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Everything posted by Tograth

  1. controlled detonation kills a model, generating a Rg2 pulse doing damage 2. it doesnt allow other pulses to be generated, so gamin cannot shatter as well. It *does* mean you can kill something, summon a spider off the scrap counter, and hten kill the spider again, followed by a spell. I really liked the extra cards with Alyce, but below 30SS games she costs too much versus the rest of your crew. a 30SS list i like is 2 spiders, Joss, the executioner, the toolkit and ramos. ramos goes spider factory, while joss and the executioner run up with the spiders latching on to their target.
  2. the wording on the guard captains ability is that the guardsman would activate immediately after he finishes his activation. the way this would work is that you would activate the guardsman and then finish the companion chain.
  3. no worries. It was an idea that I had been thinking about, but wasnt sure if it work.
  4. Hi guys, I was taking a look at the lawyer there recently, and I noticed that Prosecute stops a model being regarded as friendly by their crew for the remainder of the encounter. How would this interact with Marcus' Alpha spell? Would you be able to enrage your own model, say Hans (to make him a beast), Prosecute him, and then Alpha him with Marcus, due to him being non friendly to the crew??
  5. No. Riposte would go off before the dreamer switches back in. Riposte triggers off the attack - all done triggers after afaik
  6. you must be *joking*. the socialised medical services in the EU and the UK are a joke. You go to a hospital and they overcharge, give very substandard service, and if its any way urgent, you'd better hope you dont keel over, because you'll be waiting hours to be seen. Take Ireland for instance. The doctors and nurses here are competent in the most part, i'll give them that. But you go to a hospital to be seen and you'll be waiting forever. Like, the average wait time in cork for anything other than *triage me now or im gonna be dying on you right here right now* is close to 8 hours. Longer during busy times and around holidays. You know the worst part? When folks from the states complain about the cost of medical. Sure, its expensive, but when you do a comparison, the quality of healthcare over there is not only much, much higher, you also have much more access. And its not actually more expensive than over here - you go to a doctor or hospital over in europe and you're gonna be paying almost as much immediately, and more long term, than if you were in the states. Now, the exceptions to this are in eastern europe, especially around Poland, but the prices there are coming up as well. /end rant. But yeah. Im just glad that Wyrd are letting folks order online, and even more that they extended the web order cutoff to wednesday. I'd go nuts if I had to wait till february to get my marcus fix.
  7. I think lure was The ability you are thinking about. You can lure a model in btb and hit them when they move 0" iirc.
  8. The box set is actually pretty good - the sabertooth and the rattler come in it, so thats a good start. after that, you would probably want to pick up, in the following order: jackalope shikome blister of sillurids after that, you would be best off picking up something like hans, a convict gunslinger, or something you can proxy as a gunsmith (until he comes out). The biggest thing about marcus and co is that they are very fast moving, hard hitting beasts, that have no ranged attacks to speak of and fall down when hit by a wet paper towel. One thing you might also consider is the lawyer - he can buff your crew by making them hard to wound 2.
  9. you cant - you can only have one of a special forces branch, and Kaeris is M&SU assets, while the Rogue Necromancfy is a Horror.
  10. If you are looking for some book 2 models to try with him, fantastic choices by far are the gunsmith and a shikome. The list I've been looking at is: marcus jackalope sillurid x2 shikome and either rattler or big kitty. The big thing about the gunsmith is that he gives you the one thing you really lack in a marcus list - shooting. He has a solid Cb, paired, can tailor every shot to the target, and if he flips a tomes can double his damage! Also, his Leadstorm ability is pure win when stuff needs to die right now. A less appealing option is to swap the rattler/big kitty and gunsmith for the rogue necromancy and a convict gunslinger.
  11. Cheers Dafruk Im starting to fall in love with the inks from Cote D'Arms. they're ossum! What do you guys think of Tina and the silent ones? excepting their faces - I need to do some highlighting and drybrushing on those to give them more definition, and do their eyes again.
