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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Beta Brewmaster and the current Brewmaster are on the string of Pandora 1.5 and Pandora 2.0 Why do you feel Collodi is such a pain to face, and what didn't you like with Beta-Brewy?
  2. Nope, but it isn't always up! Who else? ^^
  3. You are on to something. Killing Wesley before going after the Brewmaster, then either get that bastard by charging in or shoot him to death, that is.
  4. He must be something like the 10th Dick Bro then...
  5. How many Stitched did you run with? Do you think Vasilisa is paramount to the crew, or can you see yourself take other models instead?
  6. Brewmaster is one of those masters that you need to learn how to deal with, but once you do he is no different than playing against a lot of other masters with a distinct play-style. I find that feeding him models that can tie him up is one way to go. Another is some solid shooting. Anyway, I don't think he is any worse to play against than the Sonnias, Hamelins, Zoraidas, or Collodis of the world.
  7. Mancha Roja is a henchman who can auto-kill paralyzed models with a crow trigger. Roja can get to melee 7, and stone for crows if you don't have any on hand. If he is in b2b with impassable terrain, he has a threat range of 13". So, how to paralyze stuff with Gremlins? Zoraida might be the most obvious choice around. Thanks to the Voodoo Doll and her ability the hire Nurses as mercs. She can Obey targets to attack terrifying things too (Brewmaster can pull this trick of as well). Any other idea?
  8. Ramos is very very good (in most strategies and schemes), but he is far from overpowered. He doesn't bend the game like Hamelin (or Pandora) used to back in the hey-days.
  9. Since you manage to solely play utter filth while "staying in theme", I guess its possible to do both...
  10. Shooting and moving! With Plant Evidence, he is silly good! I have only faced it, and I have made it a high priority target each time. Fairly squishy, must be said, but it seems solid.
  11. Out-activation and lure effects is a good way to mess with the anchors. However it can be quite hard to out-activate Leveticus as soon as he starts summoning Aboms. Also, its usually quite easy to identify what Waif will provide Leve with the best spot for the coming turn. Gunning for that Waif might push the onslaught back. In order to get pass a 7 CA with to attack and damage one often needs a bit of luck, as you said. Matching the stat (with wp buffs like the ones Scales of Justice, Von Schill, and the Oiran can provide) is one of the best defences you can have against Leveticus in my experience.
  12. I agree with your first statement. If ones opponent can dismiss one flank then that might throw a wrench in your plans. You need to plan for that to happen, and be able to counter it. The scenario you are describing sounds like that opponent knows and plans for playing against Leveticus. If you have that information and use it to your full benefit, it will work against any master. I don't think Leve stands out in that category.
  13. It all depends on strategy and schemes. In some cases the Outcast range will work just fine (especially Turf War in my experience, Reconnoiter to an extent) while other pools simply demands models which there are better options of elsewhere.
  14. I was referring to Rafkin this time, and McMourning who ran away for the rest of the game.
  15. Performer is a model I think every McMourning player should look into, and other masters that can sport some Poison synergy or simply likes "Don't Mind Me". For 6ss, they are a bargain. Oiran out of faction for 6ss... Colette can use them a fair bit I think, Pandora too for the extra WP. The price seems a little steep, but for the Viks and other crews that doesn't need crows they can surely be useful. They are still cast 8 McTavish is great even without Swampfiends around. A versatile henchman. Can't think of any other out of faction mercs to be honest.
  16. Who would you consider taking him with? Do you feel that paying 8ss for mainly getting Cracker Jack Timing is too much, or do you account for his other abilities too?
  17. MasterDisaster, why would you feel hesitant to pay an extra stone for Burt (besides ideological reasons)? Since, for instance, I don't think that the Librarian is particularly good outside of Outcasts. They are fine at 7ss, but 8ss and loosing a lot of their healing powers makes them a questionable hire for me. I would also have some problem with paying 9ss for Sue. While I would paying 8ss for Burt under the right circumstances doesn't seem that far fetched to me. My point being, we apparently have different views on what is worth to pay extra for, and what does that come down to?
  18. Burt Jebsen seems to be able to fit in a lot of crews. For example. Hamelin: Burts' Slippery ability can be used to just shove of attacks to nearby rats. Similar tactics can be used with Mindless Zombies in Ressers (so Nico too I guess). Viktorias, Raspy, Sonnia, Hamelin, Mei Feng, and any crew hiring Lazarus: all likes when models bunch up so they can get their Blasts to connect. Cracker jack Timing is tailored for that purpose. Just haven't heard of anyone using him in a out of faction crew. How come? Is he not worth paying 8ss for?
  19. When Lelu is summoned by Dreamer. Can't think of anything else.
  20. If you don't like the Indiana Jones feel of McCabe, that is fine, and you should play stuff you like the thematic feel of. However, he is a ton of fun! Give him a go, you will not be disappointed.
  21. I agree with Moxypoo. Leveticus speed is something that is rarely talked about, and a lot of people discredits him in that department. The (0) jump is really good all game. A 22" threat range that can kill an important model on turn 1 is something opponents should be quite afraid of.
  22. Of the masters I have either played or faced, I would say that Shenlong is probably the most complex. Keeping track of all of the conditions he can gain and give, all the abilities he got on his upgrades, and when to switch upgrade for best results can just be taxing to keep track of while you are in game. With that said, once you get used to it, it will click like it is second nature. Tara is a master that is just hard to get working.
  23. Why do you think Leveticus matches up poorly against other Outcasts?
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