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  1. I think Lilith and Zorida could work as well. The Hag for position manipulation or extra attacks through obey; and the swiss army knife works well with many of those models...particularly Tannen and Graves.
  2. I have 6, and rarely see them all out. Dreamer loves to pop them out as an option. I chuckled.
  3. I have that Widow Weaver you're looking for. I rescued her from an abusive home; have been treating her wounds and caring for her ever since. I'm looking for: McTavish Nurse Papa Loco Student of Conflict Desperate Mercenary Avatar Dreamer Avatar Lilith Avatar Zorida
  4. I'd not take BB Shaman just for the grow utility...he does so much more! In my crews, BBS tends to play multiple roles...I like to give black blood to models that don't have it, strategic scheme specific positioning (think explosives) and ...the pustule is very nice and I'm looking forward to playing that out with the Corrupted Hounds, and as for grow, I find Bloody Feast to be a more reliable option to transform that tot with a single remaining wound into a healthy flying young.
  5. This is now how I view grow...as an available option, should the situation present itself. I have tried multiple dedicated grow lists, but found I suffered from the perception that the purpose was to make grow happen. That caused me to become focused on how to position for and execute this single mechanic. I had been wearing blinders. Suddenly it is turn 4 and my former tots are now young or mature, granting me a considerable SS advantage over my opponent. Now what? I have zero VP, and limited time to set out and accomplish something with my fastest models having been removed from the table. These days, I tend to add grow as an option when I am likely to need late game strength...after my tots have schemed or delivered messages, etc. BBS has some tricks to play with as a utility threat. In short, play a grow list like you would any other but with a possibility to grow in the back of your mind. When the opportunity arises, take it, if not....eh...you've got other goals to accomplish.
  6. Oh that's right! You are correct....I had gotten the mechanic for Killjoy twisted in my head.
  7. This. Has been my most successful tactic in response to blast masters. My favorite is to send a Killjoy missile in the form of a daydream. With a bit of planning, positioning, and luck; have been able to alpha strike with him. Beyond that I tend to use his summoning ability to keep a stream of nightmares flowing while my purchased crew work on other schemes/vp. Mid-field blocking terrain is excellent for this!
  8. <entirely incorrect line of thought edited out> *goes for coffee If your opponents are inclined to avoid killing your models in order to deny you Juju....perhaps you could use that to your favor with engagement or scheme running?
  9. Hands down, Dreamer for both game and fluff. Strolling through my LGS I came across a new display of boxes. I looked over a few with mild interest before I found the small box for Lord Chompy Bits...because his name was Lord Chompy Bits! Then I found the Dreamer's starter box...mmm...and the fluff...yummy.
  10. I feel that Nekima suffers from a 'do all' expectation had of many models with her point cost; almost as if it is weighed against 'what else' one could hire. For instance, instead of taking Nekima, I could hire the twins...so if I'm spending that much, then I expect her to do as much as both of them combined could, right? Though, you do get a model with 3 AP, a hefty wound count, regen, flight, black blood, a strong walk, and a powerful attack with damage arc. Taking her comes at a cost, for sure. Then again, so does Killjoy or Hooded Rider...even Teddy, who only costs two points less and is more fragile. Taking Nekima as your muscle is a tactical decision that will not fit all situations, nor will she single handedly take all the VP. In fact, I really don't think she has much variety...she kills things, that's her job, and she is very good at her job.
  11. I rather enjoy using her...I tend to take her with Lilith, though have recently been branching out and taking her with Zoriada. My early play with her was too aggressive and she ended up being pointless. I think she's designed to take over for Lilith, however Lilith is so good...I've not be in a position where that would make sense to do. I have been considering a summoner Dreamer build...get some new stuff out and make her leader and see what happens.
  12. I'm right there with ya! I have everything for Dreamer (sans nightmare Chompy), and am looking at picking up his box as well. For Lilith, I picked up both the old and new boxes (more tots!) and will likely convert extras into something fun (I rather enjoy that). Came across a Collodi that is just begging to be converted into Vasilisa...and will soon be.
  13. In general, I make lists based on strat/scheme, and the master I want to play. I typically don't consider the opposing players choice of master.
  14. I actually don't enjoy playing this list and only bring it out when a 'win at all costs' player is draining the fun out of my meta. The reason this list uses Slurids instead of Gupps is because of their greater movement and the fact that they die easily. I want the Silurid to die, so Juju and Killjoy come out and play surrounded by Latigos. They have to be dealt with or their entire crew will be slaughtered. This list isn't so much concerned with recycling Juju, as it is using swampfiends as a delivery vehicle. First turn would be spent summoning two models (maybe three if I took the Alp path for Blood Gift). While Killjoy and/or Juju move against Francisco first. The other Silurid keeping Nino busy so my newly summoned nightmares are not shot to death as they come out. Basically, the way this list works is: Aggressively deploy Silurids to engage the crew while still in their deployment zone and deliver Killjoy & Bad Juju, letting them go nuts to do as much damage as they can. Meanwhile, The Dreamer spends the first two turns summoning and healing 4 friends who then get to work. I really do not find this list fun to play. It feels too much like a power game list held over from the 40k days. Of course, strat/schemes would determine its effectiveness from a VP standpoint. As written, the focus of this list is brutality...not finesse, which is how I tend to play Dreamer. It does need to be said that this is not an 'auto-win' list by any means.
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