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Everything posted by Acefisher1

  1. I have a pack mini I use for my malifaux stuff. It holds 2 full 25 point +totem crews or something as big as a single 50+ stone crew in the troop tray. It also has a zippered slot for cards and a slot to keep the mini rules manual in the inside. I'll take pics tonight for you. FYI: I also have the original Malifaux bag and it has enough space to carry at minimum, every model from 2 whole factions. I have the entire arcanist crew in mine and it doesn't even halfway fill the bag.
  2. Hi Guys, thank you for the feedback thus far. I'd like to get a little more input on this. I also have a question. Would it be helpful to you to have things linked from this article to the Wyrd Store, or do you feel like that would detract from the usability and helpfulness of this guide? Thanks Everyone!
  3. Rasputina - 3-6 Ice Gamin (3 is enough for most people) Ramos - Spiders If Magnetized 9 bases - 18 individual spiders (up to 3 per base for a swarm) Not Magnetized 3-4 Swarm bases (3 spiders on the base) 6-8 Individual spiders on bases
  4. Looks great! We'll have to get a game in sometime for sure.
  5. Hello Irish Rebel, Welcome to the forums. Feel free to PM me any questions you might have, and I'll see if I can answer them, and if I can't, I'll find someone that can. As far as painting tutorials go, they seem to be more frequently found by looking through the showcase and reading through the posts. People tend to ask how something specific was done, and the thread owner generally just answers in the thread. That being said, there are some tutorials, I would recommend searching for specific stuff you're looking for though. Be sure to get pictures of the mini's when you start painting! We'd love to see your work! - Acefisher1
  6. I think the idea is an interesting one. I believe that a minute may be a bit too low however. In the case of Rasputina for example, with her Biting Chill spell the trample could easily go on for 3-4 duels, which you simply can't do in a minute. Also, I think this will be liked by some, but hated by most. Putting time limits on someone creates stress and that isn't necessarily what people are looking for when they're out to play a game. Perhaps setting a time limit at 2-3 mintues and encouraging players to go faster than that, since it is going to be a friendly game anyway. Or even provide incentive rather than punishment. Something along the lines of: if all activations are done in under 1 minute, 1 free activation in order of initiative for those eligible happens at the end of the round. I love the direction though. I am a huge advocate of faster play, it means more games! Thanks for the ideas!
  7. I actually posted this as a response to someone asking for help on how to learn the game in a month before moving to college. This is a few things I picked up when I started playing, and things I really wish I had known when I started. Feel free to add to what I’ve said, and correct me where I’m wrong. I hope this helps a few people out at least! I can tell you that it will be more than helpful to go over the downloadables here. Read all the stat cards a few times. You don't need to memorize them all, but it helps to have seen the abilities that are common and that you can expect to see in games. Try to pick out some of them and note that you need to cross-reference the effect a certain rule has ie: "What does poison do?". Those are the things that I really found I needed to know when playing my first games as they weren't necessarily written on the cards in every case and I would have to ask or open my rules book (don't be afraid to do this!). That being said, it's a little bit irritating now to see someone searching through the original rules book. Grab the new-compact version. Buy 2 copies, keep one in your car and read it whenever you have downtime instead of playing a cell-phone game. Also, be sure to go on your local store’s forum if they have one, introduce yourself, let them know that you’d like to start playing there, and I’m sure you’ll be welcomed into the group, if not forced into the store by gamers anxious to have new models to fight against! A List of Recommended Items to Purchase to Begin Malifaux: · Two Decks of Malifaux Cards, One Puppet, one normal colored deck of your choice · At least 2 Box Sets of the same Faction (ie: Arcanists: Rasputina and Marcus) · The Totems for each of the masters you purchased. (ie: Essence of Power and Jackalope) Thanks to Sephiroa for this description of Totems: a totem is a small minion connected to a master, every master has a specific totem for him/her rasputina = wendigo justice = scales of justice mcmourning = zombie chihuahua etc... In addition to Master Specific Totems, there are also faction totems: arcanists = essence of power ressers = grave spirit etc... if the master dies, so does the totem · Glass Beads to use as Soulstones (really helps with the feel of the game, and there is no question about what they are on the table for) · The Rules Manual (compact version) Some Nice Things to Have if You Can Afford Them: · A Carrying Case of some sort. I use a Pack-Mini from BattleFoam. It holds 2 full crews plus