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Five Leaders and 20 SS Exercize... Go!


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So here's a thought, might be fun to try out...


You can take 5 masters/hecnhpeople of the declared faction at no cost (1 SS for mercenary henchmen). Choose two to be the leaders for the sake of anything that uses that wording, and use the two leaders' caches, maximum of 10 SS. For models that come with henchmen "sidekicks" (such as Hungering Darkness or Ikiyro) these can count toward these five or not at your leisure, and an be one of the two leaders if the models that triggers its hiring is the other leader (the 2 viktorias, or lynch and Hungering Darkness).


Then you have 20 SS to hire as you would normally. You can hire more henchmen if you wish. You can also use the two leaders' abilities to hire out of faction (Marcus' beasts or Zoraida's Wp <5 living, etc). You can use in-faction upgrades, but only hire out-of-faction non-mercenaries from an upgrade or ability on one of the two leaders (for example, Leveticus has to be a leader to make use of his Pariah upgrades).


Standard deployment, ~3" hazardous terrain lava pool in the direct center, dense forest on your right side on the CL. Ht 3, 4" Hill with rubble (severe) 2" around the base on the left side of the CL. Your opponent has a Ht 3, 6" radius hill in his DZ and you have the Ht 5 ruins of a cathedral, Ht 2  to see through the open windows. You an walk through the cathedral easily toward your opponent.


Strat: Reconnoiter

Schemes: LiS, Cursed Object, Assassinate (kill both opponents' leaders), Bodyguard (unchanged), Breakthrough


What would you take? What would be your initial plan/permeutations of plans for the first few turns? Enjoy :)

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I've not come up with an answer,  but rather a query to the format.


Why are you stopping Hungering Darkness from being  a leader? If they want to spend one of their 5 free slots on a free model, they should be welcome.

"Free Models" - Hungering Darkness and Viktoria of Blood both cost 0. And are only eligiable with a certain master, so if I had that master, I'd just buy them for free anyway.

Both Lord Chompy bits and Izamu aren't hirable, and are only summoned.


I bet Nekema appears in most of the Neverborn lists, probably not as the leader.

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I've not come up with an answer,  but rather a query to the format.


Why are you stopping Hungering Darkness from being  a leader? If they want to spend one of their 5 free slots on a free model, they should be welcome.

"Free Models" - Hungering Darkness and Viktoria of Blood both cost 0. And are only eligiable with a certain master, so if I had that master, I'd just buy them for free anyway.

Both Lord Chompy bits and Ikiryo aren't hirable, and are only summoned.


I bet Nekema appears in most of the Neverborn lists, probably not as the leader.


Yeah, you're right bit of a silly clause there. I'll modify.


Any thoughts on the format?

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Bah - You're right I mean Ikayru not Izamu.

My list

5 Free models

Ironside -  Control the crowd
Ramos - Summon electrical creation, combat mechanic (or what ever  gives him healing from scrap) Arcane resevoir
Mei feng - Price of Progress, Vapourmancy, and the multi attack triggers upgrade.
Marcus - Gods Domain (Bonus damage and melee expert one)

20 SS
Electrical creation. (Plus all the upgrades for my "free"models)

Plan is to pull the enemy into a huge mosh with Ironside. Surround the enemy with Spiders and elctrical creations, so Mei can go to town on unlimited attacks, if the push away gets blocked by another model she can keep 2 models in her tiger claw range forever! And with the numebr of Spiders and Creations I'm hoping to summon that should be easy to sort out.
She can also use the scrap to railwalk as required.
Marcus will probably focus on scheme deployment and assination of key enemy models.
Joss is there to deal with otherwise hard to remove models due to his ability to ignore most defences.

Ramos is one leader, other probably depends on cache, so prehaps Joss.


Can't really pick schemes without knowing what opponents crew is (I'm not going to try and assasinate Leveticus for example, also not going to Bodyguard If they have the means to easily kill that model. Marcus would be pretty good at breakthrough or line in the sand if I pick those.

I'd try and activate RAmos late in the round to be able to kill any spiders which have picked up a cursed object. I might take cursed object myself if they don't have too many expendable models, or some tough to kill ones.

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