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Posts posted by Regelridderen

  1. I do have a hard time accepting the MWS ruling with the (un)Bury-rules. 


    But then again it’s what keeps Bete in the game. So I prefer a house rule over shelf fillers any day 😊

    @ConfuciuSay your idea might be a little flawed. When your list is generating corpse markers with a purpose, you’re actually hampering that by introducing another use for them. 

    There’s a lot of resource management in Malifaux. E.g. it’s common for keywords and factions to focus on a particular suit, but if you run a crew entirely based on Crow-triggers, you’ll be struggling to get them all off, while 3/4 of your deck will have very little magic to it. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    But every Gencon a new book comes out and the cycle continues so it isn't one year but rather a constant state of things under the current balancing model. Explorers were nerfed hard last errata and I expect titles to be nerfed hard in next year's errata (hope!) and then the next book will get nerfed in 2024 and so on.

    You know… I can live with that. It’s not perfect, but it’s okay 😊

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    A cynic might note that Wyrd's balancing style where they balance old stuff but new stuff is left alone for a year and a half means that the power creep is even more focused on new stuff than in other games :P

    I mean, the facetious title of this thread came from the observation that without the titles the game would be in a very balanced state right now. But titles weren't touched so the power spikes remain and are actually more pronounced. Because, somewhat weirdly, the old powerhouses like pre-nerf Dreamer and Von Schtook and so on would've been right at home at the upper echelons of the title power levels.

    Absolute. I just choose not to go the cynic route 😉 I mean, Wyrd’s game design is just two guys after all.

    Rather than complain about balance issues, I’d rather focus on how they’ve managed to make a 100+ variations in playstyle aligned with model themes. All masters are fun to play, even if there are some match-ups that clearly favour one over the other. I’m closing in on my twentieth keyword, and even if there are some I prefer over others, I’ve had good fun playing all of them. 

    And one year isn’t much, I’m with this game for the long haul.

    • Like 3
  4. Malifaux is a living game. The meta changes as Gaining Grounds are released and models are brought in line. It’s not perfectly balanced, as some keywords are very versatile, and others are only good in the right match-up and circumstances.

    It needs to be everliving, because we as players enjoy the change and newness, when things go stale we migrate to new and exciting things.

    I applaud wyrd for their ambition, when deciding to double the masters in the game, and sure some things are silly and out of bounds, but what we’ve seen so far is that the OP stuff is brought in line even if they reign for a while e.g. Shen Long, Colette, Dreamer, Ivan etc., and now Kirai and Yan Lo has their time to shine. The new masters are great in giving new players the toolbox to deal with more objectives with a limited model collection, even if it means they have to deal with a doubly complex meta - so it’s double edged.

    Unlike GW style power creep games, as we also in other manufacturers like Corvus Belli. Wyrd at least seems dedicated to aim for balance - even if they don’t get it right the first time.


    What I’d love to see, would be Wyrd ressurecting the initial draw of M3E, the keyword synergy, the master only abilities etc. I hoped that would be their design philosophy, but we do see some masters that are just too good with no drawbacks e.g. Summoners with great card draw like Perdita or summoning that drains your opponents resources like Kirai2.

    But all in all Malifaux is still the best mini game I’ve played.

    • Like 2
    • Agree 4
  5. Thanks @Fetid Strumpet for your input. There aren’t many range dominant crews in my meta, and I’ve got no problem seeing the issues the Mourners would have here. And I’m still just a handful of games in with the redchapel, but so far the mourners have served me surprisingly well. My initial reaction were that they were overcosted (I’d love to see them with Incorporeal to give the crew some mobility and suit their sculpt), but I’m undoubtedly in for a game where they fail me miserably 😊


    • Like 1
  6. @Fetid Strumpet that’s why Grave Spirit’s Touch is doubly important on the Mourners. 

    As they bring their own corpse markers, two mourners can start pulsing out double focus to the whole crew via Blasphemous Ritual, and as you start killing you can bring them in to replenish the focus.

