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Everything posted by jasonfly

  1. Remember me? Well, I finally got a painting day in and damn was it productive. I've been continuing to work with flesh as my primary thing to improve, so no freikorps yet. Without further ado, the much-maligned Bishop (thought defined muscles make for better learning, and everyone at the LGS kept commenting that he looks like the character from Disturbed's 'Land of Confusion' clip) Pretty proud of the skin here, considering it was my first attempt at layering solo. And a little hair (playing with P3 paints here). Some more interesting colors here (the green was a suggestion from a passer-by, thought it'd make a change. The metallics still need some highlighting, but I realized I ran out of metallics brighter than boltgun metal. And a side view (that chain was a pain in the ass to paint without harming the paintjob on the skin.
  2. Count me in with a male desperate mercenary! Let's see what we can do here...
  3. Slight update for you guys: Finally got my hands on a wider range of sizes, should do wonders for my ability to attempt detail work. I'm hoping to have a freikorps trapper painted up within the next few days, but incoming exams might hinder that somewhat.
  4. Apologies for the hiatus in posts, the new year was rather busy. Just got back from painting, and I am rather pleased with my work on skin (especially considering this is the first time I attempted multiple layers). @Zugov: Well, I haven't seen the use for him since he tends to get shot up before achieving much of anything. However, since a friend is going to be starting to play (with both viks and von schill, go figure) starter box vs. starter box games might lead me to understanding him a bit better, time will tell. Without further ado, progress pics- First batch of minis that I basecoated using an airbrush, so proud (guess what my other project is ) Taelor's skin before eyes/lips/blush practiced. Damn pleased for my first try, definitely a big boost to my confidence. Rather poor picture with her face done. Sadly, I missed a few mold lines so I'm gonna strip her and start again, but she was great for practice and I'm liking the mini a lot. And just to reassure everyone that the freikorps are still gonna get done, here they are with the base color courtesy of the airbrush. I'm going to be picking up some more brushes tomorrow, as my selection is rather...limited at the moment. Hopefully I can solidify what I've learned about painting skintones and female faces (Collette's girls have to be looking their best!) As always, comments, criticisms, and suggestions+questions are welcome.
  5. I have to say, seeing minis like yours makes me even more eager to give this a shot! I'm really going to be pushing myself to stick with layering until I can get to be able to do around 5 layers (for the really special minis), but I agree that 3 seems like enough for the majority. I'm really trying to get away from the basecoat+devlan mud which I did for my last project. I'm slightly ashamed, but there were just so many....:Paralyzed_Puppet:
  6. Not so far. I'm thinking to stick to the classic scheme for her crew, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm planning to do bases for them that look more like a stage, so I expect to be using a similar technique to with my trench bases (which were painfully easy to do), just without the dirt and unevenness. And yes, Youtube has been a wonderful resource so far- that + some hands-on assistance should hopefully get me to improve (I'm gonna give layering a serious shot on the next few minis-trapper cloaks should be ideal).
  7. I've got two trappers that are begging for some paint, and they sure as hell deserve it! Those guy have gotta be some of my favorite minis in the game. I managed to negotiate with a friend of mine to give me some painting classes, so hopefully I'll be able to do them justice. On a side note, Collette and the gang will probably be turning up soon, so I better up the output!
  8. Glad to hear the positive comments, hopefully you'll see my painting steadily improve (wash was too thick on these...) Anyways, progress pics! Vikis, Avatar Vikis, freikorps specialist (who I can't seem to find worth bringing...ever), Bishop, Taelor and Epic Magnus (goes to show I have game system ADD) A lot of these guys needed to have paint stripped, and got some nice bases for their troubles! Who do you guys wanna see painted next? Freikorps (von Schill, Trappers, freikorpsmann), or something from the viks' starter box?
  9. Well, after having drifted away from Malifaux for a couple of months to paint a tier list for warmachine, I decided that a game with such a low model count deserves to have more care taken on each one. As a result, these guys have been selected as the minis I'll be using to (hopefully) improve my painting skills. I'm starting off with my Von Schill box, +another trapper Here's what's been painted so far (more were painted, but are in paint thinner now, as they were used for some experimenting) What do you guys think so far? I'm torn between thinking the scheme is boring, but that they are career mercenaries, so practicality over bright colours (besides, there's a certain arcanist that will be perfect for...). Hope to give you guys an update soon!
