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Everything posted by Hjelmen

  1. I will admit that I haven't played for long, so take this with liberal amounts of salt, and please correct me if I'm wrong on something! That disclaimer out of the way, I feel that playing Sonnia requires a little finesse to get right. You'll want to keep cards on your hand to use some abilities, and you'll have to figure out when to use your (0) actions for the best effect. Also, you'll often be playing up to 4 points down in scraps, because you really want the max amount of soulstones for her. That said, I think she's pretty awesome. Her starting box crew is solid, and can do most things well; ranged, melee and magic. Of course Lady Justice would be better for pure melee, and Perdita is pure ranged, but I think that Sonnia's crew is the most balanced. I cant recommend anything because I haven't actually played with or against Perdita or Lady Justice, but I can say that Sonnia is not that complicated; she just takes a little more finesse For 35 pts. I'm adding an executioner, and removing a Witchling Stalker for either three Guild Hounds or a Convict Gunslinger. The first option is probably more fluffy than efficient, and the second option seems to be pretty competitive to me; giving you a really good ranged punch along with Samael that can keep the opponent busy until you get into melee. Grains of salt and all that, but I really love Sonnia
  2. The movie you're calling Old Dog is actually called Old Boy, but nvm I must admit that I balk at the comparison between The Human Centipede and Old Boy. The former is a twisted, sick, scatophilia-centered splatter-movie, while Old Boy is an asian psychological horror movie. Old Boy is nasty, yes, but it is nasty in a whole different way, and especially because it comes from a cultural background that is very different to the the western world. The ending is horrible (although not in the sense of "bad film making", but as in genuinely terrifying), but fitting with the theme. I understand that the whole incest theme might grate some people's nerves, I also think that it is a great means of instituting a whole different kind of horror. I really really like that movie, because it is so much different from the western horror movies! The asian storytelling technique is so much more horrific because it does not rely on seeing the monster, but imagining the monster. But I digress ... The Human Centipede is an ugly brown stain on the whole art of film making. I cannot express how much I loathe that movie and all that it stands for. It is naturally a question of taste, but putting those two movies into the same category is erroneous to say the least. </rant>
  3. Oh, you poor man! My sincere sympathies ... The world is definitely a poorer place for having that movie exist.
  4. Vanquish on the xbox ... it's clichéd and the plot is as thin as Lilitu's neglige, but the pace and fantastic environments really make it a game that you play for the sake of the gameplay, and not the storytelling and immersion. Not that I don't love storytelling and immersion, but sometimes you just have to sit back and murder tons of dudes!
  5. Well I'll be a bumblebee's breadbin! Thank you. Uh, decisions decisions! I think I'll try modding Damien first, and if that tanks out, I'll get the Abberation
  6. Hi all. I'm not really going to play Leveticus any time soon, but I do love a good conversion project, so I got to looking at the Desolation Engine. Initially I had wanted to use the Abberation Prime from Rackham: Unfortunately, it is a special kind of delectable masochism to get ones hands on that model, so, I went to rummaging through box upon box of miniatures that I never got finished... and found this guy (Damien 1427) from the Inquisitor line: I saw some comparison shots of Leveticus next to the stock Desolation Engine, and I actually think that the 54mm Damien model could be fine proportion-wise. I think some extra armour and stitching would be appropriate, seeing as he's going to become more of a cobbled together construct. What do you think? Would the 54mm proportions be too big for a large based Malifaux construct, or do you say "go for it or die trying!"?
  7. Welcome! It's definitely an interesting choice of colours, but I think you pulled off the yellow pretty well. I'm not totally sold on the walking pose, but overall I like it! Welcome once again and thanks for sharing!
  8. I'm not quite sure that ressing this thread is "ok", but here goes Has there been any updates on this front, especially from Whicken? I'm a Computer Science masters student, so it's not like I'm lacking in the theoretic base, so I would love to try and tackle the challenge of an android (and/or iphone) crew builder application. But if someone is already working on it, I'd like to know, so that we might coordinate
  9. Yep, good read. There are, as lululu mentioned, a few inaccuracies when it comes to the fluff, but the descriptions of the factions are fine An error of note is that The Dreamer does not transform into Lord Chompy Bits; Lord Chompy Bits is an independent character in the Malifaux storyline, and not The Dreamer in another form I'll be looking forward to the next installment!
  10. Cool! I didn't know that. Thanks!
  11. Hm, tough one! I've already got a Guild crew and Neverborn, so probably ought to branch out to one of the other factions. Leveticus is cool, so it might be him, but Hamelin the plagued has really tickled my old love for disease-factions (loved Nurgle in the warhammer universes). Arcanist aren't really my thing, although the sculpts in Colette's crew are beautifully weird. I don't much care for any of the Resurrectionists, apart from Kirai. I guess it's down to a choice between Leveticus or Hamelin... gotta go with Hamelin, then!
  12. Having just received my Bad Dreams box yesterday, I haven't actually painted anything yet, but I have been planning! I'm going to paint LCB with a deep red skin tone, with brown/black chitin claws, yellow-white-ish teeth, and his loincloth will be white to tie him together with The Dreamer, whose nighty will be white, just as on the box. I'm probably going to do the Stitched Together as close to Oogy Boogy from The Nightmare Before Christmas as I can. Coppelius, I'm not so sure of. A deadish skintone, definitely, and his clothes will probably end up being a ripped and torn black (purple base, most likely, although blue is a possibility) tailcoat with trousers in an, as of this time, undecided colour. I might go for the whole stripy thing, but I'm not very strong with freehand. My bases will be scorched earth with cracks glowing an ominous blue colour, with the exception of The Dreamer who will have a nice little green grass meadow full of flowers, with the scorched/blue lighting only on the verges of the base. Will I be able to convincingly pull it off? Time will tell! I'll post up a WiP blog at some point. I've got some guild miniatures that want paint as well! Sonnia Criid in a white coat? It's going to be awesome!
  13. Hjelmen

