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Viks with Ama No Zako


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I've taken Ama No Zako with other Outcast Masters, but not with the Viks.


In my experience, Ama No Zako tends to do her own thing: she's fast enough to grab objectives and can eat enemy objective-grabbers (especially short ones) so they'll stay away.


She also does well just on the front lines pounding face.


So I don't know if she has any specific synergy with the Viks, but she's so good at working on her own that I suspect she'd do well with any Crew.

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What Hateful said. I, too, found that Ama basically does her own thing very well, she is comparable to Taelor in that regard.  Which is a very good thing to be... 


my only concern with her is that she does like her SS to be at her best, unless you are getting lucky with card draws.  And my Viks eat SS like candy, so as a result, I usually forgo any other SS user with my Viks, as not to be tempted to use them for anything but damage prevention and hand sculpting.


VS, who I find needs little stones, and Misaki and Tara who are moderate users at best are "better" fits for ANZ. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What Hateful said. I, too, found that Ama basically does her own thing very well, she is comparable to Taelor in that regard.  Which is a very good thing to be... 


my only concern with her is that she does like her SS to be at her best, unless you are getting lucky with card draws.  And my Viks eat SS like candy, so as a result, I usually forgo any other SS user with my Viks, as not to be tempted to use them for anything but damage prevention and hand sculpting.


VS, who I find needs little stones, and Misaki and Tara who are moderate users at best are "better" fits for ANZ. 




The only reason that I would personally take ANZ with the Viktorias is so that they have something that can charge models they can't, like stuff hiding behind terrain or snipers on rooftops. Flight is a big deal that fills a legit hole in the Vik's offense, and ANZ is the only place to get it.

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Promising Whisper could be very, very nice in the right situation (probably to move Vik B into position for a combo-charge). There's a potential for synergy between Bishop's Haymaker and Ama's Swallow You Whole. If you took and manifested Viktoria's Avatar, Ama would make a hell of a scary extra Sister.


My only problem with Ama is that she's so suit-dependent (and therefore stone-dependent, or luck-dependent) and the Viks don't appreciate that much.

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Looking at it a bit Ama with a Freikorp Trapper could be pretty fun. Give her the I Pay Better upgrade use her (0) to make them focus and discard when they activate to make them focus again thats two shots at 28 inches with  :+fate  :+fate to hit and :+fate damage on both...I may have to try that out in my next game. Ive also played with the idea of using the Howling Wolf Tattoo on Vanessa bringing a few Convict Gunslingers and maybe Lazarus. Turn the Viks into a shooty powerhouse and still have the ever present threat that they bring in melee.

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To get Ama and the Trapper to work together you need to have the Trapper activate first, discard for the focus, shoot and then for its last action focus again.  Then activate Ama and use the (0) action to get the second shot.  The problem is that when you use the Focus Condition it consumes all of the condition, so no using one +1 here and one +1 there.  Still possible but a little more unwieldy as your two shots are separated by an activation.

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