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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. It was my first time seeing Reva on the other side of the table, so I definitely didn't have her tricks figured out yet. She's definitely interesting to play against and bleeding edge sounds like it has some solid potential against her.
  2. My game against Reva last night I brought: 50 SS Arcanists CrewSandeep Desai + 7 Pool- Unaligned Sage (1)- To Command Another Plane (1)The Valedictorian (10)- Warding Runes (1)- Imbued Energies (1)Kudra (7)- Warding Runes (1) - Free of Mortal Shackles (1)Oxfordian Mage (5)- Temporary Shielding (0)- Doom Ward (0)Oxfordian Mage (5)- Temporary Shielding (0)- Blood Ward (0)Oxfordian Mage (5)- Temporary Shielding (0)- Nemesis Ward (0)Sanctioned Spellcaster (5)Ice Gamin (4) Turf War (standard deployment), Convict Labor, Show of Force, Exhaust their Forces, Undercover Entourage, Search the Ruins. I took Show of Force and Search the Ruins. Ended up losing 10-5 (thought I had Search the Ruins locked down, but my opponent was able to get lucky on Kudra and clear her off the scheme marker she was protecting last turn). First turn summoned an immune to Slow Ice Gamin and stationary Big Blue first turn, but left Sandeep vulnerable to Bette popping out when the Gamin killed the Zombie Ana Lovelace summoned in the middle of everyone and then Reva went to town on Sandeep. The first game I played with Sandeep I felt like was was too conservative with him, this game I played him too aggressively and got him killed off far too quickly; looks like playing him somewhere in between those two will be his sweet spot. Without Sandeep on the table the crew I brought was able to hold its own pretty solidly (albeit not able to be as schemey without Sandeep's 0 I was planning on using), so at least I know he wasn't a total linchpin in that crew. Definitely a learning process (also learning how to play against the nuttiness that is Reva).
  3. Also, Reva hits hard and makes me cry.
  4. I definitely fell prey to this last night--spent too many AP and stone on summoning, left Sandeep open to Bette Noir (who I forgot wasn't on the table) when I got baited into killing a zombie close to him.
  5. Ice Gamin are handy to let him steal the Frozen Heart Ability (that's what I did). I could also see getting the Armor 2 off of metal gamin as being handy for turns when he isn't going to be doing as much attacking.
  6. 1st game I played I didn't bring any Gamin to summon Big Blue off of and I never got him out (never had the cards I needed when I had a decent upgrade available and didn't bring Kudra's upgrade). 2nd game I did and I was able to get him out easily (although probably early than I wanted to as he ended up being easy to avoid). If you're going to be going for a Big Blue summon, I would definitely bring at least one spare gamin in your crew.
  7. I've been finding that an academic heavy list works well in strategies where everyone is gathering near the middle (ie Turf War, Extraction, Guard the Stash). Only played two games so far (one win one loss), both with Academic heavy lists and I am liking the amount of damage they can put out. Definitely not for every strat/scheme pool, but they definitely have their place. I am starting to think that Gamin summoning should be done more on opportunity than as a focus--I definitely burned through my stones too quickly getting some Gamin and Big Blue out in the last game I played.
  8. So cool! I picked up a couple of his prints at Gen Con, so it'll be really cool to see his take on the world of Malifaux!
  9. Thanks! I've been contemplating how to base them but think I have some good ideas formed in my head (just gotta figure out how to execute them now). The game I played with Sandeep, I was also working to set up Banasuva to get frozen heart (and thus the damage buff) from an ice gamin, I just never was able to summon him in. I'm thinking I need to hire at least 1 gamin to start out with so that I can have something to summon big blue off of if I get the cards I need for that early.
  10. So, @Fog, I know you ran Sandeep in the Tyrant of Malifaux tournament and had mentioned that you played him a lot during the beta. What sorts of lists have you been running with him?
  11. Models don't need to have Frozen Heart to be healed by a Silent One. Downside of casting Sandeep's casts through an Ice Mirror is that puts them at -2 on the cast. Definitely sound like a solid addition to the crew though.
  12. I ran Sandeep for the first time last night with the following crew: 50 SS Arcanists Crew Sandeep Desai + 7 Pool - Unaligned Sage (1) - To Command Another Plane (1) The Valedictorian (10) - Warding Runes (1) - Imbued Energies (1) Kudra (7) - Warding Runes (1) Oxfordian Mage (5) - Temporary Shielding (0) - Doom Ward (0) Oxfordian Mage (5) - Temporary Shielding (0) - Blood Ward (0) Oxfordian Mage (5) - Temporary Shielding (0) - Nemesis Ward (0) Sanctioned Spellcaster (5) Sanctioned Spellcaster (5) The game was Standard Deployment, Headhunter. Schemes were Convict Labor, Show of Force, Exhaust their Forces, Frame for Murder, and Public Demonstration. Played against Ophelia and managed a 10-4 victory. I took Frame for Murder (on one of my Sanctioned Spellcasters) and Show of Force; opponent took Frame for Murder (Burt Jebson, who was killed by a summoned Ice Gamin turn 2) and Convict Labor. I'm definitely still getting my head wrapped around everything that Sandeep and friends can do, but so far I really enjoyed them. Definitely going to take "Free of Mortal Shackles" on Kudra next time; prior to the game it didn't seem like it would really be worth bringing and it didn't end up making a huge difference this game, but when I had the cards to summon Banasuva only the "Commands in Wind" upgrade (the upgraded gamin can't make attack actions) was available to put on the big guy. The way I played it, the crew went out ahead of Sandeep laying down an impressive amount of covering fire of spells and Sandeep followed closely behind to summon in a couple Gamin and nuke the opponent with Arcane Storm (no on it makes me so very happy!). Once my opponent was in disarray, he rolled in and crushed some heads with the Gada. In future games I will probably be playing Sandeep himself a little more aggressively as it seems like he can stand up solidly in a fight. I definitely enjoyed all of the synergy the Oxfordian Mages were getting off of having that many Academics around; I don't think there was a single cast they had where they didn't end up with at least added in. Still a lot to figure out with Sandeep, but not a bad first outing.
  13. Anything HP Lovecraft has a very Malifaux feel. If you're looking for Audible recommendations, this collection is solid. I also enjoyed this reading of "Shadow over Innsmouth", this reading of "At the Mountains of Madness", and I am listening to this other collection (by the same group as the first collection) a bit at a time. I am a bit of an Audible addict and must say that the only thing that comes closer to a Malifaux feel than HP Lovecraft is the actual Malifaux lore.
  14. Looks like my misprint cards will now be a collector's item
  15. I'm just going to put this out there to those who want a reprint or refund--the cards still clearly show that they are a Ram, it just has the word Mask printed under the number on the card for only 2 cards out of 54. It doesn't invalidate the card. It doesn't make it unusable. I think it's rather hilarious and one of those things we can look at as a fun little easter egg.
  16. And to bring it all to a close: Guslado Goes to Gen Con 2016: Final Wrap Up
  17. I had a fun time playing against you as well! I hope you had a great time while you were over here in the states.
  18. The important question is it a frumious Bandersnatch? I was always told I should shun those...
  19. Exactly! Also, where did they get it from? This is the first reference to ice cream I have seen in Malifaux and I need to know where it's coming from. Is it some insidious plot from the Cult of December?
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