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Everything posted by G3ck0___

  1. So our group needed some playing tables: for our weekly game night for the hosted Malifaux events New = better Members of the Hasselt Malifaux group decided to join forces and start building some tables. (Or at least one to start with.) So lets give them some encouragement for their efforts. I would also invite them to post their photo's in this Topic when they have some finished pieces. Here are already some pictures I have of the work already done. The board provided by a Henchman: Community effort in basing and fixating. current result after base color and wash: and a first piece of modular tarrain. end of episode 1 ...
  2. On vacation, just brought some models that need some paint, no terrain. Updates will have to wait for another 2 weeks.
  3. . I can confirm that it is s lot of work, but look at the board, it's marvelous. Good job! Also looking forward to see the rest of the terrain.
  4. Always nice to see the options. I like putting in the effort so have some realistic terrain. So I know it won't be for me but you might help others find what they are looking for. A picture says more then a thousand words. ;-)
  5. just tried to take a pic of the inserted magnets but my mobile phone couldn't realy focus and provide a good quality pic. I'll try again later with some real light.
  6. The buildings are made of foamcore as its basic material. Added whatever I could find to enhance. For the facades I had to fit the magnets into the foamcore which posed a problem because it's not a strong material. To make a strong bond : I first drilled a hole (more ore less halfway through to the oter side). filled the hole with waterd down PVA glue to harden the material around the place where the magnets will be. When dry I filled the holes with green stuff and put in the magnets, glueing them with my regular metal glue to the green stuff and at the same time making sure the magnets are leveld with the surface. I pushed in some more greenstuff then required to form a bigger blob of greenstuff then the size of the hole fitting the magnet. For the side pannels I sealed the sides with some wood. This was also the material for putting the magnets down, again leveling them with the surface. For my next building I will probably start with a base of hardboard. I think It would be more durable and easier to put in the magnets. Did not test this theory yet so cannot really compare. This on the other hand would make the buildings heavier and I think I might prefer the lighter material when I need to transport the table/buildings a lot.
  7. Just a quick post. Thanks for all the nice words. surely inspiring to keep up the work and keep posting. Had some time to spent so worked on one board plate and start of of a bridge. Build the base layout of one tile and added the base colors. And here is the start of a bridge. Hope you guys and girls like it.
  8. G3ck0___

    8 bridge

    From the album: City board

  9. From the album: City board

  10. Hi, As many of you I tried my hand in creating my own terrain. I wanted to go for a city feel but at the same time try and make the terrain as modular as possible. It also should be easy to store as compact as possible. So the idea is to use 9 1by 1 feet tiles, magnetized and if possible tiles will be interchangeable; I will see how that turns out. I imagine some might be swappable but not all. It should be functioning as my personal playing board and also be usable as a demo board for conventions. So first of the base plates: 9 tiles fitted with 16 magnets each, with each side magnets placed in a ++-- sequence. So all tiles can be rotated and fit any place on the board. First attempt for the buildings, trying to create some different fronts and backs: Rooftops: So far so good, onto the magnetizing of the building(s). All walls are separate and should be interchangeable as long as they come in paired sets. First set of buldings: Next step will be building up the base plates and laying out a pattern. Already seen some nice things in this thread. (yes looking at you KrazyIvan) feedback and sugestions are always welcome.
  11. G3ck0___


    From the album: City board

  12. G3ck0___


    From the album: City board

  13. G3ck0___


    From the album: City board

  14. G3ck0___


    From the album: City board

  15. G3ck0___


    From the album: City board

  16. G3ck0___


    From the album: City board

  17. Our yearly Malifaux tournament at Oberonn is nearly there again. Where :Oberonn Kempische Steenweg 27 3500 Hasselt (Belgium) When : 13th September 2015 Doors : 9:00 AM Start : 10:00 AM End : 06:00 PM Entry : 6 / 8 euro Enrollment : tabletoptournaments.net or Oberonn Entry fee will be used as prize support and then some... Hope to see you all there. For additional information and enrollment see http://www.tabletoptournaments.net/be/toernooi/it-s-our-world-2015-malifaux-tournament Hope to see you all there. Updated registration link (the correct one, tnx Astrella)
  18. Hello, Many thanks to all the people who showed up for our Free RPG Demo day. Those who registered and also the many of you who participated in the flare of the moment. You guys certainly caught me by surprise. With all the great comments about the 'Through the breach' game system I can, without a doubt, speak about a great gaming experience, fun environment and hilarious moments. I'm already looking forward to our next sessions. Thanks again and see you all soon. Your friendly local Henchman
  19. Hello everybody, Just a little anouncement. On the 20th of june we're holding an all RPG day at Oberonn in Belgium. An entire day of RPG fun. Ofcourse "Through the breach" can't be missing from that event. Currently there are 3 demo sessions planned: 13:00h, 16:00h and 19:00h. You can get in on all sessions if you like or just pick one where you like to participate. For the demo sessions (listed above) I kept the pre-registration at 4 persons per session but there will always be the option on joining in on the start of a session. (but still capping at 6 or starting a seperate group led by a fellow henchman). So if you feel like getting into your first RPG ... or want to try another system... or just want to have some fun ... to have a drink with fellow gamers... (We do need our excuses, don't we) Stop by at Oberonn Kempischesteenweg 27 b1. 3500 Hasselt . Limburg, Belgium CU l8r
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