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About ladyrainicorn

  • Birthday 08/20/1987

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  1. Im a big fan of alternate colour schemes, and your models look fantastic... not only the colour choices, but the level of detail you've achieved too. Im looking forward to your kirai, lelu and lilitu, insideous madness and killjoy (from memory, i think they were on your list?) in particular, when you get around to painting those models
  2. Painting the mech rider as an ice rider is an awesome idea! Nice work
  3. I didnt mean Kirai was rubbish, i enjoy playing her and win fairly often with her too. I think, as a model herself, her offensive powers aren't on par with a lot of other masters is what i mean... as in, not including crew
  4. I think he can only use the summon rider spell once per game?
  5. I suppose i mean, in terms of Kirai (herself's) offensive abilities/attacks.
  6. I've got Kirai and a fair few rezzer spirit models - as someone who will also be purchasing Yan Lo in the near future, this is relevant to my interests (im kind of banking on him having some synergy as i cant afford a whole new hoard of 10T models at the moment!)
  7. I was thinking this might be their intent, looking at the dreamer's avatar (who is already a strong master) it seems like they've made him more fun by giving him area effects, there is no argument that this form is not as 'strong' as the Dreamer master. Im keen to play aDreamer (haven't had a chance yet) just because he DOES seem fun to play. Although... am i the only one who was dissapointed with aDreamer aesthetically? The fact that you can see so little of chompy is not good, and it's so 2D. And yet. Kirai isnt a 'strong' master (not in the same league as dreamer) and her avatar does almost nothing for her team, considering her play style and the models you are going to be taking with her. So if their intent was to make stronger avatars for models who are otherwise weaker, and to make different/fun avatars for masters who are already strong, it seems they've only partially succeeded. I've also got aRasputina and aZoraida, none of which i've fielded yet. AZoraida looks like a strong avatar (on an already 'strong' master), aRasputina i think could be useful toward the end of the game (although play style seems totally different to master raspy), but aKirai... kirai was my first crew, her avatar had just come out and i bought it, i was REALLY dissapointed, reading her card. Considering, to use the avatar you lose Kirai herself, lost love, AND Ikiryo, in order to gain one model who is like a mix of kirai and Ikiryo whilst being as good as neither... i don't know that i'll end up using her avatar, which is just a complete waste of $40 (aesthetically, it isnt a terrible model, but its nothing special either). I have 4 avatars and they're all either 'meh' or bad, which doesn't seem right to me. The people i play against have avatars but i've only seen one actually used (Nicodem), nobody else bothers with them even though they own the models. I don't think that avatars need to be a 'better' version of the master in every way, but having them excel in one area (making sure they are still balanced - so having other weaknesses to make up for it) in which the master is already at least decent in, would be the way to go. I definitely think some avatars need revisiting and improving anyway (ahem *cough*kirai*cough*), just my two cents.
  8. Ah, i thought i said in the first post, obviously a brain derp, the burying and unburying that you do with dreamer and chompy, that was more why i thought he should come out of the ground (not so much the sandman thing). I didnt know the dreamer was like little nemo (just googled it), thats actually kinda cute So does the lean on my mire golem look incorrect? :S or is it right? I should have made my own base for it, so i could have positioned his feet at the back of the base and had the main part of his body over the base :/ ah well.
  9. If you take the widow weaver, im not sure on the exact rules (and im sure someone can correct me if im wrong) but you might want to invest in a teddy model too, as the widow weaver can summon him (im assuming, as he isn't a special forces doll, he can't be hired from the outset but can be summoned?).
  10. Ah, yeah my Juju is leaning forward like crazy (always knocking my other models over with his outstretched arm), but his feet are flat on the ground... well, they WERE for me to glue them but i've greenstuffed mud on his feet because i didnt like the way they looked. Erm im not sure where the pictures will show up on the post, i know these pics are TERRIBLE for lighting/flash but they are demonstrating the lean. Looks like he is trying out for an MJ music clip I haven't read any of the malifaux books, but i was aware of the sandman reference there - i guess you're right, that you wouldnt want two sandmen (?), im just a bit dissappointed with the model. Its not creepy or scary, or even comical or playful, it's just 'meh', they needed to show more of chompy's body and not just a misshappen head and hands. It makes me not want to play the avatar (im not satisfied with the paint job on it either, but its hard to do a good job on something you dont like), im considering attempting to make my own model to use instead (i only play with my mates and they wont mind).
  11. I just saw your thread about your pokemon themed LCB team... did you ever post pics of your daydreams and teddy/snorlax? I'd love to see them!

  12. I like the original chompy, i think his colour on the box (grey..ish) is a poor choice for that model though. Chompy's avatar, however... I don't like that it's so 2D, the back of it is just boring. Considering that his theme is nightmare, they could have combined it with the sandman theme and had him pulling himself out of the ground, with sand pouring off him, one hand either side of his body pulling him out of the ground, and the dreamer in one of his hands, with the fourth hand free, IMO that would've looked miles better. Lelu, so much more could have been done with his character, it's just boring. I'm going to just get proxys for a second pair of lelu and lilitu (though lilitu is fine). I didnt notice it until a friend pointed it out but the ice Gamin are all in stupid positions which makes it look like they're dancing... now its all i see haha. Teddy as well, looks too 2D for my liking, i would've liked to see him in a more traditional teddy bear sculpt. I do like most of the models, but some of them just aren't exciting. -also, Bad juju's arm is terrible! I had to base him on a swamp/jetty thing so it could hang, as it ends up lower than the rest of his body :/
  13. wow... i should really read my cards better, how embarassing, cheers for that
  14. Thanks Arkno and silas, that's cleared it up for us (dont know how i didnt find that link when i looked the first time arkno, cheers!)
  15. Hi Arkno, I did read page 57 pf the rule manual: our copy is the first version though so it may have changed for the newest version. But it seems to address falling back only, it does not mention being pushed to the table edge by pushes or other means, and did not say moral duels are the ONLY way to push them off the edge, it seems to just be the only one covered in the manual. Thanks for trying to help me out with this! Also: i do realise how cheap pushing your master off the table is
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