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Everything posted by Ausplosions

  1. Wouldn't have save Killjoy, as you can't use a (0) action after a slow to die action....
  2. If something has evasive and armour, does it pick one or the other or does it receive the effects of both.
  3. Indeed. That'll teach me for posting on the fly..
  4. Note that when casting spells the caster Cheats/uses Soulstones BEFORE the target player decides to cheat. The caster must set the total first.
  5. Yeah, would also love to know this...
  6. pretty sure poison, etc still tick over. He still 'gets ' an activation, he just can't do anything....I could be wrong, but surely if you are paralyzed you are still being poisoned?
  7. Vmag has it. But if Killjoy is on one elevation and the target on another, with a gap between, the target will fall.
  8. At the end of the turn you take the discard pile, the deck and combine them. Then you shuffle them. Then you start a NEW discard pile from your crap cards. Then you draw a new hand. Then you flip for initiative.
  9. Or if against Lilith, then immune to influence. Otherwise he'll get transpositioned out of his castle......
  10. Take 4 dogs. Rafkin flasks the dogs, catching himself.( free poison tokens for heals later.) Dogs activate and die. Nico raises a RN. Rafkin gets 4 Bp.
  11. So, what CAN Hoffman assimilate? It states "Talents and spells" so are actions talents? are triggers? The cards are not at all clear on this. Also, can Hoffman machine puppet.
  12. Okay, I've always liked the Hoffman set, especially the Guardian model. So I picked up the box, a mobile toolkit and a peacekeeper. But that's not quite enough for 35 points. What else should I get to round it out? a construct? An exorcist? I don't really know.
  13. Okay, Cheers for the advice. I've always liked the Hoffman set, especially the Gaurdian model. So I picked up the box, a mobile toolkit and a peacekeeper. But that's not quite enough for 35 points. What else should I get to round it out? a construct? An exorcist? I don't really know.
  14. Pretty sure it's not 'directly' so as long as it finishes closer than before it moved you're all good. Bigger question is it states 'stops moving once it comes into contact with a model' So what if it starts in contact? Does it not get a move, or can it move away, but stops if it comes into contact with another model?
  15. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?20681-Paralyzed-Vs-Machine-Puppet/page2 I'd really like to know the answer to the Machine Puppet Vs Paralyzed problem?
  16. So, thinking about a new crew, but cant make up my mind. I currently play Nicodem and LOVE it. But I now looking for something that moves a little faster and has less models, both for tactical reasons and the fact my regular opponents would appreciate being able to play a quicker game with me. I quits like the idea of Kirai, plus it keeps me in-faction, but I would need to spend a good deal more getting seishin, gaki and a totem. My other thought was Pandora, as all I would really need is a Teddy and is be set. So can anyone recommend a crew? (Doesn't have to be the two I listed...)
  17. You all cry too much. I've been playing Nico (and Malifaux) for about 2 months now. And Love it. I play 1-2 games a week with him, and have lost 3 times (two of those being to players who frequent this board and who aren't exactly new to this). I'm not saying I'm fantastic, far from it. But if a new player can get so much enjoyment, and a decent win/loss ratio from a Master in a faction everyone cries about, they can't be that bad. The Rezzers are nowhere near as bad as you all make out. " ohh my zombies are slow...." Well, Duh!... They are bags of dead meat, what do you expect. The model count required to play Nico is , I admit, quite high. And probably not the best for a beginning player. But it does give you MASSIVE tactical flexibility. And variation. No two games have been the same for me. Hired Killjoy, but your sacrificial Vulture/s got killed? 1 Summoned Necropunk, a (0) jump and a 1 Sacrifce later, and Von Schill has just been eaten. Need something to Block line of sight to Nico? (who for some reason is in the middle of a street - like I said, I'm new): 1 Summoned Flesh Construct please. Oh, hey Cassandra and a Coryphee, you want to Stab me with your pointy weapons. Rigor Mortis. Oh, Nico needs healing? Decay, or a soulstone, or Rafkin. The faction is actually very versatile. If you are looking for a crew that can do everything "the best", an invulnerable, card-drawing, soulstone creating powerhouse, then wait until they release the Jesus: Super Crew starter box. Otherwise don't take a crew that's dead. Then complain that it operates like one. Sure, it needs Crows to function. I'm sure it's not easy to keep rotting sacks of flesh, bone and viscera moving around. It's the Fluff. If you don't like it don't play it. It's a STORY DRIVEN SKIRMISH GAME. Says so on the packet. Of course the Neverborn are amazing. They are the Home Team. Everyone else is the Away team. Home ground advantage.... But for the love of Jesus and the Super Crew!! Please stop telling new players that Rezzers are "horrible and underpowered and broken". They are also very Thematic and fun.
  18. Not counters carried by enemies either, page 18 says you can't use counter carried by other models unless the ability specifically says you can.
  19. Except Arise is a pulse, so counters can't be used to raise zombies....
  20. Only ones carried by the model in question, or within the range of the spell/ability. NOT anywhere. Unless stated it does. (Which no ability I can think of does)
  21. I am unable to do this. I right click on my image, select copy. Then when I go back to Photoshop, I am unable to find a 'paste option' and Ctrl-v does not work. Any help?
  22. so this guy clearly has a "little man" complex. I read the rules. But as far I was aware you couldn't use counters carried by another model. Anyone who is not a complete muppet want to chime in?
  23. So, Nicodem's (0) action Arise (pulse 10) says sacrifice ALL Corpse counters. Summon 1 mindless zombie per counter sacrificed. I was told today that this can include corpse counters carried by my own -and seeing as it does not say otherwise, my enemy's- models. It is also a pulse, so that would mean counters carried by Nico himself could NOT be sacrificed.. Thoughts?
  24. I'm just starting out with Nico, and would love this clarified too.
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