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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Greetings everyone! Wish I could say I'm busy at GenCon, but alas, I'm still in Norway and back at the office after a much needed (yet too short) vacation. Summer is waning, and it's time to get back to painting! I still have quite a few nephilim that are in desperate need of paint, so I'll be focusing on chipping awway at that those for another month or two, then I'll have a sliding transition to my recently acquired new crew... The Returned! Feels like I've been waiting forever for their release and now I finally have them! What will you guys be painting this month?
  2. Vacation and all, not much time this month to do much, but I did manage to squeeze out some quick and dirty hounds, fresh off the shelf after a long overdue errata😆
  3. Tehcnically you would be out, but I think we should allow it seeing as you painted double in July. But you'll have to stay in the race the rest of the challenge
  4. @djmacbest: you have one mulligan during the challenge. That means you can fail to reach your goal one month. Then you have one byuback, that you can use once to buy back the mulligan by doing double your pledge another month. It should be explained with more detail here:
  5. While I'm still chipping away at my nephilim, I did get my returned crew (excluding the urnbearer box) yesterday! So looking forward to painting and playing these guys! I like how colourful you have made yours, but I'll probably go down a different route with mine (not quite sure yet). I'm halfway done with my models this month, but been batchpainting, so taking some time 😉
  6. Sorry for the late post. Got got work up to my ears at the office before I get to go on vacation😱⚠️ But here we are, July well on it's way and past the halfway mark for this years challenge. What will you guys be painting this month? Or will you do like most of us norwegians and take the month off from work and go on vacation? (I do hope I have time for both😬)
  7. There really isn't that much to figure out. The purpose of this challenge is basicly just to get people to paint their stuff, and apparently people tend to do just that more often when there is a set of rules you have to follow. Whether you've been with us for a while or completely new doesn't really matter. Get your painting game on, and show it off😁
  8. You're not alone! I had a decent drive going at the start of the month, but then it just went out. Don't really know why, but I just didn't feel like painting for a while. Love the colours and OSL on the bugs❤️
  9. Out of the 4 keywords I'd say Pandora 2 is the most important title, and Dreamer2 a good second. Serena is the only versatile healer in the entire faction, so she's kind of a must have regardless of keyword. I think you got a pretty decent coverage with those 4 masters and don't really "need" any more to play competitively. I think you can manage without bandersnatch, but when it comes to moving around the board scheming, the spider-duo really works well. Even though I don't always play it, they are a no-brainer in certain pools. Hayreddin, aversion and lyssa isn't really a big deal if you don't have. There are other options. However, if you play Pandora 2, you're severely limiting her summon options. Even though i go for summoning sorrows 4 out of 5 times, that one time where you want an aversion to stop your opponent for scoring will feel terrible...
  10. For now at least. You're not the first to point out issues with the half-bloods, so Wyrd will hopefully get around to them again at some point. Sadly the list of models in need of some adjustments is quite long...
  11. She's not nephilim and does not have black blood so shaman can't give her focus.
  12. Bloodwretches are decent schemers after they got an errata, but the rest are a rather sad bunch of shelfwarmers. Angeleyes does have some play with Lucius1, agent and doppelganger if you want to surprise your opponent with a neverborn gunline crew, although it has a rather limited usefulness if your opponent has means to deal with it
  13. Hawkoon


    No, it didn't come out wrong at all. I was certain it was the base that blew my cover. Quite flattered that it wasn't😁 (But I'm still tired of painting those bases though😆)
  14. Hawkoon


    Thank you for the nice comments! I'm close to running out of these base inserts, and I guess it has become somewhat of a signature, so probably wise to avoid them for the next competition. (I getting pretty tired of painting them anyway...) Let's see if you can spot my entry next time @Shock & Awe 😉 @Cognitive_Thoughtworks don't know if I can provide a recipe, but it basicly to paint the white of the eye first, then draw a thin line around the iris and block out the pupil. After that you fill inn the iris with desired colour (in this case red) Then shade it down where shadow would fall, and use thin lines towards the pupil as highlights. Finally I top it off with a white dot where you'd get the reflection of the sun (or moon, or whatever lightsource you want to imitate) There are of course many minor stages where I glaze transitions, but that's nothing special in this case. On this model I also lined the the eyeball with blood for the blood god to make them appear bloodshot.
  15. Hawkoon


    And rightfully so. You should be proud, it's great👏
  16. As someone already guessed, this was my entry for Heavy Metal.
  17. Hawkoon


    This one does a lot of things very right. You've got the warm red-orange inner glow that compliments the dominant very cool chrome colour and a clear focal point to the model. The chrome also comes off as convincing from most angles, which is a hard thing to pull off properly! Looking a bit closer the technical execution is a bit lacking and small details seem overlooked. And I find that a bit odd as the right colours are in the right places to get the awesome chrome effect and the illusion of a hot glow. I'm actually quite baffeled by the fact that one can achieve such a good result without being a technical brush virituoso... 🤯 (and that brings hope to the rest of us😆) Anyway,.. great work! Love it!
  18. Hawkoon


    @Brad Maynes This is of course nitpicking. I too think it's a great piece of work. The technical skill of the artist is way beyond my own, but I do know a thing or two about colour theory and composition that I think might help to push the artist even further next time🙂
  19. That's a really nice green hue! Very vibrant, and goes well together with the pink, turquoise and bone. I just can't get over how big that model is... I got mine assembled and ready for paining, and it doesn't really "feel" like a huge model. But then looking at that 50mm base, it just looks so incredibly small...
  20. First of (hopefully) many posts this month, as I plan to get most of the nephilim keyword finished. Starting out with bloodhunter and a couple of shamen😈 (14SS so far)
  21. Hawkoon


    The technique, skill and brushcontrol on this one is so exceptionally good, that I don't really have words... This is world class level stuff. However, I think the entry as a whole is a bit dull with very little variance in texture and colouring. Almost everyting is basicly the same, so the exceptional parts kinda just fades into this one flat object. I'd love to see some variance between the hull and the "tools" or whatever they are.
  22. Hawkoon


    The metal on this is so subtle and smooth that I'm having a hard time figuring out if this is TMM or NMM. Either way, it's convincingly well executed without relying on the show-off effect that is too often present among NMM painting. The shading is generally smooth and subtle with a crisp finish. The colour compsition and lighting seems throughly considered and works well together. All in all a great piece, and one of my clear favourites in this category👏
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