  12. Tina and Her Silent Ones: With tina and the Silent ones, I decided to do most of the work with inks. With Tina, since I lost her jazz arm, I had to replace it. I decided to replace it with the bow arm from a december acolyte I had floating around. With the painting, I started with a bleached bone basecoat, followed by 3 heavy washes of Leviathan Purple on her skirt. Her Hat was chestnut ink wash. her top was blue ink. her boots were black ink. Her tights were Badab black on top of Leviathan purple. Her skin was done using Tallarn flesh. The bow was bestial brown, while the bolt ends were boltgun metal, and the belt was chestnut ink. At this point, I drybrushed using bleach bone over the top, hat, face, bow and boot laces. This was followed by a gryphonne sepia wash over everything. With the silent ones, the same technique was used - bleached bone base, with blue ink on the trousers and magenta on the tops. the cloak was chestnut. I then drybrushed everything with bleached bone, picked out the detailing on the bone charms in the same colour, and then drybrushed the cloak with fortress grey as well. This was topped off by a gryphonne sepia wash over everything. (you guys noticing a trend yet? )
  13. Hi all, I recently did some more work on my crews. I've sorted out the issues with the blue on the bases - The simplest solution was a single layer of Cote D'Arms Blue Ink. dulled the blue right down, while still keeping that essential Blueness. Below you can see 2 examples of the change. in addition to fixing all the bases, I've actually done some other painting as well - I've done my silurids, essence of power, razorspine rattler, 2x silent ones and Tina. These are all finished, except for Tina and the silent ones, which need some touchups around the faces. so, without further ado: Sillurids: With the Sillurids, I started with a basecoat which ended up looking like a 90% camo green 10% bleach bone mix. I then used successive layers of snot green, goblin green, scorpion green and sunburst yellow. Between each layer of paint was a wash of green ink. after the final layer of sunburst yellow, I used yellow ink, followed by thrakka green. to get the splotchy brown sort of colour, I used a drybrush of the red and purple inks from Cote D'Arms, which was then obscured by camo green and then sunburst yellow with green ink as the top layer. the crests were done as a heavy purple ink wash, followed by a light bleached bone drybrush. the final touches were to use Bleached bone on the claws etc, then P3 lightning blue on the eyes. This was topped off by a wash of thrakka green and gryphonne sepia. The Rattler: With the Rattler, the colour scheme was even easier: camo green base, 2 layers of green ink, goblin green, scorpion green and sunburst yellow drybrush. This was followed by magenta ink on the underbelly, then 3 layers of yellow ink over the whole model. This was finished by a green ink layer over the green bits. The spines were simply purple ink, tongue was magenta ink and the teeth were bleached bone. The whole thing was then finished by a thrakka green and gryphonne sepia wash. The Essence of Power: With this, the same colour sheme as with the rattler was used. The gem and flames were magenta ink, yellow ink then the gryphonne sepia wash.
  14. EDIT: after checking it all again, you're right. shame really - an extra caster with auto surge would be nice. But yeah. I've been using the following list at 35SS: Ramos toolkit Alyce Executioner Swarm spider it means that he only has his SS cache to call on, but with the combination of the extra cards, the +tomes and the fact that you get surge off on every spell, you only really need your SS for damage prevention flips and/or bumping up your electrical fire when shooting at masters.
  15. I love using both Alyce and the toolkit - you use the toolkit to give Ramos an extra tome, and then when you use Alyce you can use Ramos' Ca of (now) 8 double tomes with the Surge trigger (due to her Impressionable Ability). The extra 2 control cards are fantastic, and the range 12 Cb6 rapid firing, Headshoting, minimum damage 3 gun she has is awesome too. with regards game sizes - If you are planning on running a 35SS+ game, I would recommend either magnetising one of your swarms or buying another blister of spiders. with Alyce and the toolkit, its very easy to get both swarms and at least one or two spiders on the table by the end of turn 2. One thing to remember is that Alyce has the Burn Out spell. Its very nice for making ramos reactivate, but its very risky if your opponent can get close to him. I tend to find that you can burnout him first turn no problem, but you either need decent blocking terrain or luck to prevent him dying horribly if you do it turn 2. A couple of ways to heal him are either to use the toolkit's Weld together action to give him a healing flip, or use his Combat Mechanic spell to heal himself (at the cost of a scrap counter or killing a construct within range.) One way to use Combat Mechanic is to kill a spider within range of ramos, heal ramos and then construct spider on the scrap counter that the dead spider generated. a couple of lists I tend to play around with are the following: 35SS: Ramos toolkit Alyce Executioner Swarm spider Ramos toolkit Alyce Large Steampunk arachnid gunsmith 2SS spare
  16. You cant do that afaik Im afraid Buhalin - she can only transform into models which have the Beast statistic listed on their cards, not into things which gain the beast characteristic during that game.
  17. Actually, she copies the entire stat card, with the exception of spells only. This means that she would copy all of, say, the shikome's abilities, with the exception of its 4 spells. She would gain singleminded, hunting partner, prey, nimble, etc. all of it.
  18. One thing you could do is take myranda and raptor with Tina. Nothing like adding a few extra Decembers Curses to the lot - its like a mini Tina! Casting Acidic Breath from your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Necromancy is also very nice. Finally, I would say your best target for shapechange since the advent of book 2 is most likely the Shikome. They hit almost as hard as the big kitty, are more likely in general to be effective (theres a whole lotta models which have low Wp out there...) and are a lot more durable than either Myranda or the big kitty. with regards spells, has anyone tried Magicians Duel?? Myranda has almost the same Ca as Colette, and if you used Furious casting, thats a whole lotta damage output right there.
