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Everything posted by Sybaris

  1. There's no way to satisfy everyone, that's obvious. But i am not talking of knowing what's going to be changed and to what extent, i was just wondering if we'll have to wait for a year or if it's coming in the next months, that kind of thing. Say for example, if it's due in a year or so, i'll continue working on my house rule project, but if it's coming within around 3 months, then my priorities will be different. no torches and pitchfork involved
  2. I have all faction colored decks so i typically play with the deck of the faction i use. I also have the retro deck but i use it to play regular card games more than malifaux, it really rocks to play with that in our "chalet" in the wild, lit by candles around a very old table. So the only one i don't have (as far as i know) is the puppet wars deck.
  3. House rules and self-imposed restrictions can work for some time, and serve to ease our mind and be patient until the official word is out. But it'd be much easier to wait if we knew a little timeframe for it to happen. There's a difference between "when it happens" and "around next summer", at least from a fan point of view. I don't expect nor ask for a precise date either, so that the devs have all the time they need...just a bone before christmas
  4. It's in the FAQ rule sticky: click here for thread Item 6 Again, i am not hurrying anything, but i look forward to this and it's been a while so i thought i'd ask for a hint.
  5. Hello, I was just wondering if it was possible to get an approximate timeline for the update to Hamelin and Nekima. Back this summer, both were mentionned as getting their turn eventually. I understand this takes time, so I am not in a hurry or anything, but it'd ease my mind if i had an idea of how long the wait would go for those two. I believe i am not the only fan as well, hence this post. Thanks for any imput.
  6. Exactly, so with Nekima's regeneration aura, you can have her heal back to max wounds each turn after the first. It's a bit of a liability, but allows you to play without the lelu model (which i dislike).
  7. Armor 3 or regeneration 3 certainly changes a model's impact in the game, although i guess you mean to apply those separately from one another and this house rule set. I limited those to 1 due to the other changes that boosts her survivability.
  8. Edited the ruleset. The most obvious change is that she now has Animosity towards Lilith. I am also working on sample Ancient Nephilims that could be used. Edit: As a side note, i am now playing games with the house rules. I have to say, Nekima is quite strong so far, but retains a weakness towards shooting and ranged attacks/spells like the rest of her crew. The logical tactic with it is to pull enemies and tear them apart piecemeal, while gathering blood counters. With those she can survive to masters for a turn or two, sometimes enough to actually win, but it's still a very tough prospect. I ran this testing crew so far: Nekima - 3ss 2 Terror Tots 2 Young Nephilims 1 Mature Nephilim 1 Lilitu The Lilitu really helps to bring ranged support, she's kept alive by staying near Nekima (regen 1) and healing herself. She has proved pivotal in the games we played.
  9. Agreed with Pagan, the model is splendid.
  10. I really like the idea, the effigies are all fun and great models. With Zoraida i like the doppleganger alot, as getting the initiative is quite beneficial with her style (imho). So it'd be the doppleganger, a stitched together and her avatar for me.
  11. Falling a single story is enough to twist ankles, trust me , but generally it won't be worse than that...true. However we had issues with vertical reach more than falling damage...so yeah it's a bit reversed from your perspective.
  12. Quite true, the pose is nice, and the model overall is definitely up there with the good ones that Wyrd made. We may be disappointed or not, since not everyone see Nekima in the same way...so there will be unhappy puppets around when its released, but at least we all agree that something needs to be done, and we'd like it to be soon
  13. I didn't pin her down at all. I just used greenstuff to get the parts to stand relatively where i wanted them, then put glue on it for the fix. The mixture of greenstuff and superglue seems to create a very strong bond, more than enough for models like Nekima. I built a larger boulder for her hoof to sit upon and put it on the original base's boulder, and i glued the foot there while it was drying using the same technique. a. prepare the parts (clean, etc.) b. prepare green stuff c. apply minimum greenstuff on the parts, and a bit of glue in the socket where the part connects. d. hold there until bond forms, then correct the greenstuff to seal the gaps where the part connects. e. Let it dry using whatever you use to support models when they are drying up. Keep checking from time to time in case the weight of the part is enough to bend the green stuff before it hardens. The only problematic part, for the long term, is the thin ankle which all the weight rests on into the base.
