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Everything posted by MunkyMuddFace

  1. Playing in a tourney last week. I was 1 - 1 going into the third (and last) round, so decided to bring the Horsemen list to have some fun since I was not in the running for placing. Opponent took Search the Ruins and Accuse as his schemes. Jump to the mid-Turn 5 - I have activation control, and he has gone with all of his models. He had 5 scheme markers littered around the center, and had accused a Waif that was away from the action. I activate Leveticus and use his 0 AP jump to the Waif, then used the 1 AP and pitch 3 cards to destroy three of his scheme markers (off one of his new upgrades). 4 points of VP denial in one activation. It was fantastic.
  2. My painting has been very distracted this month. I have splashed some, but we will see what gets completed by the end of the month. However, I haven't been completely away from hobbying! I played in a tournament this weekend, and came away with this player board from CustomMeeple as a prize. Hobby time the last couple days has been building and coloring this. I used colored pencils to fill in the numbers and letters. It was only after I had everything glued down that I noticed I swapped the Player 1 and Player 2 boards. D'oh!
  3. With this line of thinking, I definitely suggest the Arachnids. If you do end up getting into Arcanists, you will likely end up with the Ramos box, which comes with 3 spiders as well. If you already have 3 from a small box, it is okay, because Ramos can actually get use out of 6 spiders. By comparison, you will get 3 Fire Gamin in the Kaeris box. Last I checked, she doesn't need more than that.
  4. I love the Riders list! I have had some success with it at various tourneys. Went 1 - 2 at the 2017 Adepticon Story Encounter, and 1 - 1 at another smaller local tourney. All of my losses were close games. The list is pretty versatile and one big tool box, but it takes a few games to unlock. I think spiders were my most common Mech Rider summons. Have fun with it!
  5. Huh... you are right. Not sure how I got so screwed up with my days. Perhaps I was thinking ahead to next week, when my time for painting will be little-to-none.
  6. Here is the picture of my pledge. Need to get cracking! The month is nearly half gone!
  7. From the album: Muddface Painting Challenge

    my pledge for the monthly painting challenge: Hanna, Anna, and Talos
  8. My pledge plan for this month will be Hannah and Anna Lovelace, and Talos. Anna is built and I have a start on the paint job that will likely be scrapped. Hannah is built and primed. Talos is still on a sprue. Pictures to come...
  9. Sure thing! I used a "deep dish" base that comes with the Micro-arts base inserts (I jumped in on the KS, so have loads of them). I clipped the edge of one so that I could get the ice ramp rigth to the edge of the base. With the ice ramp in place, I put a thin layer of Milli Put. I ended up with some finger prints in the milliput, so I had to look for something to smooth out the surface. I had some clay working tools from a Green Stuff clinic, and one of them had a small disc at one end (the other end was scalpel shape). I uses the disc to press down. Not only did this smooth the fingerprints out, but it created a wavey kinda look. Once I was satisfied with the waves, I let it cure, then painted as normal. Purple in the deepspots, blue-green on the high spots. A thin layer of blue to tie it all together, then some lighter highlights. After that, it was a resin pour that was very lightly (read: barely) tinted blue.
  10. As promised, here are the pics of my remaining three models - Burt Jebsen, Malifaux Child, Hanged. Burt Jebsen Malifaux Child Hanged I picked up a handy little lightbox. Over all I like it, but am struggling a bit with the light washing some of my colors out. The lightbox came with 4 back drops - Black, White, Red, and Blue. I have mostly used Black and White... I also need to play with my phone camera settings.
  11. This is an odd ball month for me. I am going to meet my numbers, but this will be the first time that I will not fully complete what was pledged at the top of the month. What I have completed are: Amelie Bellerose (8SS) and Ice Dancer (6SS) from my Iron Painter entries. Also, Burt Jebsen (7SS - one model of my original Oct pledge), a Hanged (8SS), and the Malifaux Child (2SS). Total of 31SS. I know, I know. Pics or it didn't happen. Here are the IP collages. Pics of the remaining three to come later.
  12. Iron Painter 2017 - Round 2 Water Water Everywhere
  13. From the album: Muddface Painting Challenge

    Iron Painter Round 2 - Water Water Everywhere Solid water dancer
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