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Demonn Agram

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Everything posted by Demonn Agram

  1. almost done with the final (McMourning) module... and the lights work...
  2. never liked those "nuthin' but skullz" bases, but on these guys they actually work. I like them a lot!
  3. Fully filled. He'll be floating inside the liquid. And you'd lose the bet
  4. still needs to be filled with green resin, though... this was just a dry fit...
  5. back to the original FPM modular board for Malifaux. the nineth module. last one... only a bit of work done to it (burried the wires for the electronics and cut the nails holding the sliding bearings for the doors), but I did put the various bits already done inside as a mock up. so there will be a prison (in the bottom of the picture), the sheriff's office (part with the furniture) and McMourning's lab with all the creatures inside the cages (plus some extra bits too...)
  6. MALIFAUX FALL LEAGUE ! Rules: any size, any crew, M2E rules Scoring: game played 0,5pts game won 0,5pts fully painted crew by player +0,5pts multiplayer game +0,5pts enjoy!! venue: MS Cvjetni Trg Prolaz s. Bakovic 3 10000 Zagreb Croatia
  7. Type of event: WYRD WEDNESDAY Malifaux/PW/EBO Demos and Painting Workshop Date: 01.10.2014, 17.00-22.00h 08.10.2014, 17.00-22.00h 15.10.2014, 17.00-22.00h 22.10.2014, 17.00-22.00h 29.10.2014, 17.00-22.00h Location (of the club): UMS "Agram" MS Cvjetni trg Prolaz sestara Bakovic 3/1 10.000 Zagreb Croatia Phone: +38591 9122 048 Description: UMS "Agram" proudly invites you to our Malifuax Wednesday. Each Wednesday we'll be having fun doing Demos and organizing a Painting Workshop! Bring your own models, we provide the paints and the brushes! Welcome!
  8. New issue of Figure Painter Magazine is now available: http://www.figurepaintermagazine.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=69 As mentioned, there is a cool Step By Step article about the build of a hilltop gaming table as well as another article on the modular table build. Also a preview and an interview with a cool new company that is doing some steampunk minis called Gears & Mutants. Full list of contents:
  9. well, I was thinking what colour to pick. white, black or wooden-ish... the last would go better with my room now, black wouldn't go well with anything in my flat (now or in the future), but since my hobby room will eventually become a nursery and a kid's room, the cabinet will have to go out. so white was the safest option so I could fit it into any room after I'm kicked out of my hobby room... thinking ahead, I am... (also it seems speaking like Yoda I am..)
  10. yeah, not really... but I have some plans to make the gaps dissappear. the three sides will be relatively easy to fix (with some sealing rubber), the fourth where the opening mechanism is will be a bit trickier, though...
  11. thanks mate... since IKEA has finally come to Croatia: I finally got me one of these: and equipped it with one of these: so now it looks like: best 50 quid I ever spent
  12. went to a modelling show this weekend and took my board with me (for demoing Malifaux, not as an entry in the competition - unfortunately they don't have gaming board category ) anyway, here are a couple of shots of the board in action... look at the venue from the board's viewpoint... Perdita vs Yan Lo Yan Lo vs Seamus and to top a great weekend off, I managed to snag a third place in one of the categories with my Wuppwecht and a gold with my Studnet of Viscera:
  13. will check the text in the morning
  14. how did you like the gap (I see you filled it )?
  15. Dear friends! The time has come for 12th annual Agram Arena Winter 2014 international tournament! The main game played is, of course 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy! However one of the ever more popular sideevents will be a Malifaux doubles tournament (rules will be put out shortly) To be held on 06th and 07th of December 2014. in Gallery "Zvonimir", Bauerova 33, Zagreb, Croatia. Entry: FREE! Refreshing drinks for all players will be free during the tournament! Accommodation for Friday is available at the price of 10€, while Saturday and Sunday night are available at the price of 15 €. Lunch for both days is available at the price of 10 €. SPECIAL OFFER: The accommodation for Saturday night, as well as lunches for both days are free for all first time comers! Max. number of participants is 68 for Warhammer! Max. number of participants is 16 teams (32 players) for Malifaux! Check out the tournament rules at http://www.ums-agram.hr/app/webroot/dokumenti/AAW2014.pdf Official languages of the tournament will be English and Croatian (while Croatian is alternative, knowledge of the English language is a must for all participants)! Registration: from November 09th to November 29th 2014! (you can find guidelines on registration in the rules (check out the above link))! Should the player send his army list by November 22nd he will receive a 3 point bonus to his sportsmanship score at the end of the tournament, in addition if the list is sent without any mistakes he will receive an additional 2 points. If you need any other information please contact us at ums.agram@gmail.com or GSM +385 91 7620584! Welcome!
  16. love the demonlike (red) face!
  17. I checked your blog, and can I ask a favour? a pic of the face, please love the paintjob, btw...
  18. thanks guys! while the resin is curing, I went and did some work on the main Figure Painter Magazine project. started the module #8.
  19. cheers mate ok, finally got back to my board. painted the foam white. put some Vallejo Still Water over it and it looked shitty. because the stream is too short so the lake will need to have some ripples and waves. so I then painted some ripples on the waterfall white and while still wet, poured over the Vallejo Still Water resin so it flowed downstream and into the lake... making this "fog like" effect. after it's dry, I'll make some more ripples and waves over the entire lake using Vallejo Extra Heavy Gel. it should then look ok... hopefully...
  20. As the title says: Rules: 100SS pool 55SS* games (the times on the poster will be stretched a bit - hence give or take) Single faction (each master in pool must play in at least one game) Gaining Grounds Strategies SEE YOU THERE ! ! *in case of many new players (or new to M2E) we'll be having 40SS fights
  21. Type of event: WYRD WEDNESDAY Malifaux/PW/EBO Demos and Painting Workshop Date: 03.09.2014, 17.00-22.00h 10.09.2014, 17.00-22.00h 17.09.2014, 17.00-22.00h 24.09.2014, 17.00-22.00h Location (of the club): UMS "Agram" MS Cvjetni trg Prolaz sestara Bakovic 3/1 10.000 Zagreb Croatia Phone: +38591 9122 048 Description: UMS "Agram" proudly invites you to our Malifuax Wednesday. Each Wednesday we'll be having fun doing Demos and organizing a Painting Workshop! Bring your own models, we provide the paints and the brushes! Welcome! Other events in September: Agram Malifaux Summer League ends 24. sept. 2014. Som'er's End III Tournament 27. sept. 2014. For more info, contact me via PM or visit our online forum: (my nick there is Demonn Ournebb'es Athor)
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