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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. Cadilon hit the nail on the head. Great writeup. I love reading your articles. Keep 'em coming.
  2. Sounds excellent. I'll talk to the guys in my group and see if/when we can go down on a Saturday. Do you play on any weeknights? Most the guys I play with work in restaurants and getting weekends off is a little bit of a challenge.

  3. For real life affecting you, you painting certainly hasn't suffered.
  4. We play at a buddies house (though we have played at Guard Tower a few times) just to keep things central and have a place to keep the terraclips/models/paints/beer. My group would love to get some games in against other people and have been talking about trying to figure out who else in Ohio we can play to get ready for Gencon. Not sure if I will be able to make it there this Sunday for the tournament (though I may try) but my group was talking about holding a Road To Gencon Tournament - Ohio edition. So either way, I hope to play you sometime soon.

  5. Yeah dude. Let me talk to my group (and girlfriend...) to see which weekend. I'm thinking maybe memorial day weekend.

  6. I believe Pinning Blow very well could prevent a slow to die… good eye.
  7. Love it! I might be smelling a Lucius or Hoffman proxy…
  8. On the Exorcist it's all about his trigger It's a slightly weaker Headshot trigger. Since it's the exact same damage as the Crossbow it seems weaker, but late turn when your opponent is down to one card in hand... pretty powerful. Not to mention it is a Sacrifice trigger... double good as the defender will get no Slow To Die or leave any counters. As to the Warden... I don't have Book 3 and I have never played the Warden but if you are writing the abilities correctly (I trust you are,) you are absolutely correct. So with Pinning Blow a Master can burn a Soulstone to prevent, flip the Red Joker, and be safe from the effects of the trigger as opposed to Toss, which will hit regardless (so long as you declare it as your trigger.)
  9. Talk to your man! It's tournament time! In other words, do you guys still want to do some (likely smaller) tournaments so that we are all so ready for Gencon? Because we really should. We can have a totally nerdy time. I'm tired of losing to the same people over and over. P.S. - Hope your phone still works after the plunge.

  10. I know I am pulling this up from the past (time traveling?) but this is phenomenal. Not the car crash. The helpful caring company. I couldn't be happier to support a great company like Wyrd with practically all my money.
  11. Welcome to Malifaux. Lady J will likely be a much different experience for you after Dreamer. Remember to have fun and not get too stressed out either way.
  12. Might as well get an active player in Columbus. Player name: Requirement Contry: United States State: Ohio City: Greater Columbus Area
  13. If it makes you feel any better, Hugor, I quite liked your crew and I was a-ok with the more plain bases as they were well done plain bases.
  14. Yes! I knew if I answered enough rules questions I would eventually be right.
  15. If that is your LGS, it is quite nice. If that is someone's house... I am truly jealous.
  16. I am no expert as I don't play Neverborn, but unless otherwise stated, effects end during the resolve effects stage at the end of the turn.
  17. Both your Ortegas and LaCroix look great. I couldn't agree with you more on the terribleness of Nino... I'm not honestly a huge fan of any of the sculpts and fall into the rare camp that you do and like Alt. Perdita better. The water effects on the bases also look great, just enough to add character. Well done.
  18. Fair question. I hadn't opened my mind up enough at that point. In my opinion, the entire point of all the visuals, every frame, every pixel, should be to assist the narrative. I can always pick up a book and get a great narrative and a movie is competing directly with that (in a creativity way?) I am a huge reading nerd and find the winner tends to be books (compared to mainstream studio movies that have a budget) because visual effects are used so frequently to cover up the fact there is no narrative (I'm looking at you Transformers) or they accidentally hold the narrative back and I don't find either of those situations to be enjoyable.
  19. No he didn't. I assumed you guys decided to hate me. I threw out too many threats or something. Or challenged Jeremy to too many "who can lose hardest battles." *grins* My May is actually really poorly organized (in the interest of honesty, every month is poorly organized in my life) what with getting a new job and trying to move so I figure it is best for us to get some days agreed on so I can make sure I'm not working or whatever else I do. It may also give me incentive to paint a little faster.
  20. If you aren't growmancing... she's fairly useless. Unfortunate side affect of being neutered(in a way that I, frankly, understood and supported, but was still a cuddle) without a drop in her cost...
  21. Q's pretty spot on up there. Malifaux should have a minimum of 12 pieces. Like bare minimum. It's really best at 18-22 pieces. I personally prefer to use a lot of smaller pieces to get to that point around a few bigger buildings or forests or what have you. Do look into terraclips as well. Wonderfully easy and good looking sets to play around with. You need a couple boxes to really start seeing the awesome though. Terraclips really helps understand the terrain requirements and how enjoyable the game becomes when it feels crowded.
  22. Always willing to help out. ---------- Post added at 11:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 PM ---------- I also enjoy reading everyone's responses.
  23. Looks good. For a first shot at OSL it is damn fine. I agree, maybe it could be a little stronger on the hand/leg. Look forward to seeing more of your stuff.
  24. Honestly, water works out just fine, so long as you are using a paint made for painting models (if you have medium thinner, I would presume you have decent paint.) And it's really not too complicated to use them. Water the paint down a good deal (real watery, think colored water) and just slather it on making sure you hit the deep parts real well and have a little bit of the wash pooled up in the recesses. Let the mini dry and repeat and eventually you will start seeing progress. The washes are really worth it as they are a pretty easy way to get a good definition on minis. I think everything looks pretty good, if you add in washes everything will look great.
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