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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Yeah, I think kill something with Lady J then pop Killjoy out of it works much better! Suddenly you have a Lady J and a Killjoy in your face.
  2. If you're taking somebody like Nico or Molly that needs the SS for summoning then it's probably not as effective but I love her in a Seamus crew as the evil guy doesn 't tend to use too many stones. As to the second point I agree that she's often not a great match-up for other Hench and Masters but she is very good at taking out Minions and Enforcers and if they are priority models for your opponent it can force them to burn their hand. I agree that I'd definitely drop it before Not Too Banged Up though.
  3. Yeah, only needing a single rather than two that most models with Assassinate type Triggers need is brutal, especially on a Ml6 SS-user. Although the OP has stated they're not interested in Seamus I quite like hitting him with Sybelle to Trigger Comply then making him teleport. That way he has 3AP wherever he ends up and can take Interact actions as he didn't Teleport during his activation.
  4. I would think the potential is more of a problem that it ever actually happening. I however suck with both Hans and Nino and get them killed far too easily!
  5. Once you have the Viks you can apply MasterDisaster's two step programme to solving all Malifaux related problems: Hire Viks Apply Viks to face
  6. Doesn't help me when playing Ressers much! This was a dumb mistake to be fair! Once you'd pushed towards it the first time he should have smelled a rat and stopped shooting her!
  7. Personally I find Flurry a bad choice against her. If she flips or cheat a card to defend the first attack she pushes 3" away and you waste your other attacks (and effectively waste 1AP)
  8. She is the Master that I have played most against! Myself and NeilH are regular opponents (probably average at least a game a week) and he regularly takes Pandy (exclusively at the moment as we're practising for a tournament).
  9. I did make a joke about this! But I think three factions is enough and don't want to go over to the dirty NB (and if I did I'd take Dreamer because I love his fluff and he was one of the first Masters I wanted to play but didn't start NB because so many of my playgroup did).
  10. I hadn't take Sybelle for a while and started taking her again recently for 35SS Henchmen led games and she is awesome. If you can combine it with something that gives negatives (either flips or negative modifiers) then her Shriek becomes a potent ranged weapon. Putting Gnawing Fears on something with Yin then blasting them with Sybelle (literally) is horrible! Plus she makes Belle's better. They become decent scheme runners (Wk6 if they activate within her aura, HtW and 8 Wounds makes them pretty nippy and durable, not to mention Sybelle's Call Belle) and their Lure is sick if you take Not Too Banged Up (and why wouldn't you). And she's a Zombie Hooker Mistress, what's not to like?!
  11. I can definitely see how it's not clear cut and could be interpreted either way because with duels you do declare first. But the way I read it is that the lower player chooses and flips before the higher player gets a choice. Though there is a case for it being slightly unfair.
  12. Yep! I don't mind losing but I like to have fun while doing it! Although this game seemed to have everything conspiring against me as until turn five (when the game was basically already over) I had the RJ once but other than that my highest card in hand was a 10, despite spending a SS on turns two, three and four! Those sort of hands usually balance out when flipping but not this time apparently.
  13. I've debated this with Dumb Luck and think that the player with the lower value spends a SS and flips before the player with the higher card chooses to do so. The rulebook states 'Beginning with the player who has the lowest value card each player may elect to reflip her car (or cards) by spending a Soulstone from her Soulstone Pool'. So you begin with the lower card (obviously) but then that player has to reflip by spending a SS which happens immediately (like something like Eat You Fill - you end your activation and heal full wounds; both parts need to happen to take place) before moving on to the player with the higher card. This is the way we've always played it and I can't see anything in the rulebook that states that you both have to decide on your SS use before making flips unlike in duels where you have to declare SS use beforehand (rather than spend them as you do for Initiative).
  14. Agree on the need to spread out, Pandora is so versatile she is good at everything! I play Ressers, Guild and Outcasts and have every Master currently available in plastic though I most often play Ressers. I've been playing a lot of Seamus against her recently as I'm thinking of taking him to a single tournament Master and I did pull out a win recently but in the most recent game she spent most of the game Paralysing Seamus and Bishop and Chiaki was no good because she would also put Incite on and force me to activate the Paralysed things before Chiaki could remove the condition. She also made a lot of my things insignificant so that I could not complete my schemes (this was the worst game (not because I lost, but because it was not in the slightest bit enjoyable) I'd had against her to be fair).
  15. She doesn't need Triggers! Incite has one but Fading Memory is an ability not a defensive trigger!
  16. I think my issue with the 7+ argument is what if you don't have those models (say you don't know that you are playing Pandora, or they don't fit your strats/schemes or whatever). What do you then to mitigate the havoc she can reek?
  17. Yeah, learnt this with Sebastian when I forced her to take simple duels but as you say, not everything has this.
  18. He runs both (I think!) from your description. He generally has two loads out, one 'tanky' one with Fears Given Form, Aether Connection and something else and sometimes the Paralyse load out, depending on strats/schemes. Both are frustrating but arguably the second one more so. When she just shuts your whole crew down then largely determines your activation order it is just no fun playing against her!L Lots of the arguments seem to be 'take Dita/Raspy/Sonnia/Levi' but this isn't a good counter to me. Every faction/crew should at least be able to mitigate her somehow.
  19. Nothing fazes us, have you learnt nothing Guild scum?!
  20. OK, not really sure which forum to put this in as I'm looking for general advice for playing against Pandora for my group so didn't seem to fit any of the faction specific ones. Our group has a Pandora player who is very good and probably wins 90% of his games with her. We've been having a debate over how good she is in a private group and some of us (two in particular including me) feel she is very good the the point of being OP (maybe not quite OP, but certainly on the border). The main gripes are that she is very hard to take down and counter and that she can excel in anything that she does. What do people find are good counters or good ways to play against her and try and mitigate her just ruining your day? I mainly play Ressers but we have all factions represented in our group so any and all advice is good!
  21. Lol, I didn't know what was going on until I went back to the actual post! Hilarious! Also, Aaron is staff and what he says is official DGraz so you have to paint Yan Lo now (it's only in rules forums that it's not official ...*) *I made this up - paint him anyway
  22. I'm also a fan of Bete and think keeping the 10 is a false reason to want to not take her. I've burned the 10 from my hand if it's more useful for something else then hoped to top flip if she does get taken down (she is pretty durable with Df7/Wp5). With some of the new strats she is really great as the fact she buries when dies means she doesn't drop a head for HH and doesn't count towards the Bounty which is a very nice bonus. Recently I've also been putting her right in the face of enemy hard hitters to keep them occupied whilst the rest of my crew does other things.
  23. And a very good reason! I really enjoy his fluff and theme too. He's also great fun to paint (I did flowers on his robe and it was loads of fun) so you should take Aaron's advice and paint yours ...
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