    And through Feed on Grief/Scarlet Temptation they can fairly reliably deal 4-8 damage at 8” - not too shabby for an 8 Stone minion. 

    However their greatest feat doesn’t lie in, what they do, that’s fairly incidental. It’s more in ensuring that the rest of the crew can do what they’re there for. 

    Can you be more specific in how they failed you?

    • Like 1
  7. Seamus was my fourth master in M2e, although he lived his life in anonymity, while I focused on neverborn and arcanists.

    Yet, I just put him on the table, and let me say the Redchapel Romancer is one of the funniest keywords - and quite oppressive as well.

    Here’s my take :

    Building The Redchapel Crew

    Everyone knows, when Seamus enters the room, you bring out all your Ruthless models.

    This is why, my first two models are the Mourners. Bringing those two lovely ladies ensures your defense is up and running. I defend them even further with Grave Spirit’s Touch, bringing even more terrifying, and ability to start pulsing out focus Turn one. Later on they just float about stripping Ruthless and Feeding on Fear - which goes great with Scarlet Temptation.

    My third pick is the lovely Sybelle, she is such a nice force multiplier, able to throw opponents into Seamus’s aura of death. Having those this sexy duo, means that people are hard pressed vs Seamus.

    And that’s it for the stables 25 stones, after this comes either :

    The Emissary, dependant on the board. There’s usually plenty blocking terrain around here, and Seamus can usually create corpse marker on his own, so I’m less of an emissary fan, but if the terrain isn’t up to Seamus’s advantage I bring mr. Big bird.

    Yin he was popular along with Chiaki in M2e. I still like this guy, more feed on fear, and able to push opponents into a “Hello Love!”.

    Bete Noir she’s almost a stable, rise again means she’ll pop out in the most inconvenient places and hit people three times.


    I generally prefer Terrifying to bank on Scarlet Temptation and stripping Ruthlessness and I go for fast and mobile models wanting to rule positioning, I also look for Wp attacks, but there are others :

    Dead Doxies banking on “Hello Love!”, the doxies are nice for controlling positioning and shoving opposing models into Seamus’s death trap. And stripping Focus and handing out Distracted is a great way to neuter opponents. 

    Rotten Belle they’re cute. Put people on negative Wp, hit them with Unassuming Demeanor, push them to trigger Pounce and hit them twice. No one expects a 5 stone minion to deal 9 damage in one activation, but with a fairly simple setup Rotten Belles can - can - can.

    - I often choose doxies over belle’s due to the versatility of Take by the hand. But still Unassuming Demeanor with Unexpected Ferocity are scary in action. And Belle’s do take the ball vs HtW Ressurs ☠️


    Playing the Crew

    My tactic in general is for Seamus to be everywhere and do everything. 

    Enemy scheme runner on the flank - Send Seamus and two severes; BOOM!

    Some large beater tearing up the center? - Bring Seamus back; BOOM!

    I want Seamus to be where the enemy is, but more importantly I want him to be surrounded by his lovely Ladies. Their mere presence makes Seamus impregnable by combining Terrifying and Scarlet…, so I always bring Seamus back to where the action is. Spending his active turn on the flanks, then coming back - Secret Passage, Focus, Shoot, Secret Passage.

    Madame Sybelle commands all the action of course. She loves masks (even more so on cards than the one she wears). Her most important use of them is to whip people and have them Pulled Here and There. Not only does it trigger Hello Love, but it also hands out Distracted from Bump in the Night making it even harder to strike Seamus back. 

    This effect quickly accelerates, when Yin or the Doxies join the fray. And as mentioned before, when you’ve got Mourners hovering about, taking pot shots with Feed on Fear (with negatives), opponents quickly learn  why Redchapel is such an unwelcoming neighbourhood. 



