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Everything posted by Moinetbeard

  1. Thanks very much! Yes minako was especially enjoyable to paint! Ha, perhaps I went a bit over the top with the gore on the katashiro, but I wanted to try out making some drips for the hands with some uv resin so excess blood seemed important. It didn't work perfectly, so a bit of practice needed on that technique I think!
  2. This month I've been making up for lost time in March, here's what I've done so far for my last blossom crew: quite pleased with how they came out and also that I finally settled on a theme for the bases. i still have a little bit of last blossom stuff to finish off before the end of the month, Wanyudo to go with minako and the katashiro as well as 2 katanaka Snipers and a katanaka crime boss. Im also really pleased that I finally finished this carrion emissary that I built about 2 years ago and never got round to finishing. I'm happy with how it turned out in the end (and i can't get Surfin' Bird out of my head since).
  3. Oh wow, that blue and pink combo is gorgeous and striking.
  4. @DiddickI love the dark and sinister theme you have for your Urami- very creepy and appropriate. I find your use of colour and tonal ranges within such a muted pallete really inspiring. @Virukloving those void beasties- thank pink against the greens and browns is surprising and intense- love it. @LinenMusicianthose pelts look luscious - you've captured the texture really nicely (also your cat is gorgeous). @Kogan Stylethat calypso is brilliant- I love anything off white and dirty, but you've really pushed it there. It reminds me of some heresy-era deathguard I painted once, although showcased on a bigger model it works so well! I'm so glad that I found this challenge because it's really pushed me to actually start painting my stuff again. Seeing everyone else's work is really inspiring, even if my painting is not on the same level. Unfortunately I've not achieved my pledge this month- I have actually painted an entire infinity army for a tournament this month and my plan was to go back to malifaux for the latter half of the month but alas, the dread C has struck- I spent last week looking after poorly kids and wife and the last few days I've been in bed with it as well. Rather than rush, I'll show my progress so far and pledge to make up the difference next month so as to stay in the challenge. So here is a (not great) pic of my carrion emissary so far. Its a big model, but I wanted to make it bigger with a scenic base. I've attempted to capture the instance of a coffin bursting from the ground, pushed up by many undead hands.
  5. I was I going to work on some other bits and pieces for this months pledge, but seeing as the theme is bases I thought I'd get this completed. I bought it before I had played malifaux because I loved the model and wanted to do something cool with the base but never followed through... so I've just whipped this up.. its getting a few helping hands! Just needs a bit of texture paint and static grass tufts. Im also loving the green stuff world uv resin at the moment so will probably find a way to work that in, maybe some nasty looking drips coming from the casket. Alongside this I'll do the Effigy and probably some decorative coffin markers with the same theme. Happy painting in March everyone, can't wait to see what you all do!
  6. This month's pledge (my first) has really got me back into actually striving to finish my models. I shared my Izamu earlier in the thread, but here he is again, I also rescued (sort of) a horribly base-coated Shang that I had acquired at some point. It took a fair bit of brushing and Dettol to get it back to back to paintable condition. Also completed some poor illuminated that will see some time on the table with my growing Lynch crew. A total of 23SS. Outside of Wyrd I painted up a Blood Angels biker Chaplain as I wanted to try out my new Artis Opus brushes on a power armoured model and I have also been attempting to work through some of my infinity backlog, especially my shasvastii as I want to use them in a tournament next month. If anyone is interested here are some of my Yu Jing and a Shasvastii Sphinx which was painted in a simple scheme using colour shift paints. All in all, my most successful painting month in years.
  7. Thank you! That's some of the Green Stuff World UV setting resin. It's great stuff! You can mix it with a tiny drop of paint for some colour if you like, but here I've just used it clear, straight from the bottle.
  8. Hello all! I came across this painting challenge whilst looking for a bit of inspiration for my 2e Izamu mini that has been on my shelf for ages. I've never played malifaux, but bought a load of the minis a while ago because they were gorgeous. I thought I'd join in with this to get some of them painted, get some feedback and hopefully build a couple of cool looking crews. And who knows I may actually get to pay a game with them one day! Anyway, this is my Izamu I finished last night. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been working on!
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