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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. stumbles into thread , takes servings of pie , and crashes in the giant pink throne ...
  2. It looks neat and i like the color choices , except for the silver boots . There are a bunch of online guides to teach highlighting and the such . but an easy method is to pick up washes , by adding a thin layer of washes can add a lot of depth to a model . but so far so good , most of painting comes from just practice , getting used to holding a brush ext.. , painting with other painters is also a great way to pick up new tips and to learn new techniques .
  3. I love the base , not having the option to make them separate is not to big a deal , I rarely see them apart .
  4. from what I can see they look good , maybe hit up with a matt sealer .
  5. What I would do if i was flying down from uk , if use an airline like jet blue that offers good comp. items , like unlimited snack and drinks , personal tv at your seat and the such . The deals you get for the most part from airlines are small , the usually all run the same price . So if i had to pay a few bucks extra for an airline that's comfortable I would . That is probably a long flight . Than if i wanted to save some money I would go on the forums and ask to see who is going to gen con , maybe pm some people and ask about splitting a room , a lot of times people are already sharing and dont mind an extra person to further drop the costs , also that's a good way to get to know some people so your not alone and have some drinking buddies . If iam sharing a room I like to get a room at the venue usually , its nice to have the option to just go up to your room for a few minutes and just chill and get away from the crowed or maybe drop stuff off and pick up other stuff .
  6. *falls from ceiling , gets up dusts off his pants , walks over to pour coffee * whats up home dogs !
  7. wow , unexpected company , at least they brought cannolies . missing my game night tonight so iam going to at least try and bang out a fig or two at the painting table .
  8. *Heelies into the room * what is all the commotion about * drops a sack on the floor with something moving inside it * .
  9. I am patiently waiting for Dorothy and the chick with the monkey on her shoulder
  10. Your going to great depth on this character which is awesome , is the group your playing with especially the DM go to the same pains . I have joined groups and came prepared with a very deep character only to find a group of min maxed characters and the dm questioning where lunch is coming from rather than where the characters came from .
  11. why not set up a code system with wyrd , where you can only field models you actually own . Add a code to the figures packaging . But I can also see this helping the community in buying models as well , try them out on vassel than buy the ones you liked by play testing .
  12. I have to agree to the whole it all depends on the situation side of things . I hold onto it usually , but if i have a big turn coming where i want to cheat high il ditch it for the extra card .
  13. oh yeah baby lunch time .. Greek salad here i come !!!!
  14. yeah i wanted a larger dog , but one that can do well with kids as well as being a good guard dog . @fell - the game of thrones seems like a tough setting to really dig into
  15. walks in thread with a platter of nachos , guacamole , salsa , and sour cream . whats up all ! I love all animals , i usually role play druids and rangers . But my most missed pet is the cat I had growing up she was super loyal and awesome . I am in the process of getting a German Shepard .
  16. I am kinda 50/50 on these I hope there not to over the top , maybe having to pay soul stones to reach that form . but here is a few cool notions lady J - eye bandages off with glowing golden eyes and hair blowing . Hoffman - mega suit ! Marcus - would love to see a huge beast form . he needs an upgrade anyway . Vikies - I liked the 50mm idea
  17. when talking to my son about it , i feel if you been playing the series and want to collect all the pokemon , i can see the appeal . But if your new and dont have most of them i dont see the point , there are so many way better games for the ds .
  18. cant help it tastes good , you can grow a new one
  19. wow i have to say , i def. scored on this chicken , grilled and not dry . so the final recipe is chicken sliced medium in thickness lemon pepper cilantro cooking base oregano garlic sauce salt slap on the grill chop into strips add to salad !
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