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First proper game tomorrow, any tips?


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I'm having my first proper (2E rules and cards) game tomorrow against a buddy of mine, of 30SS. 

I'll be using Hamelin, and he will be using Lynch. We both got the starter boxes, and I have some additional rats and crooligans. 


Any things I should be aiming at doing, when using Hamelin, and anything in particular to look out for from Lynch and crew? I'm thinking "give stuff blighted" is usefull, but any other tactics to be aware of?

And for the future, what should I look towards buying to Expand upon Hamelin? 


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Be aware of the Brilliance condition, that turns The Illuminated's to hit like a freight train. Brilliance sources are Beckoner's, Lynch himself and Huggy. Also Lynch himself can do a lot of harm himself but he isn't the most durable of masters. 

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You will want to go with survivalist and the piper upgrades (and any other if you fancy!). Hamelin is pretty weak, and will go down easily. Survivalist is just extra insurance. Remember to keep a stolen nearby. Also, Hamelin and Nix can just shrug off the blighted condition if they like due to nihilist. The piper will give you an obey (which is awesome) and a no-charge 6" bubble, which helps a lot against illuminated who got a ridiculous threat range.

On the offense, since you are mainly going with his box set, get everything blighted and bleeding disease things dead. Use Nix and rats to give out blight. Rat catchers are pretty good at this too, but you will want their catch and release trigger foremost. Keep those guys safe to buy keeping rats nearby them for extra armor.

When you expand, look for 40mm bases and some rat king proxies. They are pretty good, and easy to get during the game. I like Killjoy when playing Hamelin, due to the lack of hitting power in the crew; that chubby fellow usually fixes that problem.

Good luck with your game!

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That obey actually reminds me, if he brings more than Illuminated, Obey one to hit the other one, it's hilarious as they are built in Brilliance, you get all the plus' and the bigger damage track and use their strength agaisnst themselves :)

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Thanks for the tips. Definately have to try smacking around his crew with his own models, sounds hilarious. 

I actually have a bunch of 40mm bases, for other projects, so I'll look into some suitable proxy for a Rat King (is this slated to get its own release sometime soon?)

and Killjoy. 


And I should be careful of getting brillianced, and be careful of the illuminated if/when models gets it. Got it. 


Thanks again guys!

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The best tips I can give are the standard tips I give:


Build a crew for the schemes and strategies.

Focus on the schemes and strategies.

Have fun.


And again I am missing the +flip icon. Please bring it back as Dracomax deserves a lot of them for this post. :D

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A bit late on the reply, seing as I had my first game friday, but to update:


My first ever game of Malifaux was fun, though I did end up loosing. I choose poorly among the schemes we flipped for, not remembering all my Stolen and Rats could not make scheme markers :rolleyes:


And due to poor playing on my side the rat Catcher and Obedient Wretch did not see melee or do anything useful the first turns...

And my opponent had some really good flips on his actions for the most part, and most of my damage dealt was just healed on the following turns/activations. 


But regardless, we both had fun, and I did pick up on a few things that I should and should not do the next time Hamelin and Lynch face off.

And since me and my opponent basically have starter sets it was kinda difficult to make lists tailored to schemes. We actually did this wrong, and had made lists beforehand.

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A bit late on the reply, seing as I had my first game friday, but to update:


My first ever game of Malifaux was fun, though I did end up loosing. I choose poorly among the schemes we flipped for, not remembering all my Stolen and Rats could not make scheme markers :rolleyes:


And due to poor playing on my side the rat Catcher and Obedient Wretch did not see melee or do anything useful the first turns...

And my opponent had some really good flips on his actions for the most part, and most of my damage dealt was just healed on the following turns/activations. 


But regardless, we both had fun, and I did pick up on a few things that I should and should not do the next time Hamelin and Lynch face off.

And since me and my opponent basically have starter sets it was kinda difficult to make lists tailored to schemes. We actually did this wrong, and had made lists beforehand.

Yep. FIrst time with a new crew is always tough, and never having played before, you had plenty of opportunities to learn. Glad you to hear you had fun, and as long as you remember what went well and what didn;t, the next game will go better.


Honestly, Given that you are a bit limited on crew selection at this point, It might not be a bad idea to play at 35 or 45 SS, rather than 50/ It would let you tailor your lists a little bit, and fewer SS means quicker games. Some crews will be a bit unbalanced, but for friendly, learning style games, it can help.

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