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Lynch tactica(s)?


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Are there any good M2E tacticas for Lynch people can point me towards? I've played him for all of my (still relatively few) games of Malifaux and I'm still not sure I'm really getting the hang of him. "Apply Brilliance, apply death" seems like the main focus of his crew, which in general is hard to argue with. But I find I am struggling in situations where applying death is not necessarily the best choice, and there seem to be a lot of those. 

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If your struggling with him getting scheme marker based objectives done, especially ones that require a lot of movement I'd thoroughly recommend investing in Terror Tots which he can take when declared as Neverborn. They can recycle the Ace of  :mask with Lynch's ability so they can continuously use their Sprint action. This can move them 10" + Interact or 20" across the board. They also have Df 6 and Black Blood so they can be tough little buggers to deal with as well. 

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Terror Tots are definitely on the list. I've also heard Silurid work well with him as runners, but they don't have new models yet. I do wonder though, for missions like that it seems like there are other Neverborn masters (Lilith being the obvious choice) who would be better at it. If you had all of Neverborn at your disposal (which does not seem like a stretch ;) ), which strategies/schemes make you automatically reach for Lynch?


For a 50ss game where you knew you needed to grab objectives, what kind of list would you put together for Lynch? At 50ss I've generally been running pretty close to the same list, due to not owning many more models than the below:


Lynch: Woke Up, Endless Hunger, Expert Cheater

Hungry: Addict






2 stones


The crew doesn't work badly, but when I put it on the table against our veterans I am definitely feeling outclassed from the opening bell. Not enough activations, not enough movement, and if the mission calls for NOT killing something (Distract, Cursed Object, Prisoner, etc etc) I feel like too many of my models are standing around wondering what they are here for. 


Thanks again!

Edit: Mister Shine, I've read that through carefully and it is definitely a great resource. It doesn't quite hit the question I am running into though - what I really need I think is for someone to fill in the Tactics and Tips and Strategies and Schemes section of the wiki. When it comes to blowing a model out of its shoes I know what I am doing, it's everything else I'm struggling with. :)

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If I'm going with a purely themed crew with Lynch then I tend to lean more towards Turf War, Reckoning and Squatters Rights for Strategies, these then to play well into Lynch's crew as they don't need to move around all that much and they can often play into his strengths. Mr Tannen on the central marker for Squatters Rights or in the middle of the Turf War area is hilarious! 


As for Schemes the killing schemes such as Vendetta, Murder Protege, Assassinate etc are good ones for Lynch's themed crew as they are really good at dishing out the hurt. Additionally if things like Bodyguard or Protect Territory come up they are often pretty good for Huggy with Rising Sun (Bodyguard) and Beckoners are pretty sweet at Protect Territory as they can still affect the enemy from a large distance and maintain their markers in the back field. If Frame for Murder comes up I'll often use Depleted or Tots as they are fairly easy to take out with only Df 3, yeah they have HtW and HtK but it's not hard to get them killed. Cursed Object & Distract work well as the Illuminated can get into combat and last long enough to start spreading the conditions required. 


When it comes to things like Outflank, Breakthrough, Plant Evidence, Power Ritual I go immediately to the Tots as their superior movement means they can often outmaneuver the opponent and get the markers where they need to be. There are a few I wont take with Lynch, Entourage is one. I find Lynch kind of slow and he often lacks the AP to do what he needs to do to both support his crew and get to where he needs to be for full points. Spring the Trap is another because I find that I'm often not in a position to be putting down the scheme markers. 


Really it's a bit of trial and error but after trying a few different objectives with him you will find what works for you and what doesn't. It's all about selecting the right crew to get the job done. 

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I guess if you have missions that just require bodies on the table you could go with Depleted, which have Brilliance synergy and are models I already own.... what would you drop from my list above to find 8pts for two Tots/Depleted? My 50ss list above already feels pretty pared down - it's hard for me to see what I can afford to lose from it. 

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Tots definitely work well for a Neverborn Lynch crew, but don't overlook Gupps if Deliver a Message or Stake a Claim is up, as they can make just as effective a use of the Ace of Masks and they have decent defensive abilities in Silent & Perfect Camoflauge, as well as Companion.

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Good tip, thanks. I find that I have very limited awareness of the Wave-2 models - if it isn't something someone has specifically told me to go looking for I don't really have any sense for what they are. For instance, I couldn't have told you there was something called Gupps in the game until just now...

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Oh yeah, I forgot about Gupps, they are pretty good at scheme running. I don't play Neverborn as a faction. I'm basically dipping into them for Lynch and eventually Lucius when he's released as plastic but looking at the Gupps cards they are well suited to the role of objective running. Especially if you take them in a pair. 

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I have started to like Depleted's with Lynch, first I thought they are useless because of Insignificant but then I realized they are indeed minions so they really have their place as roadblocks and taking a stance. They are quite annoying to get rid of and when you do you get a nice prize, brilliance to the face and 2 damage. 


Mr. Graves I have usually liked a lot and he's close to auto include for me, mainly because I love the model, he came out great from the beta as well, I have been using him as a personal bodyguard for Lynch, with Show ya the door he can pull Lynch out of a situation where he doesn't want to be. Mr. Tannen can be situational but when he performs he performs well, due to Cooler, your opponent can save up that Red Joker all the wants for example but if he wants to cheat it in he needs to discard a card, it can be great if your opponent only has 1 high card in hand :D


I am still learning to play Lynch as well so this thread is solid gold! 

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This is a bit more of a meta question, but in looking at the responses here and the who to play when thread I am still struck by the notion that for each strategy/scheme pool there is probably a neverborn master that covers it better than Lynch.


For example, suppose you owned Lilith, Pandora, and Lynch, and had the models to support each. Other than "because I feel like playing Lynch", which is a completely valid reason, when would you pick Lynch over one of those two masters? It seems like if I need to add fast objective runners like Tots to my list I might as well switch out for Lilith, and if I have a mission that forces the enemy to cluster up and engage then Pandora would be the best choice I could make. What part of Lynch's expertise falls outside of those two?

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I like him for survivability.  Illuminated basically never die - my most regular opponent has managed to kill 1 total in the last two games, while they tied up models with their 2" melee.  They hold territory surprisingly well, while Beckoners remove the opponent from territory.  It's great for area denial.  Couple that with the fact he's basically one of our hardest hitting individual models (or so it seems), with a huge AOE buff, and the synergies are great.

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Those are all great points, and I am definitely not trying to say Lynch and his crew have no upside because they clearly have lots of them. But given that you know exactly what you will be trying to accomplish before picking your list, I am still trying to get a handle on what strategy/scheme combinations make Lynch your go-to guy. 


From Myth's and Joel's write-ups in the "When to Play Who" thread on these boards, and from my own limited experience, it very much seems like any combination of strategies/schemes you name either Lilith or Pandora would most likely be better at accomplishing it than Lynch. 


Edit: Looking over that thread again I'm going to strike the above, as that is probably too cut and dry a representation of their positions. Probably this whole question is a bit too cut-and-dry, so I will leave it be unless someone has a specific list they'd like to share.

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