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Everything posted by Falhurk

  1. I found Wong to more than carry his weight in terms of forcing my opponent to reconsider how he moves and how close he gets to things. Also, glowey Burt Jebsen killed 5/6 of my opponents guild crew. But hey, it's all in the reflexes.
  2. Hi folks, I'm new to M2E. I also don't tend to frequent these boards much, but after my first game with my freshly painted Gremlins I feel the Malifaux lust building and wanted to share. In 1.5 I pretty much played Collodi exclusively. Though, I have a crapload of Ressers, and Neverborn, most are basically unpainted and I really don't have the motivation to play with unpainted stuff. So, this is what I painted for my Gremlins: https://www.facebook.com/stephen.kemp.961/media_set?set=a.10152572217850003.1073741826.514045002&type=1&l=ccfdecafff Thanks for stopping by!
  3. Hi folks, I just wanted to drop by and say that Gremlins are hilarious. I was sold on the Big Trouble in Little China "inspiration" models. I played my first (35ss) M2E game with the following list: Wong Burt Jebsen Rami Raphael 3x Bayou Gremlin I had the upgrade for Glowey, but I can't remember if I had any other upgrades. I put glowey on Burt and my opponent went first, we had the odd L corner deployment and he deployed two Death Marshals, and the scales up the field in a tightly packed group. On my first turn I was able to move up, and obliterate the three of them with Burt Jebsen and a lucky red joker flip. The rest of the game was basically mop up. I really enjoy the super-aggressive potential play style of these little guys. Being able to out-activate my opponent and do an absurd amount of surprise damage seems pretty great. The next list I'm going to try will include Lenny, Pere Ravage, and Killjoy. I call it the Green Machine Killjoy Cannon. I have no idea if it'll work but it seems fun.
  4. I found that the extra minions didn't really matter with this kind of alpha-strikey build but that more Soulstones did. If only to survive the one turn. Good to know about the henchmen number, I'll have to tweak my build a little.
  5. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understood the henchman number to provide you a discount on your crew equal to whatever that number is. Your SS pool should only be limited by the rulebook SS pool rules based on what size of a game you're playing. I'm not sure there is an additional requirement on henchmen for lower soulstone pools.
  6. Zoriada acts as a ridiculous support master. She doesn't need any specific synergy to be able to do what she does. You can play her with just about anything to a decent amount of success. Basically, you want to find out how to get the most out of her signature spell Obey. So, say you want to move their models across the board to murder with heavy hitters, lelu and lilitu work great for this. But lets say you want to keep them away from your weaker but fast objective runners like terror tots, you can do that too. Take whatever you like, and she'll do well for you.
  7. My mainline crew has been Collodi for a while now. I've tried him a few different ways, both with and without the Weaver Widow. The most successful 35 stone crew I've made for him has been: Collodi - 8 SS cache 4x Marionettes 1x Stitched Together 7x Wicked Dolls You could drop 3 SS for an 8th Wicked Doll but the soulstones are typically used for keeping Collodi alive. This strategy allows for an alpha strike anywhere across the table while also allowing you to out-activate your opponent. Plus, every model is a doll so his pulse-fast ability provides a ridiculous amount of extra AP.
  8. Why not add Stitched? Being that he's universally good.
  9. I'd recommend smaller demo games. For example, the crew demo I'm running is: Lilith - 5 Cache 3 Terror Tot Nephalim Seamus - 4 Cache 2 Rotten Belles That's enough to teach someone about activations, combat, etc without having an overwhelming amount of information for a new player.
  10. It's happened a few times. If I had one complaint about Wyrd it's that QC kind of sucks. In my local store, someone got a pandora box with 3x silurids instead of 3x sorrows.. I've missed young nephalim wings, my mature nephalim had two left wings, and bases have always been hit or miss. Mind you, I'm playing with a lot of the older stuff, maybe the 10T boxes are all perfect.. My Dark Debts crew was decent.
  11. Mine came with a 30mm base.. I hope I have an extra 40mm somewhere..
  12. Hi there, and welcome to Neverborn! I've found that Zoraida is pretty flexible in that you can run her with just about anything. Additionally, she runs any HT1 models (IIRC). As such, you could run her with gremlins, small models, and of course anything from Neverborn. Personally, if I run her, I like to run her alongside collodi with the weaver widow. It allows a lot of mobility and flexibility in terms of running objectives and isolating a lone model with her obey ability. As far as learning her goes, she's not too hard. You'll learn quickly that she relies on her crew to get a lot of the grunt work done and losing your crewmates can be a big problem. In most games, played properly, Zoraida will likely never die as there's little in the game that can actually catch her.
