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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Man you guys get some awesome gigs! I remember seeing posters for the Maiden/Coheed gig and was so jealous. Coheed and Cambria are my favourite band (I have their logo tattooed on my neck!). Seen them around 8 times now but still like an 8 year child at Christmas about seeing them again next week! And yeah, they've been fantastic every time I've seen them. Full album show next week too so get to see the whole of In Keeping Secrets live.
  2. Yep, any big guys are great for Frame for Murder. Give up 3VPs or let Killjoy, Teddy, Howard etc. run riot!
  3. Sounds like my Lady Justice. 6 swings, 6 misses. Then a Rail Worker killed her!
  4. What zFiend said! However, putting a Vik of Blood in somebody's face then saying go on kill her, you'll get a Killjoy for your effort is always fun and a fairly daunting prospect. Killjoy always works well when you have to kill stuff. Killing stuff scores VPs in plenty of schemes (plus Reckoning) and dead stuff can't drop scheme markers etc. which is always good! I think the only time I'd never consider including him is when Murder Protoge is in the list because he is going to be your costliest model generally and he does go down fairly easily.
  5. I'd be too distraught at losing all my models to think and would be found crying in a corner! I currently do Ressers, Outcast and Guild so I'd probably go for a new faction. Arcanists don't interest me that much so I'd probably plump for Gremlins or Neverborn.
  6. BTBAM are ace! Going to a festival next week so lots of listening to bands that are playing that, primarily Touche Amore, The Fall of Troy, Dillinger Escape Plan, Thrice and the best band in the world ever Coheed and Cambria!
  7. As an aside, how do people find Doppelganger in a Lucius Guild list? I've just picked one up as I love the model but she seems to be short on good things to copy in the lists I've run so far.
  8. Yeah, not all of them though. Think it was one separate toe and maybe 3-4 separate fingers. It was fine. Apart from the aforementioned fingers it went together really easily as everything slots in perfectly. One thing though is to glue the armour plates on the top of the torso on before glueing the side panels (there's two central bits that make the torso then two sides that bulk it out).
  9. Hey dude, managed to get the Peacekeeper built when I got back from my gig last night so here's a picture: I feel like it could be a little bigger but I really like the model. No real problems building it although I did attach one of it's 'fingers' to it's foot because it was on the sprue next to the rest of the leg (with the two fingers next to each other actually a finger and toe!)
  10. I don't think Lucius would ever make my pick in a competitive game regardless of what factions/strats/schemes were on offer! I've played him a few times lately for fun/fluff reasons but it's really hard to see him as competitive. Every strat/scheme seems to have a better option IMHO.
  11. Why bother saying they have a Ht at all then? If the Aura itself has a Ht then surely it needs to follow the usual LoS rules too?
  12. That thread was bloated and confusing and directly contradicts what is in the rulebook: 'An Aura has the same Ht as the model it comes from, unless specified otherwise' (Big rulebook Page 50)
  13. Yeah, same deal with Sonnia's summoning of Witchling Stalker's which is in the FAQ (though you shouldn't generally extrapolate from the FAQ to other examples this is a pretty clear case with the same timings).
  14. I think Neverborn are very strong as a faction but agree with Outcasts because of not knowing what you're going to get. Gremlins are a little bit ridiculous but once you know what to prioritise they're not too bad as they tend to fold pretty easily.
  15. They definitely need to declare first. For example if they wanted to summon a Flesh Construct with Nico this only needs a 10 but if they just said they're summoning they might flip the RJ or a 13 :crowwhich means they could now change their mind and summon a Hanged which they might not have the cards to do in their hand. Similarly they should be declaring SS use before making flips too (often summoners need to add a suit to their summons to make sure they can do it). An opponent might forget to do these sometimes in the heat of a game, or if they are new, but if they are regularly doing it then they either don't know the rules (which you should remind them of and expect them to remember pretty quickly) or they are cheating (and slapping should commence!).
  16. And only up to the models Ht as well. So a Ht1 model with a Ht2 model directly in front of it could not effect a Ht3 model with an Aura even though they have LoS to it as the Ht2 model blocks the path to it. Also, Blasts can hit models that are out of LoS from the model causing the Blast but not out of LoS of the original target.
  17. Yeah, that's an important point. Different models have different Unburing rules. Killjoy for example only Unbury's when a friendly model is killed or sacrificed, not enemy models. Also, if you happen to be facing or playing a Tara crew remember that anything Buried with the Glimpse the Void Trigger has to be Unburied next time something is killed whether you like it or not
  18. As soon as he's built I will do. Might not be until Sunday now though as busy couple of days
  19. I've not finished the Peacekeeper yet but he is in quite a few parts. Torso is four separate parts plus two armour plates. Then there is the jaw and the flamethrower attached to that along with separate waste and pelvis. Legs are in two parts each. That's as much as I've assembled so far but each arm is in a couple of bits. Lots of parts but as it's plastic once it's together it almost certainly isn't coming apart!
  20. I picked up the new Peacekeeper today, just about to start building it so I'll snap some pics when done.
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