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Everything posted by KrazyIvan

  1. 1/4/17 Tara, Void Wretch (A, B, and C), Scion of the Void, Nothing Beast, Death Marshal (A, B, and C), Dead of Winter, Montressor, Daydream (A, B, and C) All were incorrect
  2. What are your thoughts on Expert Cheater versus Want To See A Trick? I realize that cuts into Lynch's damage potential, but being able to cheat face down and Squeal seem pretty worthwhile.
  3. Ok, so something like the following is reasonable to start with to learn Lynch mechanics (obviously variable based on Scheme/Strat pool): 50 SS, SS Pool 4 Lynch: Woke Up With A Hand, Wanna See A Trick, Endless Hunger/Rising Sun (depending on what I want to do with Huggy) Huggy: Fears Given Form Mr. Graves Doppleganger: Depression (or other 1 SS upgrade for Dopple or Graves) Illuminated Illuminated Beckoner Terror Tot/Depleted
  4. So I'm trying to take a break from my Outcasts and start using my Neverbon. I have Pandora, Dreamer and Lynch mostly because those masters seem to have some degree of synergy with a group of the same models. For whatever reason I grabbed and painted Lynch and Huggy first out of the pile, so I'll be starting with them. Looking around online he doesn't seem to be difficult: Take Woke Up With A Hand Take 2 Illuminated Take a Doppleganger Take 1-2 Beckoners Seems straight forward, but I have questions: First, is Huggy enough of a beater to take the primary beater role. Or, do Huggy plus Lynch put out enough damage to deal with enemy beaters that try to foil your plans? I'm thinking things like Howard Langston, Yasunori, a Mature Nephilim, or other similar beat sticks. Should I try to make room in the crew for a traditional beater? Second, I read a lot that 2 Illuminated plus 2 Beckoners is pretty close to default for most folks. Is that the case? Seems like that leaves out points for other things. Third, Tannen and Graves. I don't see them mentioned much when folks talk about Lynch even though they are part of his thematic crew. Are they worthwhile if it costs me an Illumiated and Beckoner? Of course any other tips, tricks, or otherwise (like what kind of schemes and strats typically get you to pick Lynch) would be welcome!
  5. Been a while since I painted Malifaux figures, and I really want to start up with my Neverborn.
  6. In June of 2015 I started a project to create a ruined city terrain layout (the detail of the project can be found here http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/109091-malifaux-city-board-build-diary/ ). That project took about a year, and I've been playing on the board for around 6 month now. Having logged some times on the boards I've come to realize several deficiencies: 1. These boards heavily favor crews with lots of SH and ranged CA actions. The layouts sight lines that traverse the entire board, in two directions, and create kill zones. Scatter terrain mitigates this somewhat, but the amount of vantage point terrain on my board renders most of the scatter irrelevant. 2. The size of the roads severely limits terrain placement along the board edge if a road tile in on that edge. You basically on have 4" of clearance. 3. Creating additional boards to vary the layout is huge time sink because the current boards can not be cast in resin. They have numerous undercuts due to how the flagstone and cobblestone was built and attempting to mold the boards would result in torn molds or, even worse, damage the masters. I learned a lot in the build process, and have taken several classes about molding and casting since the boards were originally created. I've decided to re-build the boards, and eliminate the previously mentioned issues. The first thing I will be doing is reducing the individual board size from 12"x12" to 6"x6". That will allow more varied road layouts. Second I will be reducing the road width from 4" to 3". This, along with the reduced tile size, will limit areas of the board with large sight lines. Finally the boards will be be made from materials more tightly fitted to the MDF base, eliminating undercuts all together. By building the boards in this manner I will be able to cast the boards, and thus only need to create a few masters. So let get so some pics. First up are the renders of the new masters, along with a mock up of a possible layout versus the default layout of the old set. I've started working on a proof of concept sample. Instead of cardboard I will be using pink urethane foam to create individual flag stones. The foam will be cut in thin sheets using a foam cutting table with a rip guard. The strips will be cut to size and affixed to the MDF base. then They will then be textured by bashing them with a rock from my yard. The curb stones (which had the most undercuts on the old boards) will be cut to fit snugly in place. Finally everything will be sealed with watered down PVA (probably a 1:1 mix). The curb stones themselves will be very labor intensive but, as you will see, the effect will be worth it. Plus, I only need to create 5 masters, as opposed to 9 for the old set, then I can cast whatever else I need.
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