    Guild Hound

    Thanks for the answers, it's very helpful . There are a few things I can do with my crew to add another two hounds, probably by removing a Witchling Stalker and running Criid with only 6 stones, but I'll proxy it first. Does anyone know when minis for the hounds will be released?
  14. Hjelmen

    Guild Hound

    I've been looking over my wishlists for my Sonnia crew, which I'm building to be as thematic as I can. The box is in house, as well as an Executioner. I was looking at her totem and the Convict Gunslinger to round it out to 35SS, but then my eye caught the Guild Hounds! At 3 SS each, I can get two of those for the price of the Gunslinger, and get another SS from their special ability. And as the primary reason: what sort of Witch Hunter would be without a pack of dogs to hunt down their quarry?! But I'm left wondering how the Guild Hounds actually fare? They seem quite mediocre and naturally work best in pairs, triples or more, so would a single pair of them actually work out well? TL;DR Has anyone tried the Guild Hounds and how have they worked out? Or has anyone theorized on them in the least? Thank you!
  15. Good on ya for finding it too! It was news to me when I figured it out; rummaging through my old books for the old ETA Hoffmann book, so I thought I'd share. I couldn't find the thread you're linking to at the time and I'm a newb, so I haven't been here to hear the writer "confirm" anything ... and the thread isn't even two months old; I'd hardly call that "ages ago" Personally, I like the real explanation (if indeed this is the real one) better than "Lucius is Coppelius", but that's just me penchant for (references to) old horror stories showing. It's a great story, the old one, and I find it great that Wyrd has found it and weaved it into Malifaux.
  16. Thank you kindly I've got a good memory for that kind of detail, and I have loved ye olde gothick horror for a very long time! If only I could figure out how to apply that to my studies, I'd be much more productive...
  17. Knights of Cydonia? It is a great great track! I'm just in a very electronic-music-kinda mood these days, hence the Dubstep
  18. I was reading through Karns excellent tactica for the Dreamer, while I was looking through Rising Powers. Karn mentions that he has no idea why Coppelius has an Unexplained Connection with Hoffmann, when I suddenly remembered something. Coppelius is the antagonist in an old german horror short story from 1816 about the Sandman. The old german Der Sandmann myth speaks of a monster that takes the eyes of children, which the protagonist Nathaniel ends up connecting with a lawyer called Coppelius, that seemingly always turns up when something horrible happens to Nathaniel. He ends up in a psychotic breakdown after seeing Coppelius in a crowd, and hurls himself off a building wailing "Pretty eyes! Pretty eyes!". The story was written by the author E.T.A. Hoffmann! Does this explain the Unexplained Connection? To me it certainly does... This might not be news to anyone, but I think that it speaks volumes about how some characters are researched by Wyrd and weaved into the narrative. Coppelius is a nasty character in the old story, and Malifauxs Coppelius is definitely my favorite model and character! So if you already knew, then this is just a shout-out to Wyrd from me about such a well-made setting and narrative, and if you didn't? Then wouldn't you agree with me that it is really cool?!
  19. Aaaand now the Tetris theme is stuck in my head too! Thanks a lot, man, thanks a lot... Before being assailed by that hellish thing, I had a dubstep remix of Knights of Cydonia by Muse lodged firmly in my squishy brainmeats: [ame] [/ame]
  20. I've made a single building now. Just a test, but I think it's come out quite well. I haven't gotten the table itself painted; that is highly a work in progress! Pictures later today. A consideration that a friend of mine has pointed out is the fact that you'd want to use a mix of buildings that would actually have been part of a functioning town! So instead of having several generic buildings, you'll want a Saloon, a blacksmith, a general store, and so on. I totally agree with him that it makes the terrain more believable, and thus I'll be buying a PDF-set of papercraft western-buildings that include both residential buildings, but also shops and recreational activites. Does anyone have any suggestion for how I could make some flat cardboard-cut-out people? I can't seem to find pictures that are appropriate for it. Any ideas? Also, I'll be making the special encounter location terrain for the Pioneer Town/Ghost Town setpiece. I'll make a Hanging Tree, a Graveyard, some Effigies, and a Dead Zone. I'm really looking forward to get it under construction! @eldurand: I actually think that using flatish buildings/terrain on the edges of a table might be a good idea if you're looking for a more "flash" table, i.e. showpiece, than just for gaming.
  21. They look great! Great name too! I love the Necroscope series, and Dragosani is easily my favorite character
  22. uhuhuh! I'd love to see the cake as well! Well, it's cake, and it's got zombies! Best cake ever!
  23. Great work! Thanks for sharing
  24. If your ok with lipped resin bases, then Micro Art Studio makes some beautiful bases. They've got a bunch of different styles for the lipped style bases (30, 40, 50 mm). You'll want to look for the ones called WRound on their site. Of course, these aren't just inserts, but they're very good quality. Albeit a little expensive.
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