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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. This is my take on the classic Japanese Kaiju film, Malifaux style. This diorama was tons of fun to build and paint; I hope you all like it!
  2. So does this mean that there won't be Wave 3 Arsenal decks?
  3. You guys make some pretty amazing models and I love the aesthetics of pretty much everything I have seen you bring out, but I do have to say that my model buying tendencies tend to run towards utility within my crews. I can honestly say that when I saw this box I didn't care what it does in game, just that I need to have it. Great concept and stunning renders. I guarantee that this will be the first box from Gen Con that I will end up building. Keep up the great work, gentlemen! 42 days until Gen Con and it can't get here fast enough!
  4. Justin, as you are being incredibly awesome and answering many question right now--is Wyrd running their speed painting contests themselves or is an outside group handling that? Would this be the appropriate place to pose a question regarding those?
  5. During Gen Con the Wyrd online store does offer for sale the new and pre-releases that they are offering at the actual convention, so you can always order from home if you can't make it to the con. Or just go to Gen Con because it is epically awesome!
  6. I doubt it would be sooner. June releases have been announced and it isn't amongst them and Gen Con is at the end of July, so July releases will probably be part of Gen Con releases. I'll just have to snag a few while I'm at Gen Con if they are there
  7. I want the Silent One so much! I need that Silent One so much! Ok, I need a few of that Silent One so much... Please for Gen Con?
  8. Don't hold out on me, man! I need my fix! Or perhaps it is just too epic for a Monday to contain all of it's awesomeness and grandeur...
  9. I just painted up two of the avatars--for the Dreamer's avatar the big doorway part is resin and everything else is metal, Zoraida's entire avatar is metal.
  10. The quote "something wicked this way comes" is from the Shakespeare play MacBeth (same scene as the famous "double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble" quote), wherein MacBeth encounters three witches who foretell his future. In my caption I included the original quote.
  11. As to when will plastic effigies etc. be released, I am guessing it will be within the next year. I'm basing this off of how things seem to come out in relationship to their books: Book 1 of M2E was released at Gen Con in 2013 and with the Brewmaster's release this month, unless I am mistaken this means we finally have kits for everything in that book. Book 2 of M2E (Crossroads) was released at Gen Con last year and that is where the Effigies and Collodi were contained. The Collodi is scheduled to come out around the end of June. So, it looks like it took about 2 years for everything in the first book to come out, but it seems like more of the 2nd book has come out already that this point in the timeline of the first book. Gen Con releases should be announced in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for those. If the Effigies don't show up in that round of releases, they'll probably be coming out in the fall or winter. This is purely conjecture based off of previous plastic releases.
  12. I hadn't even noticed that part yet, such a cool detail! I want these to paint right now! Aaron, can we pretty please get these at Gen Con? I'll buy you some of that Gen Con beer if you do
  13. By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. Open, locks, Whoever knocks! How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags! What is't you do? A deed without a name. ______________________________________________________________________________________ When I heard the theme for this round I couldn't help but think of MacBeth transposed into the world of Malifaux and who would make for a better trio of witches for the eponymous character to consult with than three different iterations of Malifaux's own seer of the threads of fate, Zoraida. I may be eliminated from competition, but this painter still has plenty of iron left in him!
  14. No no, that spackle comment was meant to be a joke that in hindside just sounds dickish, so sorry about that. As to the qualities of snow, because snow is made up of billions of tiny crystals in the sunlight it not only has a sparkle to it, but the granular nature of it means that it actually has a lot of empty space in between those crystals allowing the light to penetrate to deeper levels. I suppose if you only get a few inches of snow a year you don't get to see that quality of snow, but where I am originally from we would have 2-3 feet of snow stay on the ground for the better portion of the winter.
  15. I'm still working on getting it to photograph well, but in person the snow mentioned ends up looking a lot like the real thing. It's hard to capture the glittering, semi-transparent look of the snow in a photo. Most of what I end up doing is admittedly meant to be fresher snowfall surrounding ice crystals, but I tested out a dozen different methods before finding that baking soda and gloss makes the most true to life snow. I've always found that snow made from spackling paste always ends up looking like spackling paste
  16. No need to wash unless you use some form of lube when sculpting greenstuff on conversions (which, based on the experience you stated you have, I'm going to assume you won't be dabbling in for a while.) While they may not need it, I recommend it as it gives you solid coverage of the model. Black primer tends to be more forgiving to an inexperienced painter than White primer as it creates more natural shadows. I recommend plastic cement for gluing together plastic models as it provides a stronger bond that holds up to the rigors of gaming better than super glue. Plastic cement slightly melts the plastic and then cures, effectively forming a chemical weld between the plastic pieces and fusing them together. Super glue (cyanoacrylate) cures to hold the pieces together, but it is the strength of the glue itself holding them together. Cyanoacrylate has powerful tensile strength, but has weak shear and shock strength, so an errant crosswise strike to a piece bonded at a small spot with super glue and separate easily. It should be noted that plastic cement won't work with on metal or resin models as it can't melt and chemically weld them, so you do need super glue for working with those. Also, if you plan on using resin bases with your models, you'll need super glue to attach your models to those (I also recommend pinning them for extra shear support). I hope this was helpful and not too overly technical on this.