    The crew has little card draw, so you need to plan ahead, Seamus likes a couple of 7s for his Hidden Passage, and he’ll want at least one severe for cheating his damage, and Sybelle needs a 6 for Undivided Attention. The crew doesn’t need much, but Wp duels with a :-flipis key to making the most of your hand.

    The Suits

    :ramThese goes for Unexpected Ferocity. A nice case for Rotten Belles is that their attack can usually make good use for even low rams. No one likes taking 5 damage, on a weak card, from a 5 Stone minion. High rams are often used for Bete or Sybelle’s Critical Strike’s if you haven’t setup properly Distracted targets. 

    :tome Are of little use to the crew. Their best use is Yin’s Grasp with Viscera if it can trigger Seamus or Sybelle. Or Incidentally showing off the minions Beautiful Clothes

    :mask are the bread and butter. Seamus can get his minions Scarlet… in place with Get in there! While Sybelle and Yin uses them for Pulled here and there.  Yin and the Mourners have On your heels, which is always an unpleasant surprise. + Confused Feelings are abundant. 

    :crow Seamus’s Execute is always great, the incidental kill is always sexy, but more for the drain on stones/hand. More interesting is his Daze, handing out Stunned (+ Distracted + a Seamus attack). High crows is definitely reserved for the handsome haberdasher. Yet there is good opportunity to hand out Slow and force discards elsewhere. 

    The Unmentionables

    I never take the Dandies. I’ve seen them put to good use, providing corpses, but I’m not that reliant on corpses, they mostly just go to mourners pulsing out focus. + I do not own the Dandies, so that makes the choice even easier. My main concern is their lack of synergy in the basic combination of Terrifying/Scarlet… which is the base for the crew. 


    A good table for Seamus requires plenty of blocking terrain, but also a certain degree of openness to benefit from the auras in the crew.  This usually isn’t a problem, but it can happen - and that is when you bring on the Big Bird. 

    Armour is annoying. With little opportunity to bypass it and no big damage spikes, bar Seamus, there’s nothing much to do, but grind away and distract.

    Construct and Incorporeal opponents are a nuisance for not leaving corpse markers. This is mostly felt by Bete Noire, so I wouldn’t bring her against those. 


    Damage prevention for keeping Seamus and Sybelle alive is key. Seamus fear spiky damage, so stoning for :-flipis a good use, as he can regain the rest.

    Sybelle’s Pulled Here and There will often pay itself off.

    I aim for six stones and wouldn’t go for less than 4.

    Opponent’s view

    Playing against Redchapel can be somewhat of an NPE, as it feels like you’re just pounding on rotting flesh. You need to put an end to the negative flips on the Terrifying tests. Meaning melee requires a lot of fancy footwork, but it’s important to remember that Scarlet Temptation does not work for lone models. So isolation or coming in from the right vector is key to making the kill. Bar Seamus the Redchapel is hardly a mobile crew and can’t ignore terrain. Seamus is the breadwinner of course, and like any other pimp, his girls will scatter once he is gone. His biggest fear is guns, once he’s out of his protective bubble he’s only got HtK and Terrifying(12) to protect him. So focused shots will do a number on him - if you can get to him. 

    Seamus in turn loves to see Melee heavy crews particular Neverborn with their low/average Df and reliance on Terrifying. 

    • Thanks 2
  8. Still trying to figure out how to use Lucius2, I sent him out to trap the mad haberdasher of Redchapel, but Seamus was dead set on not coming along. Read on to see how it went.

    The game was :

    Turf War - Flank Deployment

    Vendetta, Hidden Martyrs, Detonate Charges, Catch and Release, Death Beds.

    Terrain Choosing side was important, as two corner objectives were hidden in dense forests, meaning whoever got in there would have two spend a couple of turns there, meanwhile little severe water holes meant you couldn’t just rush in a straight line. The other half of the board was heavy on blocking terrain, so perfect for Dishonorable and Seamus alike. This was going to be a dirty back alley brawl.

    Lucius, Dishonorable + Scribe

    Alan Reid - Boring Conversation, Diversion and Nefarious Pact, everything else is just gravy.