  19. oy vey. That looks phenominal mate. I'm gonna have to pick your brains when I get around to getting one!
  20. Looks fantastic man I really like the sculpt. Looking forwards to killing it next time we play
  21. that looks awesome man Cant wait to play you with it.
  22. The Guardian is there to protect Ramos and to give Hoffman a ride. Another way you could change things up is swap out the Guardian for the Hunter. It gives the two masters an extra soulstone as well.
  23. 35SS 4SS cache Executioner Steampunk Arachnid Swarm Mobile Toolkit Guardian Another one: 40SS 4SS cache mobile toolkit Guardian Hunter Joss Mechanical Rider steampunk arachnid.
  24. Poko, have you played with marcus, or is this all second hand? I started with Marcus myself, and yes, he has a steep learning curve. The thing is, he can be whatever you want him to be. With his 0 activations, you cast wildheart and go bear, eagle and tiger. Suddenly, you're hitting 3 times, with + flips on your Cb 6 attacks, doing 3/4/6 damage. another option - wildheart, bear, fox, tiger (if in range) or serpent. use your zero to do some damage, activate primal reaction. Alpha with SS pumping it up. Nothing beats slamming into Seamus, doing some damage, and then Alpha-ing and focusing a shot into his big nasty to kill them. Back on topic - Each master, with the current exception of Hamelin, is pretty much balanced across the whole metagame. Each master has some strategies which it excels at, and some which is falls down at. In addition, there are some crews that each master can handle, and others which it cannot. *Every* master is equal in this respect. The only one which stands out is Hamelin against the two gremlin crews. Thats the only one which is very difficult to reconcile. Complaining about inter master balance is absurd, when you use criteria against which the models were never and will never be designed to be balanced against - i.e. a straight up fight with no strategies / schemes. The game *is* balanced on a master level, with the specific aim that each master has a selection of strategies which they are good at, and a selection which they are sub par at. Every master is balanced in that respect.
  25. With *any* wargames system, you will find that not everything is perfectly balanced. This isnt actually a bad thing - by far the easiest way to balance stuff is to homogenise it, which destroys the whole point in playing. By having differences, you make each game unique and fun, as opposed to boring. Saying that, Malifaux is by far the most balanced wargame I've come across. Sure, there are a few masters who unbalance the game in certain situations, but they are the exceptions, rather than the rule. Im looking purely at Hamelin here versus the gremlins. Ive yet to come across any other combo which is an auto lose (and even then gremlins vs Hammy isnt). It all comes down to the player being flexible enough to think on his or her toes with relation to coming up with new tactics etc. Kinda the whole point of a wargame, huh? For example, a lot of folks talk about Marcus as being one of the weakest masters out there, and yes, for a new player, he certainly seems to be. The big thing is though, that he isnt necessarily weak, but rather has a different focus and a steeper learning curve than a lot of other masters. Marcus was my first crew, and despite having expanded my collection to the other arcanists and other factions, He still gets more table time than most, and thats because I know how to use him, I know his strengths and weaknesses and I know that he's a paper cannon. I can see the validity of the point that some folks are making with regards the cost of entry to the game, but its really a non issue - If you are interested in the game, then the money you spend on it gives you far more bang for your buck than just about any other hobby. For instance, say you splurge and buy the entire Guild range, plus the books etc you need to get started. Going by Maelstrom's RRP prices, thats 245 pounds. for that 245 pounds, you get 32 minis, 3 rulebooks (RP, handbook, rulebook), and one deck. An average person would spend a good 96 hours painting all of that (conservatively, 3 hours per model. most folks spend more time than that). On top of that, you have all the games you would play with it all. Say you play a game a week, for a year. Thats another 104 hours spent playing with them. that, right there, is 200 hours plus worth of enjoyment and entertainment for 245 pound. Now, tell me of *any* other hobby which gives you the same return on your investment? movies? you're talking 10 - 15 pound per dvd or cinema trip. thats maybe 19 or 20 trips to the cinema. Books? thats 24 books, on average. (books are also pretty good value for money, depending on your reading speed and inclination to reread) computer games? thats 5 computer games, which works out to (conservatively) 120 hours of fun and frustration. music? again, thats anywhere between 24 and 30 cds. boardgames? call it 40 pounds a boardgame. 5 or 6 boardgames for the same investment. My point is, sure, malifaux can be quite expensive if you go all out, but the amount of enjoyment and use you get out of it is well worth it.
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