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Everything posted by mattspooner

  1. How do I get the proper card for a model not yet released?
  2. Any rules regarding Proxies? Have a Toshiro stand in that I am thinking on bringing?
  3. Have a pass but am hoing to be able to blag a lift or it may be cost prohibitive by the time I pay for hotel and beer and beeeer and beeeeeeeer
  4. Contemplated VS and had the strongarm come out in Jan, would have been a contender for me
  5. Having failed to get to grips with Kirai, I may swap out for Yan Lo instead! And we dont appear to have him represented yet!
  6. Trust me, the way I have played with Kirai so far cannot be counted as practice! It would be like saying that crashing into a tree is like practising driving!
  7. Can I change to Ressers, Outcast, 10T? I know we have a lot of 10T but i did check that there are still more han 3 other Arcanists....
  8. Just a quickie to say that I got an email this AM to tell me a full set of replacement Marionettes cards are being sent. Oooo, replacement cards for Yan Lo. Did you get a set for my one too?
  9. Reckon on running Kirai box , Lost Love, blister of Seishin and shikome for summoning. Only layed 1 game with her so worried about frustrating my opponents with my bumbling efforts!
  10. Still hadnt heard anything from the initial enquiry, have now tried the mispack form but not holding out hope. Not impressed. The postage for stat cards to the UK is bordering on outright theft and then to get the wrong cards and no answer to the enquiry has left me feeling REALLY disappointed with the customer service. I don't accept that acknowledging emails gets in the way of the process of dealing with the issue, keeping customers informed is what makes for happy customers.
  11. Excellent, the tractorfaux massive are confirmed! Watch out Essex, we are coming for your manglewurzels!
  12. Guys, Ordered some stat cards a week before Xmas for UK delivery. (Yes too expensive postage but the cards are actually cheap IMHO). Appreciated that it was Xmas etc but them came quick enough, BUT instead of the 4 Marionette cards requested, I got 3 and a wicked doll. Completed the form but should I have used the mispack form? What is peeps experience of the turnaround for the Contact forms?
  13. Looks like me (@uberspoons) and OTP (@Temeraire1798) are in for it.
  14. It Seems an ideal way for me to try Kirai, count me in. Thats 6 of the Norfolk boys coming now. Kirai Box, Lost Love, blister of Seishin and Shikome for extra summoning models?
  15. Of course I'm f**king coming, wouldnt miss it (and making 3 bloody tables for it!) Resser, Outcast, Arcanist
  16. Tempted to come, 25ss and thevbox rules I get. Summoning?
  17. Joel, please! I'm still trying to forget the Ramatar street pizza!
  18. Do we have a predicted release date for him?
  19. Kinda abuses what is 'on' a 50mm base! Likely to get a canvas due to the fragility of the hoops but useable as it stands
  20. Into the last hour - lots of updated stuff
  21. Best laid plans, undone Not that black joker again! Never the red one X-(
  22. There is a saying More scared of you, than you are Have you met Hank yet?
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