    Investigators x2 - Stand back… and Remove Evidence for card draw and mobility, while being cheap min(3) beaters.

    False Witness w. Ancient Pact - Primarily for False Claim synergy with Investigators, but are deceptively dangerous.

    Guild Lawyer w. Ancient Pact - the plan was to obey the investigators with adversary for to ensure no undead was left alive.

    A Cyclops - an unusual choice, but dumping ice pillars to pulse out Staggered seemed like a power combo.

    Schemes - Hidden Martyrs (False Witness + Lawyer), Detonate Charges


    Seamus w. The Whisper + The Copycat Killer

    Madame Sybelle - Seamus’s beautiful matron seems like such a force multiplier in her current edition.

    Bete Noir - I honestly didn’t think much of this one, but the model was too good looking to pass down.

    Mourners w. Grave Spirit’s Touch x2 - an unpopular choice, but half the reason for fielding Redchapel was that I just painted these up. Yet stripping Reckless and pulsing out Focus seemed like a reasonable purpose. And Range8 attacks vs negative Wp had a nice ring to it.

    Rotten Belle x2 I was on the fence about these order doxies, ultimately it came down to the two extra stones.

    Schemes - Vendetta (Mourner vs. Cyclops), Catch and Release (the other Mourner).


    The Game

    Round One terrain caused issues on unpacking both sides, but as usual the False Witness / Investigators caused the Elites to run up the board at an incredible pace. Realising the threat of the cyclops, Seamus tried to blast it’s head off, but the Old Ways proved too much even for a .50. The cyclops in turn managed to throw an ice pillar to block the path of the Redchapel crew. So in blind fear Madame Sybelle charged the hulking brute, but to no avail and she received a few slaps in return from Lucius. Bete Noir and Alan Reid secured a corner objective each.

    Round Two things got dirty as a Mourner moved into position to deny Lucius his ruthlessness. He in turn jumped to engage and stagger the copycat, a mourner and the two Belle’s then proceded to rip a Belle in half. Seeing that Sybelle was engaged by two investigators and a cyclops a mourner blasted the brains of one of the investigators. Seamus jumped in the fray and killed off the petulent Cyclops (forgetting all about Vendetta). While Lucius suddenly realised the danger in being on negative Wp flips against a Belle, three strikes, a stone and 4 health later, he regretted not just beating on Sybelle. Bete grumbled, while securing the objective yet again, but then noticed how a False Witness had moved dangerously close the dead cyclops corpse, and she then teleported to kill the witness. Realising the investigator was out on the deep end, the scribe called him to the center objective, but Sybelle followed, but got killed in return, when Alan Reid had another question for her last health point - causing the undead to lose their strat marker.

    So after a messy round. Lucius scored a point of strategy, while the undead scored a point for catch and release. 1 - 1

    Round Three Seamus decided to assassinate Alan Reid, warned by the Whisper about a Black Joker on damage, but with a little sheananigans, he managed to blow Alan’s head off. Realising the dangers of Seamus, Lucius jumped back to stagger him, and ignoring Seamus’ “Hello love…” he order the investigator to engage, yet the only death was from the investigator, as he got backstabbed by a Mourner. A guild lawyer obeyed the mourner to hurt Seamus, but even though he failed, he had the mourner dump an important scheme marker. While Bete and a Belle secured a strat marker each.

    So Lucius managed to score Detonate Charges, While Seamus scored his first strat point. 2 - 2

    Round Four Seamus opened the round by blowing Lucius’s head off. A Mourner moved in position and killed The Scribe and Bete turned up from a pool of blood and ripped the heart out of the Guild Lawyer.