  17. I've never had the problem of yellowing with using gloss varnish instead of pva glue. Adding white paint to it ends up messing up the shimmering effect you get when you use baking soda. For my money you can't get a more realistic snow effect than baking soda and gloss varnish other than using crushed glass and gloss varnish, but I am not a fan of using crushed glass due to it's inherent dangers. Also, a box of baking soda costs significantly less than crushed glass, is more readily available, and one box will give you enough snow to base an army of polar bears mounting an attack on the penguins of Antarctica (yes, I know polar bears are from the north, that's why they are attacking Antarctica!)
  18. On my cult of december stuff I use some fun ice basing that is a lot easier to do that it looks. I wrote up a tutorial on it here. For snow, I use baking soda mixed with gloss medium (GW 'Ardcoat) that I mix into a paste and then apply to the base. I usually apply some straight gloss varnish onto the places I put the paste after it has setup some and then sprinkle baking soda directly onto it, brushing off the excess after a couple hours. This is one of the best methods I've found to keep the glittering, crystalline look of snow.
  19. I prefer to think that Snow Storm just cast December's Command--no need to flip any cards we're all just drawn in
  20. It is fun to set up Snow Storm and the Ice Golem right next to each other, move Snow Storm up and then use December's Command to place the Golem in front of Snow Storm to catapult him into your opponent's face. I mean, if you want to miss out on doing stuff like that, Absolution Black, it's up to you but you'd be missing out on all kinds of fun...
  21. You're in luck! Snow Storm isn't a master, so you can totally get this without starting a new master!
  22. Can I pretty please have this at Gen Con?
  23. In general, I am against banning anything. Also the vast majority of tournaments happen at the local level, so chances are you are playing primarily against people you have played against before, thus the "name a faction and your opponent names the one master you can't use" could end up having the one master everyone in your communty knows is your favorite being axed each game quite probable. I think the idea of doing a fix faction tourney where you can only ever use a master in one game during the tournament could be a cool way to get players to branch out and challenge themselves; downside is it would be tough for newer players to handle this. Perhaps not have it as a strict rule, but reward the players with some kind of special prize if they use a different master each round. Ultimately, I think any kind of banning should only be used for special format kinds of events where the banning mechanics are part of the event.
  24. I just realized that I hadn't actually answered the questions I posed to everyone. Of course I shall be there! As far as Wyrd events go, I will be taking part in the "Welcome to the Boxcar" henchman hardcore tourney, one of the speed painting competition rounds (which I anticipate leaving with a half painted model as I am a notoriously slow painter), and I'll be trying to get in a few pick up games of Malifaux here and there. I am also taking a couple of hobby workshops and am going to the AEG big game night. My guess as to what the Nightmare model will be is that it will either be a model in the third book or one of the crews we haven't seen any renders for yet (Shenlong or Hamelin). Whatever it ends up being, I know I will end up getting at least one because I will end up not getting any about 5 minutes after Gen Con closes otherwise. As to the Miss Model, I am going off of what Aaron said that it's not a rare model. I am also guessing that it will be from the Crossroads book. Miss models are usually female versions of model that is generally male. My guess for the Miss Model is that it will be a Ten Thunders Brother (or I suppose sister in this case) and it will be named Miss Direction. I was thinking that a female version of the Firestarter named Miss Fire would be fun, but Aaron said not rare. Whatever they come up with for the Miss Model, I will end up with several in my possesion (already painted 2.5 of my Miss Erys from last year and still have another untouched). While not specifically an event or answer to any of the questions I posed, I am looking forward to trying out the new game Wyrd has teased several times, "When Darkness Comes Rattling"; looks like a really cool concept.
  25. There are a few different tournaments of various types and sizes Wyrd is running at Gen Con, so check the Gen Con events for those. Outside of those, there is gaming of all types going on 24hours a day for the entire run of the con. If you hang by the Wyrd tables in the gaming hall (not the vendor hall) you should be able to find some games when their tables aren't in use. Also while you're there, make sure you take some time to browse the boardgames too (I hear Wyrd makes a few of those too ) because chances are if you like Malifaux, you're someone who will probably enjoy boardgames too. If you're looking to meet up with people for games this forum (or perhaps a post to be created at some point in the future specifically for this purpose ) or the A Wyrd Place Facebook Group are good places to put feelers out. Gen Con is my favorite time of year, I know you will have a !
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