  10. Rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated. Anyways, I know I have sinned when it comes to my painting deadlines, but life threw an unexpected (although certainly welcome ) surprise my way. Back on topic, the malifaux bug bit me with a vengeance today. Probably due to having my first game today (result: DRAW!!!!), and thoroughly enjoyed observing the way that whatever higher powers may be influenced our card pulls. Specifically, Johan more than proved himself in my eyes. In fact, I am so proud of his performance today that I'm going to go into storymode to tell you the tale of Johan, the renegade steamfitter. '...and as the battle raged, both sides had taken severe casualties. Johan and Bishop were hugging the cover provided by a local gunsmith's shop, while Viktoria attempted to flank the remaining gremlin. Before he could react however, Ophelia leaped from cover in a do or die assault. After he gunsmoke settled, Johan was amazingly left standing, albeit slightly bloodied. Sensing the chance to reap glorious revenge upon this upstart vermin his fingers clenched around the handle of his relic hammer, his constant companion throughout his misadventures in this strange world. Before he could break into a sprint that would surely have led to a near decapitating blow, another vile gremlin appeared, spurred on by Ophelia's assault. Known as Raphael, the vermin felt that Johan's luck would not hold out. Drawing his firearm and releasing a cascade of bullet casings, Johan was struck repeatedly. He was not to die without a blaze of glory however, as higher powers were watching over him that day. Slumped against the wall, with numerous sucking chest wounds, Johan drew his long-serving, if slightly malinged, companion. Johan never did feel a sense of accomplishment at downing an enemy at range, preferring instead to prove his skill at arms and savor the feel of breaking bone caused by the unrelenting blows of his hammer. Fate was with him this day however, as he took aim at Raphael and scored a direct hit (13 of masks). the gremlin's luck would not hold out under this final assault. the round struck him directly in the eye and ricocheted around inside his skull, causing untold damage (red joker flip ). Choking upon his own blood, Johan grinned at Ophelia. From between his bloodstained teeth he managed to utter his final words of defiance. 'Don't think you're getting out of this alive' he rasped, before finally succumbing to injuries which would have immediately been the death knell for lesser men. Seeing the grim determination facing her, Ophelia felt it unwise to present an opportunity for Bishop to close with her, as the vagaries of fate were not with her that day.
  11. I wish I was able to maximize the use of my free time the way you seem to be doing. TELL ME YOUR SECRET! It would come in handy with getting crews painted/schoolwork done.
  12. Personally I love the minis for the stitched, since they remind me of 'oogie boogie' from Nightmare before Christmas (I'm guessing that's not just a coincidence, wyrd ). I like the method of inks over a white primer, may give it a shot sometime. Happy gaming!
  13. Wow! This project just keeps getting more and more impressive! I look forward to seeing your tutorial and, more likely than not, basing my own display table off it!
  14. Wow! Great find! Just when I'm deciding which 2 masters to get for over the holidays! You may have swayed my decision with this!
  15. Looks amazing so far! Care to share some of your secrets with us? I'm planning on making a display board over the holidays, so any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Large arachnid is large. I like the paintjob on it;simple, no frills, and looks like it means business. Nice work on kaelis and the female gunslinger too!
  17. Looks great! How long did it take you to make, and do you think you could talk me through some of the methods you used to male the scenery? Thinking about making some display tables for my gangs, so I'm in research mode at the moment. Happy gaming on your new table!
  18. Thanks for posting this, I'll probably be experimenting with this soon!
  19. Thanks for the help, now to convince santa to bring me an airbrush for christmas!
  20. Nice to see progress with the models, even if you have got a fair few crews. Hopefully i can get myself to a similar level of motivation, since i just got 2 crews and am planning on getting 2 more over the holidays. My wallet is going to hate me, hopefully i can prevent my conscience from doing the same by painting my purchases!
  21. Since all of you have been nice and patient, i'm gonna be increasing the painting output! Expecting to have 2 or 3 minis done by friday evening, since i'm going to be out of the country for 4 days after that. I have to leave you guys with some pictures of my work that you can judge and critique. On a side note, i'd appreciate any suggestions on what to do to improve my painting skills would be greatly appreciated, since I am trying to improve my painting skills throughout this project. Happy wargaming!
  22. Looks solid! I've just started out with the viktorias, so Bishop'sin line for painting. I like the colour scheme you chose on him, I may have to steal that On a side note, how did you paint his hair?
  23. Nice work there man! I've been thinking about picking up an airbursh but i'm worried about what abominations I may well end up creating. Did you look up any articles/pages to help, or have got any advice that you'd be willing to share?
  24. HE IS COMPLETE!!!! considering I haven't painted in ages, i'm fairly pleased with this guy overall. Of course, any suggestions you guys are willing to throw my way will be much appreciated, and I'll try to incorporate them into the desperate merc! (yeah, kind of killed the mystery of who's next on the painting table with that one ). Hope you guys enjoy, and keep the suggestions/input coming!
  25. Wow! Amazing work man, that one's a real beauty! on a side note, epic comment above me is epic
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