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To the earth return


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hi guys, as far as I could see no one had done a run down of levi's to the earth return upgrade, so I thought I would do one out lining how much is needed to kill a model with and without the upgrade for different wounds values, this is best case scenarios there may be many other card combos, but im only showing the best


1 wd

without: 1 ap, 1 card of any type

with: 1 ap, 1 low card


2 wd

without: 1 ap, 1 card of any type

with: 1 ap, 1 low card


3 wd

without: 1 ap, 1 card, moderate at least

with: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1st card anything then 1 low


4 wd

without: 1 ap, 1 card high

with: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1st card anything then 1 low


5 wd

without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1 low, 1 at least moderate

with: 3 ap, 3 cards, 1st 2 can be anything the last one low


6 wd

without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 2 moderate

with: see above


7 wd

without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1 moderate 1 high

with: 3ap, 3 cards 1st must be moderate or better 2nd can be anything last must be low


8 wd

without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 2 high

with: see above


9 wd

without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 1 low 1 moderate 1 high

with: 3ap, 3 cards 1st 2 must be moderate at least, last one must be low 


10 wd

without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 2 moderate 1 high

with: see above


11 wd

without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 1 moderate 2 high

with: left with 1 wd


12 wd

without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 3 high

with: left with 1 wd


13 wd

without: left with 1 wd

with: left with 2wd


14 wd

without: left with 2 wd

with: left with 2 wd


overall I would not take the upgrade, it never really out does not having it, but it makes your required cards a lot more limited, you will end up using a lot of your hand trying to get the right damage number at the right time, at 11-12 wd's is when you start to struggle without it, but it becomes impossible with it. some of them may also seem really hard to achieve without it, but don't forget your using 1 less ap. also a lot of rams are required when using it


final note

this may become something worth taking if you can give levi fast, if levi gets 4 activations a turn he can take down a 20 wd model (I believe 14 is the highest in game) were without you stop at 16 wds and the card requirements become a little more reasonable, but splitting damage is still a lot worse with the upgrade

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I've gotten pretty good use out of it by hitting a model with Unnatural Wasting once or twice, and then just switching back to normal Unmaking damage once I've shaved off a fair amount of their hit points.  At a certain point, the base Unnatural Wasting damage becomes better than the half life damage, but that doesn't mean that Unnatural Wasting isn't a great way to soften up a model with his first AP. 

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ah,  I suppose yh it is a trigger so you don't have to use it, but it isn't amazing still in my opinion, I wasn't saying leaving a 14wd opponent at 2 is bad, im saying with or without the upgrade you get the same result, but I didn't think about not using the trigger, meaning you can kill a 14 wd model with the upgrade 14 to 7 to 4 then high damage up upgraded, so everything I wrote is wrong

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