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Everything posted by therat

  1. Yes, but that's a lot fewer models. Malifaux may be cheaper to play but it is not cheaper per model. $770 from GW would yield at least twice that number of models, depending on faction. GW box sets come out to about $2-$5/model, while Wyrd is around $7/model. I don't play much of GW anything anymore, but I also don't really understand the whole "Malifaux is so much cheaper" argument. Certainly, you can play a game by spending less money, but you are definitely paying more for the minis you buy.
  2. Thanks, all! It was pretty easy to do, too, if you have the tools: big clippers, pliers, and a good knife. Most of the original detail was saved by using a piece of paper towel folded a few times.
  3. What do you mean there are only two poses for Stitched Together?! Something must be done! I picked up another set of stitched to go with my new Collodi crew and decided I could not field the third without making him look different. The "jazz hooks" variant has thus been transformed! I lowered his arms, cocked his head, and closed his mouth. I feel he turned out quit well considering my sculpting skill is sub-par and I had no idea what I was doing when I went at him with the clippers.
  4. Were it any other model I'd say it's too bloody, but I really like the way you did teddy. He's quite scary.
  5. Like many others here I got into the hobby via GW minis, starting with WHF 5th edition and playing until 8th; I dabbled in 40k 3rd edition, played 4th and 5th. I still play 40k, but when the fantasy crew at my lgs transitioned to warmahordes, I stopped playing fantasy and stopped attending game day at the lgs because I don't really like the warmahordes minis. One day one of the guys at the lgs asked me to bring him a piece of terrain he left at my place so he could build a display board. So, after a few months of not attending, I dropped in and said hi. Expecting to find everyone playing games I was uninterested in, they were playing some malifunky thing and used a deck of cards instead of dice. Less than a week later I had an extended Dreamer crew (the box, daydreams, teddy, and madness).
  6. I closed the mouth. Pics tomorrow, if I have time. I'm hoping my sculpting turns out fine, we'll see once he's primed.
  7. Weeell, I just went ahead and started mutilating one *evil* Lowered the arms, made one look like it's pointing (yeah, that's right, gamble YOUR life), and started cutting his head off. I was going to have it drooping down and make it look like his head was unraveling, but I like the point-and-look thing he has going on now (plus this is less work xD). I'd like to close his mouth somehow, but I'm not sure if i'm feeling that adventurous. Once I fill in the gash in his neck I think he'll look pretty good. He already looks significantly different than the original pose and should do nicely as a 3rd and final stitched. Thoughts?
  8. I plan to run three Stitched in a Collodi crew and would like the third to look a bit different than the other two. Has anyone altered either model to give them a bit of uniqueness? They don't seem to lend themselves to simple alteration, being chunks of metal with stubby arms, but I couldn't find any pictures or posts about this and wanted to probe for ideas.
  9. I figured I'd throw this up here to get some feedback and show a different angle for running Feng and Kaeris. I've only had a couple games with them, and so far never together, but I've been looking for a good excuse to do some renegade steamfitting and this seems like a good way to satisfy that. Mei Feng (7ss) Emberling Kaeris Kang Johan Fire Gamin 30ss total, for 35 I would probably just add another fire gamin and bump the pool to 8, but I do like rail workers and could add one (or two, if I'm comfortable with a 6 pool and don't like how the gamin performs) of those instead. Basic concept is a strong melee lineup with ranged support from Kaeris and the fire gamin (and I suppose Johan, if necessary). My only concern is its lack of mobility, as Kang and Johan almost always need to be together and Mei Feng would do best hanging out with them as well. Kaeris, however, could use her wings to run around on her own. Even if the enemy decided to focus her, she's fairly resilient with a large pool, armor, and high damage output and any time they spend going at her is time for the others to take care of business.
  10. It simply says "when determining final totals, can choose to tie the casting total and suffer the Spell's effects." There is no specification that the resist flip must be successful. Unless somewhere else in this book says differently.
  11. Well, as I said, it was explained to me that each poison counter was applied separately (albeit for a different purpose I now know to be moot), so there are other people who came to that conclusion independently.
  12. Very nice! I'm planning on getting an airbrush soon, this makes me really excited. I'd like to see a bigger picture, though.
  13. When I started playing I thought poison was delivered as a lump sum, but someone told me that was not the case, pointing out the language in the rulebook. Since then that's how I've played it. After seeing this post I searched and searched for an answer somewhere else and cannot find one. Where is the language that says it's one way or the other?
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