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November's Wrath

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  1. yep armor of december surely is a good way. i find that even with shattered you are still better off casting directly. armor makes this more easy.
  2. Well i never played metal gamins protecting themselves. it just kinda felt like it wasn't meant from the start.. the loss of htk is pretty brutal... but again it opens up playing moleman so is kinda good to have a little bit of choice.. Grrr for having to use printed cards
  3. i actually like very much armor of december on raspy. every melee opponent can be simply 1)Sub zeroed through cheat or stone 2) push away thanks to the upgrade gainin +1 armor in the process( no need to rely on Snow Storm) 3) do horrible things to the opponent Simply put it rasputina becomes melee immune and is able to cast directly bumping her efficiency a great deal. shattered heart is imho overvalued, as mirror points tend to dwindle rapidly during the game. you usually get some goodness out of it but for the first turns. armor gives you a bump in resilience and an awesome built in mechanism for escaping melee, you still have the mirror option, but you can live without it
  4. Thanks for the suggestions! i find the swarm very hand dependent: it can kick asses, but depletes your hand.
  5. hello guys i recently started playing ramos. the thing that puzzles me 1) steam arachnid seems only good as a tarpit/ scheme runner. 2)Swarms seem a nice offensive unit, but the loss in term of scrap production in pretty harsh. suddenly you are looking at 2 scraps less. so usually, how do you manage the transition from spider into swarm, and how dou you keep the scrap generation up and running?
  6. Hi guys! i recently bought the Rasputina starter set for malifaux. looking foward to play what seems a really good ruleset.
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