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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Mech rider took a hit I smile. But one thing was forgotten. The obedient wretch can still summon rats off of things she kills.
  2. So again you are told to push to base and you can push to base but you just think the wall is a better place. Got it.
  3. you must have missed the break down and jumping into this late. A push into base does not say towards. it says push into base contact. here are some examples for you You looking at me. Target model is pushed its Cg towards this model wing buffet. All enemy models within p4 are immediately Pushed 3" directly away from this model. jackhammer kick. Then, this model pushes directly into base contact with the target peekaboo. push the target 4" in any direction, then push this model into base contact with the target. next target. push this model up to 4” in any direction there you go 5 examples of 5 different pushes. so yes you are right there is no distinction between away and directly away but there is a distinction between push into base and push directly into base.
  4. in the drawn example if the model was using jackhammer kick it would hit the wall. but if it was using a push to base it could do so and has to do so.
  5. wait what? Um well that sets a precedent then. we now have 5 kinds of pushes Push away push towards push in any direction push to base push directly to base So yeah Tell me again how its directly towards? when its a push into to base contact. I dont think its a contortion of the rules when its written clearly . (now do you want a faq )
  6. Free rest of the night. Will be playing Dota till some one messages me. Skype name is the godlyness Sent at 1945 eastern.
  7. After succeeding happens after the effects of the action have taken place. (see FAQ for more info) Fading memory happens after you win the duel but before you technically apply the effects. then you apply the effects of incite. then the trigger happens. mind you the first action is not yet complete due to the Actions causing Actions Rules that can be found in the rule book. then you incite again if you win the duel you push then you apply the effects then this action resolves then the first action finally resolves.
  8. Heck you might be right, but at the same time in that sweet picture one gets you into base contact. one does not. one does what your abilty action tells you to do. one does not. So if you can get pushed into base cause your told to, but you don't cause you don't want to, isn't that like not following the rules? So if you dont push into the base you did not do what your abilty trigger etc is forcing you to do. Saying ahh man this wall is in front of me lets completely ignore the fact that i can still push into base but dont want to, That's how i see it. and yes this needs a faq. it will come up again. As will something to do with after damaging and prolly something to do with killjoy. I will give you that you must take the most direct route that gets you into base. but if you can end in base then you must end in base even if its not the most firect route.
  9. I think push into base would supersede the direct part. If I can make base to base by not going in a straight line. But can't make base to base by going in a straight line then going to the side is the only way I can complete my ability, trigger,action. Otherwise I have failed to do what I was told to do. To reiterate. Direct route object of some sort prohibits me from pushing into base. Push to side no object is prohibiting me from pushing into base. Then I must push to the side since I must push into base. Now if we take all objects out of the equation. Pushing straight gets me into b2b. But so does pushing to the side. I believe push into base is a more specific rule.
  10. Well if the model does not have slow and three alps are around and it gets slow that's 3 free damage. If you hit them and get moderate could be 4+ all from a 3 stone model you summoned
  11. See faq it addresses what you just said.
  12. That's like 8pm eastern then right? I should be free.
  13. i guess this is where we disagree. my opinion and Vote is that i pushed in a straight line. i ended in base contact. now dont get me wrong i am not obtuse enough to blatantly shake my head saying nein nein nein nein. i see where you are coming from. i could very well be wrong and have played it wrong since day one and not a single person has noticed or cared or knew. which then i feel like an ass. But i am stubborn enough to say Towards and Away are key words that have their own meaning.
  14. At the same time if you pushed to the other side you have met the requirements. And as I quoted above it does say you must move the maximum you can. In this case since the marker does not impede you have to be on the other side. Again did you move in a straight line check are you in base check. Requirements have been met continue on.
  15. Ironsides you looking at me is a towards push. Trixxiebelles "lure" is an away push. Teddys peekaboo trigger is just a push. Does not have the key words of towards or away. Neither does gator snack
  16. i dont know of any models that have an abilty or something that says "push towards target model until your in b2b" its always "push this model into base contact with the target." and with pushes that end in b2b i can go left or right of target. i do it all the time with teddy. why do people always assume shortest route?
  17. if it is a direct push maybe but the wording of "Usually, when a model is pushed it must be moved as close to the maximum distance of the Push as possible" so technically maximum distance is the other side. since you cant push through non-incorpreal models not a bif deal to end in b2b but for markers i see no reason why you cant push to the opposite side. and at Joel why is it the shortest path? an away or towards push sure. but a push to b2b is not a towards push did you move in a straight line. yes ok did you end in b2b yes. ok then action, effect, abilty has been satisfied
  18. yes. Look under Stacking effects call out box in the rule book should explain it to you just fine
  19. from the faq Q: Can you define the terms “base contact” and “base to base contact”? A: They both mean the same thing: “When the bases of two or more models are physically touching.” 2 or more models
  20. huh? of course they can. they just cant target they same model twice in the same activation
  21. Conditions Stack if the Condition's name includes a value and the Conditions have the same name, for instance Poison +1. When this is the case, the values are added together and the two Conditions become one. Conditions may also stack with Abilities which share the same name and include a value. Conditions presented without a value in their name do not stack, and a model that would get a second instance of a Condition simply ignores it (the second instance is not applied). under conditions in the rule book. hope this answers your question
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