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Everything posted by Microft

  1. Hello, i have the same question. is it possible to do only TTB Henchman? TTB is a very good RPG, but not so much people know about it. best regards Microft
  2. Hello hemgath, can you upload the photoshop files? best regards Microft
  3. is the release date changed? wayland changed it to 207 days!!
  4. A question about subordinates. When i give a order action, then the subordinate flip the skill or is it only when they attack? I know in the defense they dont flip, except you have the defense protocoll general talent.
  5. Hello, have subordinate characters skill triggers? How is it with NPC characters? best regards Microft
  6. @Mako or others I´m new with TdB. I´m looking for a fillable char sheet for out first game. The link from Mako dosn´t function anymore. Can someone Upload the file again?
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