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Everything posted by Tokaji

  1. 5: The counter still drops. Only way it wouldn't is if it was explicitly stated that it didn't. 7: No, neither would. You only do the straight damage flip listed by the trigger. Reason being: for Arcane, the second model hit isn't the target, so he's not attacking it, and for Flaming Bullets, the second damage flip isn't a ranged strike, just a damage flip.
  2. Not to mention a great deterrent. I'm gonna throw this brilliant model in your face and annoy you with it until you kill it. Oh, what's that, you killed it? Here's Huggy!
  3. I've been thinking about an Oiran with him for the neg on WP. Yamaziko would be great. I really want to try Torakage, as I think they would be hilarious with him, especially if you have Yin in the crew.
  4. Personally, my answer is no. The only models I see as auto-include with Lynch are Beckoners. They are the backbone of his crew. I want to try out Ototo, Yamaziko, Toshi (more for hilarity than anything), and Torakage with him. He really needs a big hitter with him, in my opinion.
  5. I don't have aSeamus, but I love Molly. She actually has some decent power with her spells and she provides great buffs and debuffs. I'll often take her with McMourning with some Belles and a Grave Spirit to kind of lead the pack while McM does some off-to-the-side sniping/VP gathering.
  6. I can't be sure on this, since I don't have the book handy, but if it does say 'until used for a trigger', then the suit should stick around until the 'until' is fulfilled. That technically is an ending point.
  7. Kinda dredging up an old post here, but I have question about a combination of effects. This came up in a game today. Convict Gunslinger targets a friendly Vik with Suppressing Fire. Said Vik is outside of melee of any enemy model. If this spell is allowed to go off, the other Vik is naturally effected as well. Now, if the other Vik is within 3" of numerous enemy models, are they then effected by SF? I thought no, but I'm not really sure.
  8. The only restriction to how you use chi points is that you have to complete the previous level in an individual path before moving on to the next. So you can mix and match as much as you want, do two levels in one path, one in another, as long as you start at the bottom and work your way up.
  9. Jakob Lynch Avatar of Madness Lucas McCabe Avatar of the Hunt On a similar note, I really hope that Yan Lo has three different Avatar choices based on which paths he has full when he manifests.
  10. No, you have it right. What you have to consider is that the negative is just a modifier to the equation, if you will. Paired gives a plus, proper manners gives a negative, therefore you get a straight. Just like if you have a plus to a damage flip, and you're attacking a model with hard to wound, they basically cancel eachother out.
  11. In looking forward to the Book 4 Ressers coming out, I was wondering about what people thought about his Undead Warlord ability. Reads: 'This model gains one Conflict Token when a friendly Undead model within 6" inflicts one or more damage on an enemy model with a melee attack.' Does he get Tokens when he injures enemies?
  12. It can be anywhere on the board, provided you obey the rules of the ability (staying away from declared scheme and strat targets). I'm not so sure about this. The wording on the spell is a little awkward, but I would assume that it the model would then become neutral, not exactly an enemy, since it isn't aligned with the enemy either. Just my thoughts.
  13. I completely agree. I love to do water effects on bases, and the slot makes it very difficult, and it's pretty much impossible with the new translucent ones.
  14. Not to mention their movement tricks. Ronin are badass for 5SS. I'd also consider the Freikorps Strongarm Suit when it comes out. Provides a little extra utility.
  15. He's referencing their (1) action that allows them to sacrifice themselves, which still allows for Chompy.
  16. Also, and I assume you meant it this way, the Resser (2) should kill the townie.
  17. The way that I had interpreted #2 was the terrifying is increased to 14, so it's not ending and beginning. Missed the replace clause. Still not 100% sure that's exactly how it works though. As for your question, my interpretation would be that the model isn't entering the aura, as it isn't active. Generally if a Terrifying effect has an immediate action required of it, it will actually say as much. The model would take a test when it activated, as it is activating in range of the aura - provided it was activating in the same turn and after the spell was successfully cast.
  18. Do you have a reference for that? No mention of that exception in the rulebook....
  19. 1) Unless otherwise noted, Terrifying checks are only ever taken at the start of a model's activation. 2) No it does not, the source hasn't changed, just the level of terrifying.
  20. This could just be me, but I've always seen these abilities a little differently. The reason being this: Say I have a model that is naturally fast, we'll use Lilith for this example, if she receives slow, the AP is cancelled out, but the ability stays on the card. Specifically, she could still be effected by an Alp's pulse ability even if she had slow and hadn't activated yet. Basically, my POV boils down to: I don't see fast and slow as effects as much as abilities that cause effects, if that makes any sense. I can't remember if a model can be given slow twice (given, removed, given) in a turn, but I would assume it's like fast in that you can't. Which would make the logical answer that you can remove the effect of fast/slow's ability, but not the ability itself. This is just my two cents, and very well could be wrong, but it's a different way of looking at it.
  21. Melee is a pillar. And you are right about blasts, they're Height 3. That's what I get for going on memory.
  22. 1) Depends on the height of the model and the token type. Corpse counters can only ever drop directly under a model. Treasure tokens, if you're height 2 and the terrain is height 2, can be dropped at height 0, I think. Basically think about it like this: If the model is tall enough to reach down, they can do it. This one I'm not 100% sure on, but it sounds right. I know for a fact that a height 2 model, when in B2B with H1 terrain, can place it on the terrain, but I'm not sure about putting it down from height. 2) Same goes for melee, but you're also adding the height of the target model, like Adran said. 3) Summoning goes the same way. 4) Blasts are always considered to be height 5.
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