    It was bloody… and none of the Neverborn were left for round five, giving Seamus free reign. Seamus managed another two strat points and of course the last point for Catch and Release. Final Score 5 - 2


    Wow! Those Mourners were golden, and once I realised that Bete doesn’t need to buried to pop out of a corpse marker, I understood the point of her (although I think she cheated and forgot that the False Witness had gotten Shielded +2). Scarlet Temptation is really key to making the crew work, while the pushes, pounce and Hello Love… is something to be aware of. I really like the Redchapel Crew. I wasn’t particularly impressed with Belles, but then again a single Belle did hit Lucius for 3x 3 Ht in one activation, althoughanother time I’ll probably test put Doxis instead.

    On the other side, the Lucius crew does struggle. Great card draw and Intimidating Authority wasn’t enough, you really need to take care, you don’t overextend - especially vs. a crew that can punish you like Seamus’s Redchapel. Being based on out of turn activations didn‘t work well either. The cyclops did show potential, but maybe Investigators are in fact more of a gimmick. Of course it didn’t help taking those Terrifying checks on negatives. Hopefully it just needs more exercise.


    What do you think? And what crews would you like to see in the dojo : Marshalls, Family, M&SU, Performers, Machina, Ancestor/Retainer, Redchapel, Forgotten, Nightmare, Woe, Elite/Mimic, Last Blossom, Wastrel and/or Crossroads 7?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. I’ve got eighteen keywords, yet only find opportunity to get out and play once or twice a month. So while trying to figure out adding Lucius, Dishonorable to my neverborn repertoire, I decided to try and play him vs one of my untried ressurs : Yan Lo.

    The game was :

    Corrupted Ley Lines - Flank Deployment

    Assasinate, Claim Jump, Hidden Martyrs, Vendetta and Catch and Release

    Terrain plenty of blocking terrain, of particular note was two large forests (dense, severe, concealing) covering the center and flank objective, while the other flank, saw it’s marker high on a Ht3 rock.

    Lucius, Dishonorable + Scribe

    Mysterious Emissary - to take advantage of the forest terrain and hand out Staggered

    Alan Reid - Boring Conversation, Diversion and Nefarious Pact, everything else is just gravy.

    Investigators x2 - Stand back… and Remove Evidence for card draw and mobility, while being cheap min(3) beaters.

    False Witness x2 w. Ancient Pact - Primarily for False Claim synergy with Investigators, but are deceptively dangerous.

    Schemes - Assassinate, Hidden Martyrs (False Witness + Investigator)

    Yan Lo w. The Whisper + Soul Porter

    Manos - Fast, hard-hitting, he seemed like a great pick to ensure the ball would get the objectives.

    Yin - Like Manos, she seemed like a good pick for strategy

    Chiaki - Seemed like good support, removing conditions, pushing and handing out upgrade - and I ended up cheating with her.

    Izamu - a big indestructible murder machine, what’s not to like.

    Komainu w. Gravespirits Touch - a tough little guy to take the hit and run schemes.

    Schemes - Claim Jump (Izamu), Vendetta (Komainu + Investigator).


    The Game

    Round one was unpacking, and I was amazed at the amount of movement and card draw the Elite crew had the investi-witness combo was smoking, and it drew 6 cards/turn. The crew aimed for center while sending the emissary to prepare for grabbing the flank forest objective.

    Meanwhile the Ancestors homed in on the center, while setting up to grab the flank objective on the rock next turn. Again I was amazed at the speed this crew performed.

    The turn ended with Lucius bouncing in, staggering half the Ancestors and pulled out to guard the objective on the high rock. Both crews scored their home objective of course.

    Round two saw Yan Lo retaliate and unload on Lucius, and with luck and red joker managed to strip him of more than half of his health. Lucius in turn hit back, but failed miserably and had to pull out, wasting his turn basically. This was all in lieu of the Chiaki cheat, as she summoned her own reliquae, really making it hard for me to put out staggered. Lucius however did cause enough chaos so the encestors couldn’t grab the objective on the rock.

