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Everything posted by Boshea

  1. So with the photobucket update a while back, my mini gallery is basically impossible to organize now. So I'm going to start going through and re-uploading everything I have done to a new gallery. With that, its easier to start a new painting thread than update the links in my old one. I do have a few models I haven't posted yet, but I figured I'd start by polling on what I should post up for my next project. Beyond getting a Misaki box done to hopefully use for convention demos and finished my Hellcannon for WHFB, I don't really have anything planned. As for big projects I have kicking around there is my Hamelin crew, my Ortegas along with some odd Guild models, some second hand Neverborn I need to repaint, and a ton of unpainted Mercenaries for my Viks. There is also the giant pile of non-Malifaux stuff like my Necromunda gang, Bloodbowl team, and my Khador but I kind of have everything focused on Malifaux for 2.0.... Well except Bloodbowl if our offline league starts early.
  2. I believe she's binding her chest, but its hard to tell on my smaller monitor.
  3. Damage prevention imo. Using them for healing actions means you are not stabbing things.
  4. Based on the strongarm, I'm doubting Freikorp armor will change much aesthetically. Some better posed Korpsmen would be awesome though since they are the lamest models of that force. I want Lilith to remember she uses a Greatsword. According to one of my locals the current Master Hamelin sculpt looks a little dopey, and I have to agree a little.
  5. As a consolation Von Schill will be the only Septuble-Faction model in the game. Just so he can remain the best henchman or I guess master in every faction.
  6. I think the rules streamlining is fine. On almost every card I own there is at least one ability that never gets used outside of corner cases. Makes it easier to teach some one the game when there isn't 5 situational abilities on their master that they won't even use.
  7. So my TCP order finally shipped. Ended up going with a Patriot-Arrow (I like the smaller cup design of it) and just the generic tank with compressor. Not a lot of options for Air-brush paint locally. Basically either Spectra-tex from Michaels, or Vallejo Model air from one of the hobby shops. Have a thing of Model air white sitting on my shelf and I'll pick up a few more colors when an order comes in. Excited to finally mess around with this thing and finally get some paint on my Khador.
  8. And so comes the end of the league. Did Mr. C find his treasure trove, or was he beaten to the punch. Guess we'll find out in the next event. Due to player's inability to paint models.... or post the ones I know they painted, had to makes some last minute changes to the prizes. Remind me never to put a paint requirement on a tournament. Not all players have Wyrd accounts, so going by local forum names in some cases. Best Game Score - Nozor $15 Best Painted - Myself...... by default $15 Best Overall - Nozor $20 "Fate is Fickle" - Mmacneil "Sharp Dressed Man"-Myself..... by default So best to explain things out for the uniformed. Schedules and order delays kind of wreaked chaos on the league, but every player except one did manage to get at least 3-4 games in. Originally I had planned on limiting prizes to one per player, but Nozor was so far ahead in points that I just gave him both Game and Overall. "Sharp Dressed Man" will remaining in the prize box for a future event. Due to lack of painting, voting, and myself being the only player with a fully painted crew, best painted is staying in the prize pool for a future event. Oddly enough it was the only prize I could win (exempted myself from the others since I was the only experienced player). As for the final point breakdown based on crews. Jakob Lynch-32(26/6) Mei-26 Kirai-12 Viktorias-12 Lady Justice-8 Seamus-7 Seamus-6 Von Schill-6 Lady Justice-4 Overall I'd call this train wreck a success. I'll be looking for feedback from players for what they want for future events. Now that people have crews we should have less issues. Next major league will be in July, but I'm looking at doing either a one-day event or a small tournament in May/June before then.
  9. Haven't figured out 10T well enough yet to give advice beyond Misaki+Whatever.
  10. This right here is why I hated 3.5, and to a lesser extent pathfinder. So many games of doing nothing while Johny Powergamer makes me wonder why I ever bother wanting to play a rogue or fighter. 4e can be linear as balls if you want to optimize it, but I've had way more fun in that system when I could just auto-set my progression and focus on role-playing my character. Then again, I had a better group and DM for 4e.
  11. neko-"Is it difficult terrain to go through the door." Me-"Well Izamu is pretty big so we'll say yes for now." neko-"How hard is it to break down the wall." Me-"Its rock so you'd need red joker." *Flips Red Joker* Me-"F*** you neko."
