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a question about the protect territory scheme



after finishing a game i revealed one of my schemes, protect territory. i had decided to keep it hidden throughout the game. i was expecting to gain 3 vp for it, since i had 3 scheme markers that were at least 6 inches from my deployment. however, i was told i could only earn a maximum of 2 vp since i had chosen to keep it hidden.


after reading the rules of this scheme we were still in disagreement. when reading any scheme i'm to the understanding that you can always earn 3 vp unless it states otherwise. the opening explaination of this scheme states a "Crew gains 1 VP for EACH!! of its Scheme Markers which is at least 6" from its Deployment Zone". this is stated BEFORE it even mentions the bonus a crew would get if this scheme is chosen to be revealed instead.


interpreting the reveal portion is where we are in disagreement. to quote the book, "If this Scheme is revealed and this Crew earns at least 2 VP from this Scheme, it earns 1 additional VP". my friend beleives that since it states 2vp, that the only way to get that 3rd vp is by doing the reveal method of this scheme. i disagreed believing that ,1st of all, it says "atleast" 2vp, so right there i believe it is not setting a limit with regards to the hidden format of this scheme. if a player reveals wthis scheme and STILL gets 3 markers down on the table that conjures with the rest of the ruling of this scheme, then that 4th vp  that this revealed method would have awarded is wasted, this scheme has already maxed out its 3vp earnings worth.


so what it comes down to is i beleive the reveal method is just a more efficient way to get 3vp. A crew now ONLY has to guard 2 areas in order to earn 3vp. this  allows them to turtle/defend better, becuase now their crew is only responsible for 2 areas with regards to this scheme. the downside is, your enemy knows this.


opinions and thoughts would be appreciated.

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As far as I know you certainly can achieve 3 VP without revealing, as the scheme specifically tells you you get 1 VP for each example of the condition achieved.


The rules state you cannot gain more than 3 VP per scheme, but no where that I know of does it say your max VP per scheme is 2 unless you reveal.


From my cursory examination, and personal understanding of the rules, you are correct, announcing just makes it more efficient on you to gain 3 VP, but you could still earn 3VP if you didn't reveal, and had enough qualifying Scheme Markers with Guardians.

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Some schemes you can only get 3 vp from if you announce them. Protect territory is not one of them. If you have 3 markers and models protecting them, then you have 3 points. Break through is the same way you can drop 3 markers down and score 3 points but if you announced it you would only need 2.

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on a similar note, can one model score 2 markers?

it doesn't say they cannot, just that a friendly model must be within 2".


We have frequently placed 2 markers 4" apart, and then moved the figure in between them so it is within 2" of both.


never noticed before that you didn't have to reveal for 3VP tho..

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