    Izamu bore down on the center objective, nearly killing poor Alan Reid before he could strike up a really boring conversation. But with the aid of the mysterious emissary staggering Izamu, the not-so-gentle giant was garroted by Reid and his investigators, denying two points and grabbing the center objective. Manos tried to kill off an investigator, but he pulled out his badge and intimidated him with his authority, but Yan Lo came in and helped the Komainu in it’s vendetta.

    Round three Lucius finally remembered his built in scheme marker, but was killed off by Yan Lo, who now took up position in the center, replacing dead Izamu and disposing of Alan Reid. Yin managed to score the rock objective.

    Alan did manage to pass off the ball to a False Witness, who played it back to the Mysterious Emissary for a third Objective for the Elites. The ancestors finally grabbed the rock. So the score was 2 - 3 with the ancestors having revealed vendetta and pulling ahead, but denied the Claim Jump.

    Round Four Manos kept flubbing his attack on the one investigator, so much that he wanted to leave the job of getting the ball to the centre objective to Yin, but a False Witness suddenly stepped in and accused him of wrongdoing, and so got in a position Yin were unable to pass the ball to Yan Lo. The investigators in turn killed Manos and then turned their attention to the komainu, but Yan finished off the vendetta target with his laser beams.

    The elites struggled on, the second false witness and the emissary made a desperate run to get into position turn 5 at the ancestors home objective, desperate because Yan would easily foil it. Winning seemed impossible, only hope was to try and kill off an impregnable komainu, because somehow the ancestors didn’t bite at the hidden martyrs. Score was 3 - 3

    Round five I finally saw the use of Grasping Tentacles, as the emissary was able to block Yan from doing his thing and killing the ball carrier. Instead Yan killed the final investigator to protect the komainu, and Yin scored the centre strategy.

    Revealing Hidden Martyr and scoring the final objective the Elite took the win Final Score 5 - 4


    Both crews surprised me in speed and agility, even if I bungled a few rules. The ancestors were incredibly durable, but so were the elite from Intimidating Authority. Another time I might swap a Witness for a lawyer and the emissary for a cyclops, while I’m on the fence about Chiaki.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

    Interesting write-up, but just a heads up that Chiaki can't hand out her own reliquary. It requires handing out a reliquary from a model in range, and she isn't in range of her own pulse.

    A-ha! That little thing was quite decisive. Of course, she could have dispelled magic, but … luckily I was playing both sides, so I only cheated myself 😄

  11. Flank deployment

    Corrupted Ley Lines.

    Vendetta, Claim Jump, Assassinate, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release

    Yan Lo (The Whisper) + Soul Porter + 6 Stones





    Komainu w. Grave Spirit’s Touch

    and went for Claim Jump w. Izamu and the Komainu had a Vendetta vs an Investigator.


    Lucius2 + Scribe + 4 Stones

    Alan Reid

    Mysterious Emissary

    Investigator x2

    False Witness x2 w. Ancient Pact

    Chose Assassinate and Hidden Martyrs (Investigator + False Witness).

    Great fun. The Lucius crew was a lot faster than I’d imagined, while the ancestors were remarkably tough.

    I’d heard poor things about errataed Chiaki, but fluting her reliquae out was instrumental in keeping Staggered off of the ancestors. 

    The investigators surprised by taking down Izamu in one round - they hit surprisingly hard, once staggered is out. There went Claim Jump.

    And I made a few mistakes stumbling with the ball, so only scored 2 strategy points - as a pesky false witness interfered with the third.

    But the komainu scored it’s vendetta vs. the investigator for a total of Four Points 

    Lucy got himself killed by Yan Lo, but his crew kept it going on.

    Scoring 4 points from the strategy, ending on a brilliant Grasping Tentacles from the Mysterous Emissary to foil Yan from getting at the False Witness scoring last point.

    While protecting the komainu in the last turn meant killing an investigator and giving Lucy a Hidden Martyr for 1 point for a total of Five Points


    A great game and a great crew though, faster and more resilient than I thought. Had I been a little cleverer, I would have made a couple of extra points from strategy, and had I believed more in the crews resilience, I’d gone for Assassination.