  12. "Now that we have that evidence dealt with lets move onto the main event. The reason I've been so keen to grab that property is do to a little bit of history. It used to be an arcanist safe house before we busted the place back in my guard days. At the time we reported that there was nothing of note other than the men we arrested. However during the bust there was a sizable soulstone shipment being smuggled. Sizable enough that pocketing it then would have both the guild and the arcanist on our backs. So we ended up hiding it deep in the cellar until we had a better chance to line our pockets. The place has been under heavy watch by the guild while on the free market, but now that it is in my possession we should be able to extract it with ease. The arcanist have likely written it off due to the amount of notoriety associated with the event, so I'm sure they'll pay pretty well to get it back. But then again, there are always other buyers." Week 6-Shared Treasure Hunt Games can be reported until the 14th. You have until the 17th to both vote for best painted and to post a model in the painting thread. Winners will be announced the 18th.
  13. Entry and expansion costs are about the same as Malifaux. $100 gets you enough for a standard game with some variability depending on choices. Compared to other bigger name games that is still pretty good. I've always had a passing interest in it, but need to get one of the local players to run me through a demo that doesn't entirely put me off the game (TO camo and letting me set all my guys up to die to a single Chain Rifle, wee). Models are hit and miss. Was initially pulled in by Aleph, but I have such a love hate relationship with the look of models, and I hate the look of a lot of the recommended stuff for them. Waiting to see how the Steel Phalanx pans out to see if that makes me recommit to them. Military Orders has been the one I've been the most at lately since there are almost 0 models I don't like the look of for them. Granted I know that the best way to play them is with heavy use of Sergeants instead of heavy Knights, but Sergeants are pretty cool.
  14. "So it looks like my boys are getting a little sloppy in their work and word is spreading around on how I picked up that piece of property. Now bribes only go so far for keeping the guild out of my affairs, but after that Union incident a while back even they're starting to question if the money is worth the trouble. So to make sure this project still turns a profit I need you to go tie up some loose ends before word spreads any more. Otherwise your pay is going to be going into the bribes to cover this up." Week 5 Strategy-Shared Destroy Evidence Reminder to get a model posted in the painting thread by the end of week 6.
  15. Brutal, Flay, and Critical Strike are essentially all the same ability outside of a few corner cases. The main differences is what they default to when not listed with a weapon. Generalizing it wouldn't really change all that much other than having to always list what weapons the trigger applies to.
  16. Yeah I've been looking through stuff. Just hard to tell if hoses are included, and what hoses I'd need to get things to connect. Need to check the prices on the Aspire Pro at Michaels locally to see if waiting for a 50% week is cheaper than ordering online. Yay international shipping fees. webairbrushes likely has the lowest price for a patriot, but their is also a 15 day delay on shipping. Currently the site isn't giving me prices for shipping with the just the brush, but I'm expecting at worst it'll cost the same as anywhere else. Right now I'm looking at $150 for TC-20T and $250 for an Aspire. Probably go with the TC-20T unless I can get an Aspire locally for $200, which is unlikely since I feel like the price is about the same as webairbrush.
  17. So been looking in to getting an air-brush setup, and just wondering if anyone has familiarity with the brush and compressor I'm looking at getting. For a brush I've been looking at a Patriot 105 since it looks to be a fairly versatile brush and if I get something finer in the future it is still an excellent brush for base coats. For a compressor I've been looking at a Paasche D3000R. From what I can gather I just need to add a water trap to it, but the more I research into this compressor the more I find people saying its too under powered. Noise is a big factor for any compressor I'm looking into since I do live in an apartment so I don't want to annoy the hell out of other tenants, or destroy my own hearing while working with it. The other option I've seen is an ultra-quiet compressor from Home Depot, which is a monster compared to the Paasche. Then again unless I can find a good Canadian supplier, the shop compressors cost just as much as a hobby one.
  18. "I see Mister Lockark talked you into buying one of those stupid hats of his, well you better not plan on wearing it while on the job. I need you looking like a refined enforcer, not some asshole wastrel. Anyway, the boys are out back loading up some supplies to take over to my new establishment. Make sure they get there, or you'll have the joys of continuing your employment in debt to me. If you want to know what its like to owe me something, go take a look at the tree a few blocks over and talk to a few of the people who defaulted." Week 4 Strategy - Shared Supply Wagon Fun Fact, I actually mixed up weeks 3 and 4 strategies.
  19. Gonna have to disagree on the ace of masks after re-reading the abilities. Jakob doesn't flip for Dead Man's hand, Jakob's controller does. So it'd still only be an ace, thus it needs to be discarded.
  20. More clear answer is, because Ratty said so. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?34569-Is-zero-even Was going to disagree about the ace of masks, until I reread the ability. Always thought Ace in the Hole only applies to duels, not just anything he flips or cheats.
  21. neko's first response was it looked like I based him on a pile of pubes.
  22. Its either the forums and/or browsers that seem to hate photobucket's thumbnails.
  23. Boshea


    The starter boxes are drastically under-priced compared to everything else you'll need to play.
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