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Everything posted by Kaled

  1. I've finished another two crews since Christmas - well, by finished I mean I've finished the starter boxes, but I've still got half a dozen models to add to each crew. First up, Collette and her showgirls... And then (alternate) Pandora and the legion of sorrows... - Dave
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll probably try the shared treasure hunt - that gives us a nice clear objective for a first game. I plan to use the Seamus and Lady Justice boxed sets. In fact, I may just use Justice and the three death marshals vs Seamus and three belles and save Judge and Sybelle for the second or third game. So, if I was going to ignore all but one or two of their abilities, which abilities do you advise I keep for those models? Maybe it's just me not seeing the obvious, but where is the reference sheet on Ratty's page?
  3. Morning all, This weekend I plan to play my first game of Malifaux. My opponent has also never played before, and and considerably less miniature wargaming experience than I do. I've read the Rules Manual a couple of times, and think I have a fair handle on the basics of the rules, but my opponent hasn't had chance to read it al all. So, I was wondering is someone could advise me on how best to go about our first game(s). For example, in Puppet Wars there are a few training scenarios to get new players used to the rules - has anyone written something similar for Malifaux? If not, can someone give me any advice on how they go about introducing the game to new players. Are there any scenario choices etc that are better for learning the game? For information, I plan to use the Lady Justice and Seamus boxes for the first game(s), as I've read that they're good for starting out. Also, I've seen a few quick reference sheets on various sites that look useful, but am not sure if they are for the Rules Manual or original version of the rules - please can someone post a link to an up-to-date reference sheet? Any and all advice gratefully received. - Dave
  4. The save dots seem to work okay for me. However I do seem to get a broken image next to each minion I add - comparing it to my PC it seems to be the red X that lets you delete a minion.
  5. I admit I haven't tested it comprehensively, but I just tried it using Goodreader on my iPad and it seemed to be working fine...
  6. Another thing you could try is drilling one hole, then stick a bit of blue tack to the other piece. Lick the drilled part so it won't stick to the blue tack and press the two bits together. When you pull them apart the drilled hole will have left an impression in the blue tack that you can drill through (also, if the blue tack has gone into the hole, you should be able to see the angle of the first hole you drilled and so line them up). Hope that explanation makes sense...
  7. I've not yet played a game of Malifaux, but perhaps I could try to explain (in part to check that my understanding is correct). You don't activate one model, then see who that model can Companion with. Instead the declaration of a group happens "Before activating a model with Companion...". So at this point (i.e. before activating a model) you instead declare a group of models with Companion or the corresponding Characteristic who are within 6" of each other. Only then do you actually activate one of the models in the nominated group, and then activate the next and so on. It is a confusingly worded rule - I too had the same thoughts when I read it before coming here. But then realised it was just me who was reading it wrongly. That's assuming my reasoning and interpretation is correct - can someone confirm that please?
  8. Morning, I know this is early days for the fanzine idea (and I know first hand just how much work they can be), but I had an idea for an article that I thought worth sharing (though I won't be offended if you reject it). The Puppet Wars Pattern Book has a series of training scenarios for that game and, as a newbie to Malifaux myself, I thought that a similar series of Malifaux scenarios could be a great way to introduce new players to the game - and would be an ideal article for an introductory issue of a fanzine. We published a similar article in the first issue of Dark Magenta for new Inquisitor players where two new acolytes are put through their paces. Maybe for Malifaux it could be done as a Guild training program with generic guard models that new players could easily proxy. Just a thought...
  9. Thanks everyone for the comments, much appreciated. I really wasn't sure about the executioner at first, but decided to buy him as the model has some really characterful touches like the severed hands hanging from his belt - then when I started to paint him his flesh started out looking rubbish but after a lot of blending it started to come together and now I think he's one of my favourites too. I got the Colette box for Christmas so expect to see some updates over the next few weeks...
  10. Afternoon all, I just finished my first two crews for Malifaux and, although I haven't yet managed a game with them yet, I thought I'd share a few pics. But first an introduction - I started playing wargames and painting models about 20 years ago (other than a hiatus when I went to uni). In that time I've mostly played GW Specialist Games - Epic was a favourite when I was younger, but these days I mostly play Blood Bowl and Inquisitor. I'm also involved with the Inquisitor fanzine Dark Magenta and organise the annual Inquisitor Grand Tournament (due to take place in March at WHW in Nottingham). I came across Malifaux a few months ago and fell in love with the models as they have a lot of character. It feels a little weird to be painting characters who I haven't invented - a very different experience to Inquisitor, but I'm enjoying it immensely. As I said, I haven't yet played a game of Malifaux - I just picked models that I thought were cool and which looked good together - I guess I'll find out as I go along whether they're actually effective crews. Anyway, on to the models - first up is my Seamus crew. After Seamus, I painted a Lady Justice crew. I've now run out of Malifaux models for the moment, but here's hoping that Santa brings me another crew - I quite fancy doing Collette or Pandora next... Hope you like them. - Dave P.S. Sorry the pictures aren't the best - the light here isn't exactly great for taking pictures at this time of year.
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