  14. Here's the order (from the crews we have, apart Mei Feng which we'll get later on) 1. Nekima (house rule) 2. Zoraida 3. Lilith 4. Molly 5. Nicodem 6. Mei Feng 7. Marcus 8. Lady J 9. Dreamer My wife goes: 1. Colette 2. Rasputina 3. Viktorias 4. Kaeris 5. Mei Feng 6. Ophelia 7. Perdita
  15. I like the Secrecy idea, although Lucius could get Avatar of Bureaucracy (), and the Governor could get Avatar of Mystery I would assume that wyrd will also consider how well Avatars have sold for the previous masters before comitting more resources to new ones. When the purple wave affected everyone in malifaux (implying that the 10T masters also got hit, and as such could manifest), but it does require some fluff writing to cover the reasons behind the change.
  16. I think in this case it would be Von Schill, Avatar of Moustache
  17. I still think Coercion is the way to go for Jacob; Addiction is definitely possible, but it's not like he himself is addicted to the Brilliance...in fact he resisted it. He's just forced to run the show in order to survive. Mr Graves is forced to protect Jacob against his will. Almost all the other minions with Brilliance are acting against their (original) will in a way, and so are their victims. Even the Darkness is forced unto this ordeal. So my picks for the 10T masters: Jacob Lynch, Avatar of Coercion Yan Lo, Avatar of Eternity Mei Feng, Avatar of Rebellion Lucas McCabe, Avatar of Courage Misaki, Avatar of Devotion Other suggestions for henchmen/minions : Molly, Avatar of Sacrifice Nekima, Avatar of Majesty Kaeris, Avatar of Curiosity
  18. Rasputina has the Famine niche, so this cover any hunger or food stuff.
  19. Luck, chance and fortune are pretty much taken by Zoraida which has the Fate niche. But what about this: Jacob Lynch Avatar of Coercion? Almost everyone in his crew are sort of "forced" into actions that they wouldn't really want to take...from their victims to Jacob himself. Unless i fail and it's already taken... Of course, there'll be a new master: Nekima, the dark Queen :Powerful_Puppet:, okay...wishful thinking here
  20. I think the Dead Rider is a common add-on advice around these boards. I've also seen alot of Necropunks and Rotten Belles mentionned around.
  21. The fluff is worth the read, and the colorful books are quite nice to introduce people to the world of Malifaux.
  22. Until we get anything official that's what i'll be using, i guess.
  23. As for other house rules concerning terraclips...we've also looked at flat elevation height. The proposed rule of 1 inch of wall = 1 Ht of flat elevation creates funny stuff: a) models can hit silly high compared to the table.. unless you have more than one floor plan in your buildings, they won't take damage from any fall. To solve it up, we use an house rule that 1 Ht of flat elevation = 0.5 " of actually wall. So a 2" wall is Ht4. I've also read that some people use 2" of wall = Ht3...so it's up to you but we've found 0.5" to be better in the case of 1" obstacles and other terrain. This kind of house rule also fits with model Ht...so it looks much more logical in terms of vertical reach.
  24. For ease of play and less limitations on how we built the terraclips table, we've used the house rule that all models can pass doors, unless the model itself (without the base, as stated above) logically can't crawl, crouch or squeeze by any physical way in order to pass through. When a model would be stuck in such way, we decided that it could spend an (1) Interact action to be placed on the other side of the door, within 1" of it. If the base cannot fit on the other side, then it cannot do so.
  25. What Ht is it? Is it considered a regular piece of terrain when it comes to height?
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