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Everything posted by Gabbi

  1. Here you are: http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/product/tough-detectives/ ...and you can buy minis individually, too. anyway, I'd simply go for the metal one (actually, I've got the metal one even if I don't plan to play Doug as Guild, just because I like the model more).
  2. Those looks sick and awesome. Does sickwesome exists as a word, in English? =)
  3. I agree. The overall quality of the models is great (although in various instances I may prefer older ones). But the engineering and design is often lacking on regard of everyday handling. For Lady J crew, I've ended deciding in no foam case. A magnet under the bases and a danish cookies box to stick them in. Much safer. Plus, butter cookies
  4. The thing that makes me wonder is, why so tiny parts (separate or not) very easy to break (i.e. Death Marshal's guns blades). These are models made primarly to play with, so a bit more sturdiness would be appreciated. Also, why making so filmsy parts, chasing the extreme realism in proportions, while two coffin locks over three have nonexistent undercuts? I would have widely preferred slightly bulkier weapons and separate (or differently oriented) locks on the coffins chains. /rant over
  5. Well, I for one, I'm glad I own the original model
  6. Gabbi

    Snow bases

    Today I searched for nail acrylic to try the linked ice effect, but found none. That would be good for Rasputina's pillars, too (and Dragyri ice walls).
  7. Gabbi

    Snow bases

    If I recall correctly, I did. Maybe not enough...
  8. Gabbi

    Snow bases

    Looks great! Thanks for sharing this.
  9. Gabbi

    Snow bases

    Thanks everyone for suggestions, I'll check microbaloons. I'll also try using water effect in place of PVA glue.
  10. I'm thinking on finish assembling and painting my December crew. I did some early test with white glue and bicarbonate, but while results looked great at the time, now (a couple yrs later) the snow is visibly more yellow. So I would ask suggestions. What do you use? Any specific product or technique to suggest?
  11. There is one new on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141289739476 I was watching it, then found a second hand one in France, cheaper and nearer
  12. WOW! those Convicts looks awesome! o_O Would you paint my Rasputina's stockings?
  13. Wow! Very well done, and great taste for colors!
  14. Lady J and her Totem: again, very, very quick paintjob, just to play them painted. Also finished another model. Not Malifaux, steampunk indeed. as usual, comments and criticism are welcome
  15. Thanks for reply. So, Avatars will be back in the game, but will not be usable for normal play. On Iron Zombies, so actual stats are the ones in the final playtest document, right?
  16. Once more, thanks everyone for comments and input. I think I'll get it at some point, but I'll get other stuff, first. How Iron Zombies were upgraded in Wave 2? New cards? I find none in the download section... On Avatars, I was believing they're planned to be released in Wave 3. It isn't so? I already own the Seamus one, anyway, even if I don't have the crew, just because how awesome it is (plus, I could still use it in lots of other games, from In Her Majesty Name to Savage Worlds).
  17. Thanks everyone for replies. I'm currently looking at Resurrectionists as a Faction I would like to start. The two crews I would like to start with are McMourning and Seamus (I think his avatar is one of the best models in the game). Afterwards, I plan to get Molly, just because a severed head in a baby carriage is too wicked even for Malifaux, and I want it. So, University of Transmortis could be useful to two Masters out of three... Is this box someway "limited", or it is considered a "regular" release? In other words, if I want it should I rush to get it soon, or could I delay the purchase?
  18. Is this supplement still available / in print? But even more important, is it worth buying? I've already read the review on GMorts Chaotica, and there it is said the Iron Zombies are a bit overcosted (my other question would have been if Iron ZOmbies could be hired in crews for "normal" play, but the answer seems obviously yes). As just came back to the game, there are LOTS of minis I would like to get, so I wouldn't like to spend on a box I seldom use. To the other hand, I'm a bit attracted by story-driven scenarios. Are these fun? Replayable? They need any extra material past the one in the box (and two crews, obviously) ?
  19. Thanks! Your clarification Dirial, is because I have to first choose (or declare, in a hypothetical tournament) a Faction, and only afterwards which Master I'll field, right? So I do not choose a Faction for the Master, as I stated, but a Master for the Faction. Am I correct?
  20. If I had understood rules correctly, Master's Faction determines which upgrades are available to the Crew, even for mercenary models (i.e. a Convict Gunslinger hired in a Crew lead by Rasputina will have access to Arcanists Upgrades but not to Outcasts ones). Anyway, my question is regarding dual faction Masters. I have to choose a Faction for the Master, am I right? So, even if Lynch is Neverborn/10T, if I field him as Neverborn, I will not have access to 10T Upgrades, the same way I could not hire 10T-only models. Am I right? What about cards like Woke Up With a Hand? The card shows both symbols on its front face, but only 10T on its back. Should I consider it available to both faction..?
  21. Thank you. OSL is something I've never had tried. It's tempting me, the web is full of beautiful examples, but if it isn't done properly it can totally ruin your paintjob (the web is full of examples). I'll give it a try, sooner or later, maybe on some cheaper Reaper Bones
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