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Everything posted by Diddick

  1. Back to Yan Lo’s crew, the ashigaru:
  2. Not much to add to the painting tips, the more you work on it the more you'll know your tools and your skills and the better results you'll get from them. And about the pics, those 2 quick videos gave me the ABC on mini photo shooting Basics of the setup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFN77P-SN60 How to take nice pics with your smartphone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZtE6HWXg0E My setup is pretty simple: I use 2 lamps with a white cloth around them to soften the light, and then a black t-shirt lying over my open laptop screen to be the background/base. Then is just a matter of focus and adjust the brightness. I never zoom, neither take the pic too close to the mini, I'd rather adjust the size and the desired position in the pic later. here s a pic: Just do some tests with the camera settings and the bg colors and find the setup that better suits your needs. Hope this helps.
  3. Thanks! I was afraid that the final result would be too colorful, but at the end i was pretty happy with the not-so-creepy more cartoony looks. What is a shame is that the dust storm and the A&D sand whirlwind colors are different, and i prefer the dust storm one, but... I made it so long ago that i couldn't remember what palette i used to get the result. 😕
  4. I recently finished A&D for the painting challenge: And here's with his parts
  5. And here's my January pledge finished, Ashes & Dust (for 9 SS) is finally done, pretty happy with the result: And just adding a "family" pic, I had the Ashen Core and the Dust Storm done since a while ago And already presenting the pledge for February, the Goryo: I'll try to do a fast paint job on those guys, i had such a bad time assembling them that now I kinda hate them
  6. Here's my Yan Lo crew: Close up of the master: And his totem, the Soul Porter. I tried some heavy OSL in this one:
  7. I had the same problem with the uploads, what i did is: upload the images to imgur or a similar site, and to attach them use the “insert other media” button and “insert image from url”. This does the job. But I m new at this too, so maybe the forum veterans can guide us to a better way.
  8. I did! I joined it recently, I'll try to finish an ashes & dust in january.
  9. More outcast stuff, my malifaux rats: Put some love in those guys bases to try to make them all look different.
  10. Hello everyone, I began playing and painting Malifaux less than a year ago, during this time I've seen amazing minis around in the forum, and finally I'd like to share some of mine. Here's my first crew, Leveticus: Here's a close up of Levi: I'll hopefully keep posting stuff, hope you people enjoy it, comments are more than welcome
  11. Hi @Caedrus! i’d like to join the enforcer pledge (but hopefully I’ll do way more than this... :D) my Jan submission will be this Ashes And Dust I have half done since mid December. Also a skeak peek of my shelf of shame, all of them can be the next months submissions.
  12. I really like it! The minis look great, and the “clean” water gives an amazing contrast that will really make the minis pop in the battlemat.
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