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Everything posted by NBmaster

  1. Finally completed baseing, painting, and double purity sealing my entire horde. As i live on the road i no longer have the time to play anymore. But my loss is your gain. Thanks for checking it out and Happy Bidding. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150974254781
  2. So I am coming close to needing to sell my gremlin horde and was just putting it out there to see if there was any real interest in it selling right now what with all the new models coming out. I don't have a full list prepared but suffice it to say that I have over $600 retails worth of models 95% of which are high quality table painted and an Army Transport case which they will ship in. Please feel free to pm me for a complete list of everything I have.
  3. Will ship anywhere as long as paid for by paypal up front don't have computer access to change options on ebay right now but will change them asap. Thanks for looking
  4. So all of these auctions will be closing either today or tomarrow, and I could really use some more bids I am homeless in Baltimore at the moment and could really use the kick down. Don't want to have to sell my Gremlin Hordeand get out of Malifaux for good. Thanks for looking please bid strong could really use the help.
  5. My Z Neverborn lot on Ebay is almost over with please don't forget to check it out, and help a fellow player with a kick down I'm trying to make enough cash so I don't have to sell my Gremlin Horde and get out of Malifaux completely, please help make it a good auction I am homeless in Baltimore at the moment.
  6. figure out what it would cost let me know and ill set it up through ebay
  7. here is the ebay link to the auction http://www.ebay.com/itm/150889386369?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Thanks for looking No Reserve bid strong
  8. Teddy lot, Hammy Lot, and a Z lot all NO RESERVE Bid Strong. http://www.ebay.com/itm/150888705395?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/150889236740?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/150889243365?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  9. So if i were to have a set of these minis for sale, would anyone be interested and what would you be looking to pay? Post here or im me, thanks.
  10. While I dont have any real suggestions aboutwhat should be done I share the same sentiments that most on thos post do. Nekima was my first boxed model I was so extatic about owning and playing with her, but have left her on my painting table since the changes were made, about 2 months after I bought her. If changes arnt going to be made to her maybe a model exchange is in order as I dont usually buy $35 paperwieghts, which is what she has become. I say this in jest, but also to show how bumbed out I have been since the great cuddlefing of 2011. Any way my 2 cents.
  11. I made myself a Widow proxy a while back right after Fates came out, and have had the chance to play with her. Coupled with Z Collodi, and the Dopp you can get a pretty good Doll/Teddy factory going. The main point I wanted to make was that defense wize she is great cause she has arachnid so make sure to use some of those handy GW buildings or some Terraclips at your lgs and park her a few stories up on a back wall. Deploy her that way and get the doll machine started early with a couple of obeys to get the scrap counters rolling, and you could have a cheap teddy (only 8control cards if you dont bring a sacraficial lamb) by turn 2.
  12. Placing of the sacrificial gremlin is key keep at least 1 or 2 bgremlins in the way of Somer and dont forget about the gremlin mask df trigger can stop a flurry from bete in it's tracks. Then make your oponent discard their hand and let the fun begin.
  13. Yes the cost is 1ss higher but the ability to obey gremlins is so fantastic I am willing to party it everytime. I won't play a brawl that isnt at least 40-45 points which will get you many greenskins even at the extra cost, I say it's worth it.
  14. This is true but ophelia and the kin are great fun and Som'er can be run in a brawl with Zoraida, that's why I just went green as I have only purchased neverborn and a few outcast mercs up to this point. So if you already have Z I say go green man.
  15. She has her pros and cons but I like her. I have already created the 3 inch spawning pool terrain and use a murlock from WoW board gam. The only downside I see to her is that the gupps can't be grown into silurids. Her poison is good seems fairly quick, but I really think they should have made gupps growable. Zoraida could have a swampbeast grow lists you could use malifaux raptors for 2 corpse counters each. Something like Z Spawn mother 8 Gupps 3 Silurid x3 15 Malifaux raptors x 2 6 With 3ss left over for either ss gupp or raptor Also Z SM 8 Silurid x3 15 Juju
  16. Actually with that combo you could also give your stitched casting expert for 8 gamble your life total
  17. I have been thinking about taking them with Z and a goblin taxidermist cause Z cant hire stuffed pigs and piglets are 4ss for Z. With Pere to take out both raptors in one hit with a vd and a dopp you could get 4 stuffed pigs on first turn I believe dont have cards in front of me. That should make for 27ss leave 8ss left for something big maybe lenny who I just made a proxy for. Sorry if this is a little out of faction but others brought up Z.
  18. The way we have played it at my lgs is that is dose cover other terrain but we use green felt so we just put it under the other terrain. I think the lack of response is due to amazement and shock that your question dosn't appear to be a loaded/baited one however no one has responded yet and you might be bluffing some high crows as usual.
  19. Not sure why that would be a bad thing for aPanda as she only has Pacify and self loathing (forgot name change) that have the word target both of which can be used with Candy's Her Eyes, which you dont even have to spend the 8ss to bring Candy. I played her in a avatar themed tourney 30ss ffac free avatar, I played dopp with sarrows and stitched, granted against a new dreamer player but it worked out great for me when the random force manifest happened.
  20. Not to get off the thread but this is a lot like the Nix only being hireable by Kirai, as she is the only master who can hire any spirit, with Hamelin the Rat catcher in the crew other than by Hamelin the Plagued of course.
  21. Great model. Instead of finding one I made a tuco proxy by switching the head and left hand of an extra lelu onto a desp. merc. The head is a little big but I like how it turned out, sorry I dont have a way to upload at this time.
  22. As long as the spell/talent has no resist it can be used on its caster. So yes Somer can use it on himself.
  23. I'm am satisfied with the last few responses although I think some people got a little too defensive over what I had to say about alpha. This is a discussion page and I just wanted to see what others namely an RM could tell me about it. I see the reasoning behind it now although doppelganger and voodoo doll have pretty low ca and at times it can be really hard to get obey off as well, especially if you burn some cards to obey your own models first turn, or if marcus has put up his wp buff/debuff, but I see everyones point, I guess others dont share my dislike of Alpha and thats cool.
  24. Sorry to want more info on why mechanics are the way they are. You have made some really great points, just seemed odd I guess and wanted to post up some questions this afternoon to get some discussion going on. I do feel that the skill level off our area could and will improve greatly, it just seems funny when people who talk all day long about marcus being tier 3 and Neverborn as tier 1 and one of the best players plays marcus regularly, and the neverborn players, my self included arnt that great. Just goes to show you its not who you play but how you play.
  25. Yes but Levi cant hire Hamelin the Rat catcher as he isn't soulless
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