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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. So if I reduce Collette to 0 wounds I would score assassinate since she is killed. Even if she heals from her trigger. Which does not have the verbiage not killed in it. Also the newly erratad obedient wretch's trigger still does not function as we know it should.
  2. Can you post it's definition I can't find it.
  3. I posted the errata to that trigger. Located in the faq last page. But no my main question still is what is the definition of killed. When is it applied. Depending on the answer the new trigger still does not function the way it should. And then there is Collette and Collodi.
  4. Why does Collette healing remove the killed (state/condition) when a similar ability (very similar) Hamlin explicitly states that it does. When hers does not. See my point. We also have Collodi verbiage which functions weirdly. Collodi: The text on the My Bidding Trigger was changed to: After dealing damage to target non-Leader, if the target was not killed, the target performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model's controller. This Action may not declare Triggers. Now this trigger could be whole new trigger that does its own thing. It says after dealing damage to a non leader. When an after damaging trigger would say. After Damaging target non-leader.... So in this case maybe it checks to see if the model is still in play. Or if it's just waiting to die. But it's timing is vague at best. So again is killed being reduced to zero. Being at 0 or physically being removed from the game.
  5. Killed is not a condition. If the model is reduced to 0 or fewer Wounds it is immediately removed from the game as killed. this is the only line i can find that defines killed. so is it being removed is the only time one counts as killed? but that cant work cause then Finish the job would not work. since the model would then have to be put back onto the table before you removed it. Finish the Job: When this model is killed, it may place a Scheme Marker in base contact with itself before it is removed. So if the act of being reduced to zero counts as killed then Colette is killed but still at wounds, and Stink of death still will always summon a rat. Confusing i say.
  6. When a model is reduced to 0 wounds does it become killed right then and there. Or is it when the model is physically removed from the table does it count as killed? Reasons Collette's death defying trigger Has no verbiage similar to Hamelin or Levi. Also Obedient Wretch: The text of the Stink of Death Trigger is now: After damaging and determining whether the target was killed, if the target is still in play, summon a Malifaux Rat into base contact with the target. This trigger sstill is wonky. If it's just reduced to 0 wounds and killed its still not removed Untill after the trigger is resolved in which no matter what you get a rat. But if by determining if it's killed you mean removed from the game then it works but slightly confusing. Stink of death: After Damaging if the target has 1 or more wounds remaining summon a malifaux rat into base contact. Now this is much clearer but you might run into an odd scenario with Collette she uses death defying and is placed elsewhere and a rat pops up next to her. But besides that I don't see how it would adversely effect any other triggers.
  7. Brutal effigy. Does wonders for her.
  8. You summoned daydreams and he quit. I like it. I summon figments of my imagination. Rage quit ensues.
  9. ok good you just failed to extrapolate and used bad words lol. suffers the effect not damage, see how one could be confused.
  10. I just want to be Perfectly clear you believe Damage from an attack is not an effect of the attack. You are not being serious i hope. I am going to throw some things at you tell me how you think they work. Df/Wp ( ) Safe In My Bed: After an Attack Action succeeds against this model, discard a card to make target friendly Nightmare within 3 suffer the effects of the Action instead as if it had been the target, including any Triggers. 5. Determine Success If the attacking model’s Duel Total equals or exceeds the defending model’s Duel Total and any TN (which may include required suits), then the Attacker has won the Duel and the Action succeeds. Apply results as applicable, which is often the Defender suffering damage or another ill effect. Q: When do “After Succeeding” Triggers occur? A: They occur after Step 5 of the Action sequence, so after applying the results of the Action. Now dreamers trigger goes off first since he is the defender. making sure everyone understands that. so it goes off before any other triggers hence why it passes them off. also if Damage is not an effect of an Attack action what is it?
  11. Shift click them like terrain.
  12. Well done for the day anyone around to play?
  13. Damn it Justin I was going to say that. Repeatedly
  14. Summoned says crew. Has nothing to do with in play or not in play. Just that they are still part of the game. So before someone says I guess my bag of models counts Don't be that guy. Once a model is killed or otherwise removed from the game. (Not from play) They are no longer part of your crew. Is cursed object a condition. Why yes it is says so right here. What's this models that are buried process condtions. Well I guess I still score vp from buried models. On Tara I guess to make it 100% clear it would have to say after all friendly models in play have activated. But this is for the hard headed people. If all friendly models that could activate do then she reactivates. When Justin responded it's implied. Which Untill it's faqed errated it's only his opinion but it's common sense to think that this is how it should work. And has worked and will forever work.
  15. You guys activate him early? I do so late 80% of the time so the models I summon don't die. And have free reign of the map.
  16. They stack. They are not condtions just effects and non conditional effects stack as per the call out box.
  17. But dreamer can and should remove that. Cause you know he can. And gets to cast it again.
  18. unless they are standing on Ht1 BOXES!!!!!! then the aura cant reach them since it so tiny and short!!!!!
  19. like distract. or cursed object. makes for good times give away free vp some times.
  20. well then. Carry on everything to see here.....i mean nothing nothing to see here. well the saving grace on Night terrors is that the aura is only ht 1 so it cant reach over walls. when they say night falls they really mean night is seeping up from the ground
  21. Well raz I think I have to agree with you. The last line says effects that are not condtions stack unless they say otherwise. I hope some one steps in with some super rank pull and sorts this out. Cause my search fu and answering rules questions is making my head hurt lol. I also wonder if giving a model -20" ca range lowers there range to 0 and what 0 is when casting. Or do we treat it like a stat for bare minimum of 1"
  22. On the After Damaging triggers I see no debate. Its after you damage. If you don't do damage no trigger. On black blood.....I see the wording and yeah I would have to say you bleed even if the damage is prevented. Black Blood: All models without Black Blood within p1 suffer 1 damage when this model suffers damage. The faq mentions triggers only. But I see no reason why it would not apply to abilities. Welp maybe some one will come by to clarify
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