive to new players. Plus with a tournament you are guaranteed to get 3 or more games in a day. Based on your schedule I would search one out on a Sunday and put it on your calendar. As to the games people are playing in your area, if you can find one other person to play malifaux with, it sounds like it would be an easier group to get to play malifaux than some of the other die hard game groups out there that focus on large scale battle games.

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