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Everything posted by Drake

  1. Executioner looks awesome!! Depending how some of my fav crews turn out in puppet form, I may have to pick up a pupper version of the crews, which im sure I wont be the only one!! Im getting excited in ways that I really shouldnt be, where bits of metal are concerned!! haha
  2. Well having played Hoffman crew very similar to the one listed in the OP, I have to say the speed was shocking! Had Hoffman tag a lift 15 inches with the Peacekeeper, then he reactived it for another 10 inch movement and tag along, then peacekeeper whacked me with its Melee Master. That was 25" and both Hoffman and Peacekeeper in melee with me! Also, the rule about being able to push 6" your guardian (if I remember correctly) if it is within 6" of a friendly contruct, you fly the Watcher forward then use this ability to bring the guarding further forward... Bear in mind the majority of Strategies in the game, being atleast halfway across the board, and in some cases the other side of the board 1st turn is more than enough speed! Add to that all their Armour in the force, they are hard hitting and very resilient. Main thing with Hoffman is Synergy, more so than a lot of Master's in the game. You need to work what constructs work best with him, what combination of abilities you want to "borrow" and what role each will play in the game to help you with your Strategy/Scheme. The beauty of the game ey!
  3. So between this and Northampton then, that's 2 tournaments to look forward to in/around September! Gotta love this game and the support from the community! :nod:
  4. Just sent you a PM with my Master and my 55ss list.
  5. Ah, to have your own Puppet Avatar, that would be happy days! lol....im not fussy although LCB would be good, kinda monstrous,suits my name :dizzy:
  6. I have a big thing for dragons, Gotta be the best mythical creature ever! hence forum name if you know the diff between Drakes, Dragons, Wyvern's, Wyrms etc...
  7. hmm, that would be a rather long list!!.. But main things would be Running, cycling, endurance races, gym, Martial Arts, cinema, bowling, Pool, flirting , computer gaming, partying, clubing, reading, music (concerts/festivals and just listenin at home chilling very occasionally!), rock climbing well the list goes on but variety is the spice of life!
  8. Something like that ghostwalker ;-) I didnt quite quote the Rules Manual but did simplify by mentioning that you can target yourself aslong as the spell says "target friendly model" as you always have LOS to yourself, as per the rule Ratty kindly refers to. As we discussed just so happens most of those spells (in my experience) that say target friendly model are not aggressive spells so no resist flips normally needed. Hence some confusion. lol And thanks Ratty for clarifying that rule.
  9. Lol sounds like some competitive banter there! @Serigala...Yeah there will be some of us about in the evening. If you want to meet some friendly faces and maybe get a game in then feel free to pop by. Quote/ Companion showgirl, move Cassanrda to objective, swap in Collette, interact with objective, get VPs, then watch entire crew die under a flood of rats.... \quote Rats don't scare me! I know how to put the disease infested things out of my misery :aetsch:
  10. Right, I have just booked the hotel,and paid for my Deliverance Ticket, so all sorted now...looking forward to a fun weekend!
  11. Also, to add my thoughts,simply knowing the black joker is in the deck adds a dynamic to the game. e.g. simply knowing it is there makes me think carefully about how I utilise my Colette....if I let her take damage that would kill here, the chance of pulling the Black Joker is very scary!Makes me rethink putting her in situations that might lead to that ever important Slow to Die Healing Flip....
  12. As a Colette Player, if I have it in my hand I keep it, as that almost guarantees she will live through the game as no Black Joker on Slow to Die healing flip! Bodyguard scheme anyone?!
  13. Reminds me of another game involving a ball and blood, what was it, Blood and Bowl?.. lol That game is fun, and I like the idea of some type of puppet-bowl! Aslong as it was not too similar to that other game, as I like the originality of Malifaux too much to have a sub game too similar to an existing game system. so, ideas on game mechanics?...
  14. I dont have my Rules Manual to hand, but I believe its Spirit first then Armour. If I had the Rules Manual I would reference the exact terms and sequence, but basically you deal the damage (halved for Spirit), then after resolving the amount of damage you deal, you then reduce it down by the Armour amount, to a minimum of 1. Pretty sure that's how it is resolved.
  15. Cool, can't wait. I have been rethinking some tactics to make completing certain strategies and schemes quicker to complete, with the right combinations of companion/link and activation orders....
  16. Hi all, Looking for some initial opinions.. I have painted a performer and Mannequin, plus the 2 Coryphee so far... Excuses!...First models painted to decent standard for some years!...Also, camera shows up metal points the naked eye can't see?...Oh well camera is too good ey. Anyway, enough of the excuses...
  17. Cool, see you both next weekend then. Should be a good fun weekend
  18. Welcome! And another not too distant Malifaux wargamer! Are you visiting the UK Games expo in Birmingham next weekend (4/5 June? If so there will be a fair amount of Malifaux gaming and players about. Fell free to pop by and say hello to us :shakehand
  19. Cool. Good choices. You wil really enjoy those 2 crews. Between Colette's manouverability and the belle's lure their will be lots of fun and manipulation to be had. Good luck and enjoy!
  20. Cant wait to see your opponents face when you pull this new trick out the hat lol! Aslong as im not that opponent!!
  21. Yeah, the tactic is a good one! :top:
  22. Yeah Wodschow, that would make sense. 30mm base size just does not seem appropriate for the model considering what it is meant to represent. Roll on V2 stat cards for Rising Powers!
  23. Drake


    As Clousseau mentioned, pop along to the Games Expo next weekend in Birmingham. Will be opportunity to play games on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday (I myself am around from the Friday mid afternoon for the whole weekend and more than happy to play some games eitherside of the tournament) And welcome!
  24. Two other points. Being Object 5, it is probably going to take 5 seperate attacks to kill it, unless you can do a lot of Damage in a single attack/instant kill trigger/sacrfice effect. Making it very durable! Secondly, it only has a 30mm base. Is that right?...surely if it is launching models, it needs to be bigger than the model it is launching?..look at the pic, it is over twice the size of the pig! 30mm seems too small, and makes it extremely easy to hide and still be fully effective!
  25. Ive had no experience with it, but a 4ss model that has Object 6 ,with 24 inch range no LOS needed shot doing the potential damage output that it can! I think that has a lot of potential..
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