  13. Thanks Malersatz, You're probably right. I just have severe model ADD where I have a crew that I feel will be easier to learn (lilith) versus the models I desperately want to use (Baby Kade/Teddy, Coppelius, Stitched). More of a "ZOMG I WANTS ALL TO PLAY NAO!?!" kind of thing.
  14. I've been thinking about picking up the LCB/Dreamer boxed set to give me coppelius along with the sitched together (I'm afraid of learning LCB for now) and trying to run around with zoraida, collodi, and stitched for mass doll destructo fun. Either this weekend or next I should be able to get some games in with people in the community. By that time I want to make sure my models are painted so I'm trying to figure out where my time's best spent as far as painting is concerned.
  15. That is definitely one of the things I keep forgetting. You choose your strategies and schemes before your list. Although I hear there are ways to "cheat" in schemes and strategies. When starting out, what kind of list do you figure is going to be versatile enough to take care of most strategies/schemes?
  16. It makes me sad to learn this isn't possible. Demon carrying a giant grinning teddy-bear of destruction is something I'd want my opponents to be worried about. What about having Baby kade in there for the "where's my teddy" thing? I guess maybe I'm just trying to mash two relatively incompatible teams together
  17. I was thinking of something like using Lilith, teddy, mature neph, young nephs, and a cherub to get the second teleport spell off. If I could run up a couple of young nephs and swap them with the heavies for an alpha strike, I figure it might work. Maybe...
  18. So, I did acquire Collodi, the marionettes, zoraida, and Teddy. I don't have Lelu or Lelitu yet. Also, I need to apply paint. Teddy is quite a bit smaller than I thought he'd be. Think you'd ever run both Teddy and a Mature Nephalim in the same 35 ss list?
  19. Thanks for the excellent information folks! I think I will try that Collodi list (although I haven't the foggiest notion on how to play Collodi). How do marionettes compare to terror tots anyways? I imagine at 2ss they're more or less disposable?
  20. So I guess the big question is... What would you use in a 35ss game if you owned the following models: Zoraida Alternate Voodoo Doll Collodi 4x Marionettes Teddy Lilith 3x Terror Tots 2x Young Nephalim 1x Mature Nephalim 1x Cherub +2 blisters, possibly Lelu and Lilitu (not owned yet) *edit* I was also kind of thinking to pick up Baby Kade and make a very mobile list.. I figure between Kade + Teddy, Lilith, and the Cherub, there's potential for shenaniganz... maybe.
  21. Soo, I've got a good deal from a former Neverborn player which will alter what I'm going to do with my collection a bit. I will be acquiring: Zoraida Alternate Voodoo Doll Collodi 4x Marionettes Teddy I'm not sure of the synergy possibilities with what I currently have so it'll be interesting figuring that out..
  22. Hmmm, that would free up a ton of points. Although, I'm a little concerned that I don't have much of a beatstick in the list at that point (does Lelu count?). Contemporary internet wisdom has been saying it's not worth growing the Young into the Mature when I can grow tots into youngs. Although the extra SS this frees up would be nice (something like 4 right?). Might be a pretty awesome idea. Couldn't hurt to try it in a couple games anyways. I think I'll be acquiring the rest of my crew this weekend if it's in stock at my FLGS. I'll try to get in a couple low-point games if I can't get ahold of those. I'm open to other purchase ideas, or thoughts on the crew if anyone else has some ideas. Helpful community here
  23. I don't actually own Lelu or Lilitu yet but assuming I did (as they seem like great models to have), how would you change the list to afford more soulstones for Lilith? Would it be wise to run only 2 tots?
  24. I'll put the Black Blood Shaman and the Desperate Mercenary on my to-buy list. I was thinking that I could run with the following list to learn the game a bit better: Lilith, Mother of Monsters Mature Nephelim 3x Terror Tot Nephelim Cherub Lelu Lilitu With the obvious plan of growing the terror tot's if possible. My impression is that with Lelu and Lilitu requiring a fair amount of fire power to deal with (along with the mature nephalim) the tots will have a reasonable chance of growing and becomming an a potent threat. Does anyone ever start on the board with young nephalim?
  25. Good Evening All, I bought some Malifaux stuff and have yet to put it to good use. I was hoping to remedy this by actually playing. In my area 35 points seems to be the standard and although there are other Neverborn models I really like (Baby Kade + Teddy among others) I currently have the following: Lilith, Mother of Monsters Mature Nephelim 3x Terror Tot Nephelim 2x Young Nephelim Cherub I was considering adding Lelu and Lilitu for an exact 35 points. Is this a good idea? Is it viable? Eventually, once I know how to play properly, I'd like to pick up the dreamer, LCB along with Baby Kade, Stitched Together, Teddy, Doppleganger, and Coppelius. For now, I want to play, have fun, and learn the game.
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