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Everything posted by wobbly_goggy

  1. The paint train rumbles on, the pile of shame is slowly shrinking!
  2. Another quick job (I tend to spend less time on minis I don’t have a master for since the keyword reshuffle), but another tick! (Once pile’s done,I can buy new stuff!)
  3. After a month of hammering away at Blood Bowl minis, I’m back to chipping away at the Malifaux pile a bit, starting with this dude!
  4. wobbly_goggy


    Does anybody ever use them successfully? I love the sculpts and bought the M2E starter set years ago to teach people. On the rare occasions I get to play, I definitely want to get use out of them (oh yeah, and the Neverborn folks too, I guess...) Will we ever get an Asylum Master or see Grimwell upgraded? Any excuse to make chainsaw noises and see that dude's cheeky grin on the table
  5. Took a break from my other painting projects to finish off another Malifaux mini.
  6. Quick job and another tick. After smashing it last month, I’m concentrating on other projects this month, so wanted to get at least one Malifaux model done. Saying that, I may well get distracted by more I fancy painting and end up doing a shedload. I never know! But no mulligan this month, at least.
  7. Great job for first ever minis! Some amazing things to come from you in the future, I’m sure!,
  8. Just about running out of steam, but happy with how much I’ve painted this month so far! Another quick job, mainly done in between minis for other games
  9. Not another one? You’re joking! Nope, the paint train rolls on, hooray for Easter holidays!
  10. Another model! Hurray for the Easter holidays!
  11. Another quick job, it’s the Dreamer! off this week, so hopefully will make headway on clearing the pile
  12. Another pretty quick job, another model done!
  13. Hurrah, first one off the painting pile, it’s a Guild Patrol
  14. This month I have organised my Malifaux models at last! I will be painting something from this pile. I don’t use any gadgets, unless a 20 year old MDF GW paint station counts?
  15. Another swift job, I don’t have Dashel so all my Guard models are kind of in Limbo at the moment. So he’s not great, but he’ll do, and another bit has been chipped off the pile!
  16. One of my favourites so far, love the muted colours, dust/dirt, everything. Great job!
  17. Another quick job, a random illuminated I have (somehow lacking half a jaw…)
  18. Another couple dudes from the (rapidly shrinking) pile of shame. might have to start thinking about next purchases! I haven’t quite got the entire Bayou faction, I love the look of a couple of the new Explorer masters…decisions, decisions!
  19. Another mini that’s been sitting around un painted for ages (though I painted the rest of the box about 5 years ago…). The challenge is definitely helping me clear the pile of shame!
  20. Really didn’t enjoy painting this mini, hence the ‘meh’ standard job. But he’s out of the queue and could be useful for my Marcus crew ….
  21. This month I'm going to try (again) to paint Paul Crockett... The mini I have has very little detail in the face and I'm just not feeling it, leaving him partly done constantly. Don't expect a great paintjob. After that, I'll pick up whatever I fancy that's to hand - still a lot to paint to clear my Malifaux backlog! Could be Guild Guard, could be Guild Riflemen, could be Sidir Alchibal, could be a Bayou Bushwhacker with a broken gun... who knows? Least of all, me! For basing I mostly use PVA glue and sand/gravel, though I have a few resin bases knocking about in my Malifaux collection, or I mash up some milliput.
  22. Thanks for the nice comments @Shock & Awe and @Viruk, they are all old metal sculpts, the Egg Hauler was an Easter limited edition a few years back (I have the Rooster Rider from the same time too). Love your work (and everyone else's), some seriously impressive painting going on!! I am using the challenge to get right back into the backlog and paint up ALL of my minis at last. Still to come this year: metal Guild Guard and Som'er and Peaches (looking forward to/daunted by that one!
  23. Good golly miss molly, I’ve finished my February pledge already! Time to start rooting around for some more minis to paint!
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