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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. gav gav gav gav gav gav gav gav. Or my dear fellow freund you can come allll the way to good ol brizzle, and come to cut and thrust in old market. Its awesome! (mainly cuz im there) (im their mascot) mwhahahah! Hope to see you soooooooon! xxx
  2. Actually. I change my mind. Ill have my lolly pop! Cherry flavour! Yummy!
  3. good job teddy and i are best friends! i love teddy. and he loves me! Kitty get jealous, thats why she tries to confuse me. may i have a cookie?? *begs* xxx
  4. *Batters eyelashes* cant possibly be what im thinking... but id like a cookie all the same.
  5. *Stamps foot* i knew it! i knew someone was playing with my head! The kitten told me i was wrong, but i've now shown HER! *giggles* xxx
  6. Oooh Colette is pretty! I want her dresses. xxx
  7. *hisses at Doctor Amos* I agree in a sense with what he says, but to be honest, your first box needs to come from your attraction to them. Like me, I picked Pandora as my first box, just because little Candy is like a replica of me as a child. Ok So Pandy is VERY confusing to play, but you have to go with what you find the most enjoyable to look at and what gets your blood racing! (Lilith in my case) (oh and teddy... me LOVES my teddy) Many people go about gaming the practical way. But I dont understand why it should be about practicality, when gaming (or in my case, my LIFE) should be about falling in love with the models and then getting to know them. and if ANYONE says anything negative towards my Oozeboss, something nasty your way comes... MUCH LOVE! xxx
  8. *Curtseys unwillingly* You are legendary in my eyes my dear. One cannot surpass your greatness. In real terms... OH WOW! I think im in love. Your Lilith is Superb. Just remember. With great power, comes great responsibility.... XXX
  9. bouncy bouncy bouncy... heehehe! this is fuuuuuuun. cant wait to get my dreamers set up and rolling. coppelly is awesome!
  10. *unwillingly curtseys* you, my friend are a legend. im gaping in awe at you right now.
  11. *giggles* naughty naughty! I agree sisters are fun to play with....
  12. FABULOUS REPLY! i wish i was from krypton. but i would like to bring up the point, do kryptonians sweat? do neverborners sweat??? and if so, how do they get clean?!? :S ooh and has anyone else noticed that the moon looks really close one night then reeeeeeeeeallllllly far away the next??? hrmmm...........
  13. I quite agree, he seems so enchanting! Cannot wait until his model is released.
  14. lol! i hate tea!!! and no i wont sent you mine! heheh! you guys get all the good fun its about time some of it reached our neck of the woods!
  15. Dude i adore your models! i love the bases, and the colouring of the bodies. well done dude! whats your next challenge?? and when can we look forward to seeing them??
  16. Still youve done an amazing job on them mate. Well done chick you should be proud of yourself. xxx
  17. hey bruda, neat work. just wanted to tell you that im your biiiiiiiigest fan! shall we have a game on thurs?? xxx
  18. I adore your bases! Epic work dude!
  19. Wow dude, lovely ideals for them. nice one hun!
  20. she does look sexy tho bro, very tasty. maybe even enough to distract me from my dreamers.... on second thoughts.. NOPE! *giggles madly as she strokes the metal bodies of the neverborn*
  21. it was my idea to do red corset!! you cheeky monkey you! ha! im still the biggest malifaux lover in C and T bruda!
  22. Oi! Hands off peeps! Karns my Henchman!!! And Raintar! Your just feeling unloved my man. you need to embrace the Neverborners and just ride the wave of terror! heheheh!
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