  12. Just took a day in the Dojo :

    Corrupted Ley Lines & Flank deployment

    Vendetta, Claim Jump, Assassinate, Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release

    And brought :

    Lucius2 + Scribe + 4 Stones

    Alan Reid

    Mysterious Emissary

    Investigator x2

    False Witness x2 w. Ancient Pact

    Chose Assassinate and Hidden Martyrs (Investigator + False Witness).


    Yan Lo (The Whisper) + Soul Porter + 6 Stones





    Komainu w. Grave Spirit’s Touch

    and went for Claim Jump w. Izamu and the Komainu had a Vendetta vs an Investigator.

    The board had plenty of blocking terrain for Lucius to jump around - one strategy marker was atop a ht3 rock. The center and another marker was hidden in large forests that threatened to cause some headaches for both crews, and as they met in the middle in a severe concealing clusterfuck.

    What went well : False Witnesses’s False Claim and Investigators Stand back… really got the crew unpacked. And even if my hand was awful, those 28 stones made for drawing four cards/turn. Along with Lucius’s You have your… for a fifth. Lucius’s Hidden Passage makes for some fun sheananigan’s, like jumping into the midst of the opponents crew, staggering everyone before jumping out.

    False Witnesses are easy to underestimate for their damage potential, Slander with a crow really punches way above their weight.

    What went okay-ish : I was counting on the emissary for ranged Staggering, but counting on the suits was harsh - but the emissary did manage to stagger Izamu and set him up for a good death from garroting - the emissary ignoring severe terrain was instrumental in getting two ley lines and it’s Grasping Tentacles kept Yan Lo from killing the False Witness that scored my final point.

    What went bad : I forgot Lucy’s scheme marker for the first two turns, which was beyond dumb. I also overextended Lucy, and Yan Lo took advantage of it and killed him in two turns. Alan and the investigators stumbled into the central forest, and started to stumble across each other. My opponent was constantly able to remove Staggered from his models - and min3 doesn’t matter that much vs armour +2 anyway.

    Two False Witnesses might have been too much, a lawyer would have allowed more versatility and card draw and the Shielded would have made a big difference.


    Lucy : The strategy worked well. The mobility of the crew was amazing - despite severe terrain - and yielded all four points.

    Assassinate was a miss. Yan Lo is tough - and it doesn’t help that he can deal a good amount of damage.

    Hidden Martyrs is always ‘easy’, but I almost missed it. My opponent was focused on the other Investigator because of Vendetta. Luckily Yin had to kill my investigator late turn 5 to avoid risking me denying Vendetta.

    Yan Lo : there was a lot of stumbling. Staggered caused a mess of the ancestral ranks, and even though Chiaki’s reliquae bounced all over the place, the strategy only yielded Yan Lo two points. As a cheeky False Witness denied some last turn ball passing. ADD I just learned that Chiaki can’t distribute her own reliquae, and for good reason :) 

    Claim Jump was completely denied, when Izamu got garroted.

    Vendetta was a complete success, but what should have been easy was prone to bad flips, and it was only turn four that the first point was in. And securing the second gave Lucy a point for Hidden Martyrs

    Total score : Lucy 5 vs Yan Lo 4


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  13. @Maniacal_cackle I’ve been pondering Lucius1 and the insidious Madnesses as well. Paired up with lawyers, but also False Witnesses to help the lawyers with their Obeys and the Madnesses with Distraction - and looking more to a third Madness over Inhuman Reflexes, like this :

    3 Madnesses, 2 False Witness, 2 Lawyer (4 stones) So anything particular you liked about the synergies in your list?



    What I’m planning for my next outing I want to try out the synergies between False Witnesses and Investigators :

    2 False Witnesses, 2 Investigators, Alan Reid, 1 (2) Cyclops, 10(2) stones.

    With False Witnesses pumping out Adversary and scheme markers, and the Investigators then using Stand back… and Remove Evidence

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