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Everything posted by Plaag

  1. just take map on ngatoro for any marker removal and if we are talking abt scheme-cadmus will summon through them
  2. i think summon is bad at all most of crews have limited resourses, but summoners makes resourses from air
  3. dont need llc when u have cash)) peacekeeper becomes judgement day weapon
  4. u need to look deeper maybe some new tactics abt using all these models
  5. hoffman is much more better in arcanists
  6. if pride was near meredith or emissary-than he is dead at the moment-just watch videos-meredith is almost always near nexus, emissary/effigy, archivist and there are a lot of e&e near, so killing them wont give anything exept of wasted actions and ss+cards to cadmus; also parker is very weak-in keyword only mad dog is A-tier; and how did parker went through 2 nests?
  7. maybe tomorrow, or on a days timestamps would be added to the games with ollih and axel
  8. no, havent got any time, maybe will play against personalglitch on a weak and im not going to take off the most efficient model im thinking to take 2 cash on 2 minions-that once per game card draw is insane we fight for initiative , i have spent 2 cards, than i have discarded weak 3 cards and draw 5 cards! insane
  9. i think maybe my mei feng could do something, i need to try but i think it will gonna work only once if opp doesnt know what im going to do
  10. i have started the game with dreamer not hoping to win, because ive lost games with my colette against that master)
  11. ill try, dont know abt already uploaded videos
  12. maybe u are a great player? but it seems like only on words))
  13. how can u kill even one nest with activation? i deployed them not to be in range of nekima second charge as i remember, so u need to win duel to hit nest, then to be lucky enough to deal moderate, but i deployed them 4" away from each other and even with 2 sucsessfull tacks, deals 5-6 dmg, black blood deals aditional 1 than nest activates and gives u parasite i think u dont really understand what u are saying
  14. all what u are saying-just empty words, maybe u would like to show what are u made of? as i told - my opp already knew abt what master im going to play and i didnt knew their choises, they tried to counter cadmus, i asked abt map every opponent, they were fine with maps
  15. just imagine what would happen if i didnt flip those cards with archivist turn 3
  16. zipp/cadmus 6:6 corner/symbols maybe cadmus is not so broken? check the video and tell me what u think
  17. and how i changed list in 2 last games? and when i asked ollih and kharnage-they knew that i would play cadmus, and i didnt know their master
  18. meredith, hopefil prospect, lots of shielded, exosceletal connection and transmutation, also cryptologist trigger on bonus-the burning will not stack well and treasure map will remove some pyres; kaeris is not top tier master like nexus or dreamer
  19. 6:5 cadmus wins played standart, symbols c&r, sabotage, hid martyrs, runic,take prisoner i played not good, but somehow wins; it was my first victory vs dreamer( ihave tried 5-6 times against this master, but lose; 4 times with colette, 1 time with kaeris) dreamer is broken too, but cadmus have more resourses i had master, totems, meredith, cryptologist, effigy, ngatoro, archivist+cash, spelleater+cash opp had dreamer, totem, 2daydream+pact, serena, stitched, weawer, madness, 2 dolls i felt no apathy or frustration as i feel playing dreamer with arcanists, and i played against best dreamer in russia, and i think in the world at the moment
  20. u can see recorded games and think abt balance, but u cannt see real life games
  21. suggestions: totems-combined hp8+htw, puny meredith-vial once per activation, increase tn by 8 nexus- can draw los and range in aura of 10, not 12" without los, remove siphon power, give suit on summon, increase tn; make her second bonus action as atack/enemy only ; remove after resolving timing from upgrade trigger we are legion - make wording right: to model that has been not chosen by any we are legion ability this activation archivist-ill omens 1, make his ignoring htk and demise only if opp doesnt discard a card on crows trigger, remove vanish trigger from bonus action, remove card drawing from his atack, make his dmg track 3/4/5 emissary/effigy-healing onece per activation cryptologist - make his action not for replacement effects at the start of activation eyes and ears-mindless, remove demise spelleater-make his bonus action as atack/enemy only
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