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Burnin' Coal

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Everything posted by Burnin' Coal

  1. Lovely brushwork makes a fearsome looking beast 👍
  2. @Caedrus Fast work and a great result...I think your decision to make them the same colour paid off as whilst they look anonymous somehow it makes them look more threatening plus the red and brass says "authority" 👍
  3. I didn't manage to finish the "resurrected" Izamu that I found lurking packed away halfway through my pledge last month so he should be making an appearance here at some point...my pledge for this month will be two Shikome that have been hiding in the unmade pile for so long that they are currently 7SS each as opposed to the 8SS on the cards...so 14SS for me this month
  4. @Franchute Really impressive already 👍
  5. That is good to the point where words fail me...just Wow ! is all...
  6. @Boomstick great collection of good looking models - I really like the tones of Toshiro and really like the almost monochromatic take on the Goryo @misterfinn Well...in answer to your rhetorical question of if we're all improving I would say yes in no uncertain terms...looking and studying how other people achieve results inevitably results in a change of thought process then a change in approach or technique...it's what makes this challenge so worthwhile...we're all in different parts of the planet and dedicated to improving this one small part of it...it's a team effort - your model is one really nice piece of brushwork and I'd be very happy if it was mine...very smooth blending and great NMM....only you know what you were aiming for but from where I'm looking it is most fine 😉
  7. @Franchute Wow ! Beautiful!...you nailed it ! Top quality brushwork and a killer photo too 👍
  8. @PetitDalek Wow ! They look stunning ! Really good colour combinations and great basing - an excellent trio - top work 👍 @Viruk I always look forward to seeing what you come up with - great brushwork as always especially the heads on the mane - very gruesome looking 👏 @Shock & Awe Great job on Patti Ramone plus Emelline Bellerose really looks the part👍 @Caedrus It is completely beyond me to even think of completing the amount of models you took on this month let alone having them all look so good at the end of it - your first take on sheer material was very successful 😀 @bedjy unbelievable quantity of models and all looking very good - really like what you did with alt Lazarus 👍 @prof_bycid Nice colours you have used for Mr Vogel and his beast within - think you just convinced me that he needs to join the very long queue in my box of shame 😉
  9. @Caedrus Thanks for your kind words....the blue/green was achieved with the following combination of colours: Base : over a white primer Vallejo Model Color Turquoise- 70.966 faded into Vallejo Game Colour Electric Blue - 72.023 mixed until almost white with Vallejo Model Color Ivory 70918 Once the overall effect was there it was darkened in places with glazes of Vallejo Game Color Hexed Lichen 72.015 Once all that was done the very brightest points were picked out in Vallejo White.... Finally over the lightest points - glazes of Vallejo Fluorescent Yellow 70.730 Phew !....that made it all look very complicated 😂
  10. My contribution this month for a total of 14SS is two Goryo that have haunted my work top for way too long....notwithstanding being something of a nightmare to construct I have to say that even though the Neverborn are my faction these are one of my favourite sculpts in all of Malifaux....getting a photo was hard work as there is so much going on with them and I already posted the bases on their own so figured I won't clog the place up with a million shots...but I enjoyed painting them...the Japanese writing on the tombstones makes up the start of the phrase "My name is Revenge"....and I've finished ahead of time !.,..have now dug out an Izamu lurking in a box that I picked up and started ages ago - feeling a bit inspired so will try and finish him as well before the month is out
  11. Some great reading here 😊 I came very late to the internet and tried to avoid cell phones until it became impossible....first forum I signed up for required a nickname....couldn't be bothered to put any thought into it...looked across to my turntable and typed in the name of the 45 I was playing at that moment - "Burnin' Coal" by Les McCann - killer tune ! https://youtu.be/pmWiBe8Z6Jk My avatar I grabbed from Wyrd as the face on the Will O The Wisps for me just nails the crazy danger of the Neverborn
  12. A beautiful sculpt taken to the max - just WOW !! Basing is equally subtle and superbly rendered - brushwork off the register - thanks for sharing 👍
  13. He's looking good Franchute....just some filler or greenstuff to fill the hole afterwards
  14. @Aa7 Very nice touch with the purple in the flames - gives a feel of magic to the model @wobbly_goggy Smooth brushwork- really like the colours you used on Brewmaster @misterfinn Thanks for the kind words but credit where it's due for the moss on the bases which isn't anything to do with technique or brushwork - it's part of the very extensive range of foliage produced by Mini-Natur - the moss comes on a self adhesive strip like grass clumps - it had been sitting unused in a box for ages before the lightbulb went off in my head and I finally got a chance to use it @Purple Mist Great looking group of figures you have produced- I like how they all tie in with each other @Chou Your work on Yasanouri really made me stop and have a good look - great job !...and it made me want to make the model even though it has nothing to do with my own collection.....yet 😉 @Franchute I wish I could borrow a phone that good 😂 @Viruk Am already looking forward to seeing what you come up with After much gnashing of teeth I have finally attached the ghosts to the Goryo bodies...and the bases are almost finished...just need to attach the Goryo to the bases - at which point I'll let out the hugest sigh of relief ever...very VERY fiddly and mega delicate models...almost there now
  15. @prof_bycid lovely job on the zombie prof - great photo too...your box of shame makes mine look more like a warehouse 😂 @Shock & Awe I really like the way you got the swirl going on the back of the scion's robe...looks like time
  16. @Purple Mist flesh tones plus choice of palette is excellent - great job you have done on her 👍
  17. @Boomstick Great looking mauler - could be straight from the Dark Carnival itself 👍 @Franchute Wow ! Beautiful brushwork work - great contrast and vivid colours...lovely blend from the glowing hand and a spooky looking base as well 👍
  18. @Scatterbrain Yes indeed....like all things the thinking about it probably took as long or longer than actually making them 😂.....they were just layers of foam board glued together into blocks and then carved and cut into shape with a craft knife...details superglued into place made from plasticard....basic texture from Vallejo's Stone paste mixture....and then the fun bit - painting...spent maybe ten hours on them start to finish....but because I have the attention span of a magpie that included a lot of coffee breaks and ferreting around looking at other stuff I am also working on like the Goryo themselves P.S....I make all my own bases as for me that is half the fun of making these models with the base putting them into some kind of context
  19. @Franchute lovely rich colours on your mage and great work on the face @bedjy very nice blending indeed - great brushwork WIP.....Spent a happy few hours with some foam board and plasticard to get started on the bases for my Goryo
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