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Everything posted by Darios

  1. Haven't thought about that but actually that's an "in your face" way of dealing with Hamelin
  2. btw. 96p do you ahve a link for those "hollow" bases? I defnitly need to get some Silurids at some point and will want something similar... edit: btw. could you make a "crew shot"? preferrably with the crew you took at the tournament in our game? would love to see that (and shamelessly use it for my blog *g*)
  3. that just makes Tannen even more obnoxiuos ^^
  4. it was a real pleasure to be beaten by them in a Tornament...! Actually if there would ghave been a "best painted crew" Contest i'd have voted yours! they just look awesome (you guys just wait for the Silurids... ) and i love the counters and the wagon and the whole little vodoopuppets... Actually Marcus one hitted my Pandy and i am now considering getting into him because of this Crew (because i tooo had issues with the mixed looks)
  5. if you want some positive criticism from an old LARPie: Boots will need a Vamp up... Leady J has them Overknee with Padded Protectors... shouldn't be hard to enhance them. Sword would nead a scabbard and a strap for carrying... not sure about the corset, it looks the part but looking at the miniature i would think about going underbust with some sort of top beneath.... so but overall: i like it!
  6. coll stuff... why two Bases on the Flesh Coonstruct?
  7. hmmm gonna have my batreps done in English now as it seems... got quite a few in German *lol*
  8. learnig by doing or to be more heroic about it: you grow with the challenge!
  9. *lol* i already have these in amber... my LGS had them for about 10 Cent a piece... and i use them for SS ever since *g*
  10. jup. and with the Building i already own i now have a cheap and awesome Victorian Terrain Table ^^
  11. good looking so far... and now the Tension is nearly unbearable!
  12. nice i think i like this one most so far!
  13. well 8k funded... would be awesome to get the 9 and 10k bonuses as well...
  14. i'm still thinking about getting the Builder Package... it is actually dirtccheap and the Terrain is gorgeous (saw it for real at Spiel Essen and bought one of the Buildings..)
  15. i used a scalpel for the Cutting: worked quite well and the notches were easy to remove: i'll make some pics from mine (bought at Spiel) this weekend... only problem i have is i broke some of the smaller parts... but as there are spare ones and i was able to glue it it was not a real issue at the end... i can only highly recommend it... acctually they have the Wolsung Kickstarter going... there is a "builder" option for just some Terrain pieces... and it's well worth it... i right now trying to get the money together for backing it ^^
  16. "damn these girlies...!" My GF also makes ragular comments about: "this game looks like it's desigend for girls by the looks of it..." will be interesting to see what you come up with though
  17. " a rider each day makes for interesting play!" or so... next one tomorrow? and when will Mr. Apocalypse show his head?
  18. second that: give us all that icy goodness!
  19. @ SMG: there is none i know of... my lgs asked some of the "usuals" here in Germany if they would like to expand their range to malifaux... answer was no. I#ll talk to them and see if they are still searching for!
  20. nice way of presenting the riders ^^ looking good ^^
  21. @ SMG: sadly noone seems to do the same you do for Germany... it is really a bit problematic to get the stuff here for local Shops... As for MG: well i'll make sure my players will know this (cause some ordered there regularly) so noone gets ripped of!
  22. *lol* didn't spot you... but had the same idea and ran around in the shirt too...
  23. a shame... they are pretty cool and good value... i think about backing them at the indiegogo campaign now i finished the assembly... As to the thread: well i wanted to post something like your opener too, but didn't get to do it over the Weekend... so you were just faster than me ^^
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