some extra models for variance, my cards, and beads no problem. · A second copy of the rules manual to keep in your car or backpack all the time. · I recommend buying the 2 core rulebooks, however it isn’t essential, but if you can afford it, these are great things to have for so many reasons. Here are a few things I would really recommend doing out of the gate to make learning the actual game easier: · Keep a copy of the short rules with you at every game. · Study your own cards to the point where you have them memorized completely. · Have your cards laminated – removes the need for HP counters · Have some form of carrying bag or tray – don’t want to stress over transporting stuff · Keep laminated copies of the common talents download with you for quick reference · Keep 2 decks of malifaux cards with you and be acquainted with the artwork so you aren’t distracted by the gorgeous artwork on them. And be sure you can identify what card is what. I struggled with the puppet cards for a bit, they aren’t too clear what they are at first glance. · If the models aren’t standing up really sturdy, add weights (coins) to the underside of the bases to avoid models falling over on terrain and possibly snapping staves or arms off during the game. · Following the last point, keep a small tube of model glue with you that you’ve used before and are familiar with for field repairs ·Be sure to go into a game with an open mind and humble attitude. You will encounter rules you do not know, and see abilities that seem OP and wreck your face. That said, most people are generally nice and helpful if you’re willing to accept their help and not be argumentative. · With the above being said, do not be afraid to question a rule or ability. Ask to see your opponents’ cards if you aren’t sure, or even just are curious of their abilities before the game starts, or even mid-game. It’s totally acceptable. Refer to your rules book as you need. Don’t be embarrassed, none of us have every rule memorized (excluding some OCD players I’m sure). Players won’t fault you for being sure you’re playing by the rules. · Shuffle your cards very, very well, and always offer your opponent the chance to cut your deck every shuffle. Cut theirs every time. This removes any question of counting or cheating in any fashion with the cards. · Keep obvious markers for special abilities. It’s paramount to know what status effects are out, what counters are on the table, etc.… If you play a Ressurectionist, you probably want to keep a few corpse counters. That sort of thing.
  8. Hey there Dagovan, thrilled to see you here. I can feel your anxiety. I had a similar experience, except after moving away from college. I moved from a 40k-saturated area where it was the only game to a store where Malifaux was the dominating game. I can tell you that it will be more than helpful to go over the downloadables here. Read all the stat cards a few times. You don't need to memorize them all, but it helps to have seen the abilities that are common and that you can expect to see in games. Try to pick out some of them and note that you need to cross-reference the effect a certain rule has ie: "What does poison do?". Those are the things that I really found I needed to know when playing my first games as they weren't necessarily written on the cards in every case and I would have to ask or open my rules book (don't be afraid to do this!). That being said, it's a little bit irritating now to see someone searching through the original rules book. Grab the new-compact version. Buy 2 copies, keep one in your car and read it whenever you have downtime instead of playing a cell-phone game. Also, be sure to go on that store’s forum if they have one, introduce yourself, let them know that you’d like to start playing there, and I’m sure you’ll be welcomed into the group, if not forced into the store by gamers anxious to have new models to fight against! Here are a few things I would really recommend doing out of the gate to make learning the actual game easier: · Keep a copy of the short rules with you at every game. · Study your own cards to the point where you have them memorized completely. · Have your cards laminated – removes the need for HP counters · Have some form of carrying bag or tray – don’t want to stress over transporting stuff · Keep laminated copies of the common talents download with you for quick reference · Keep 2 decks of malifaux cards with you and be acquainted with the artwork so you aren’t distracted by the gorgeous artwork on them. And be sure you can identify what card is what. I struggled with the puppet cards for a bit, they aren’t too clear what they are at first glance. · If the models aren’t standing up really sturdy, add weights (coins) to the underside of the bases to avoid models falling over on terrain and possibly snapping staves or arms off during the game. · Following the last point, keep a small tube of model glue with you that you’ve used before and are familiar with for field repairs · Be sure to go into a game with an open mind and humble attitude. You will encounter rules you do not know, and see abilities that seem OP and wreck your face. That said, most people are generally nice and helpful if you’re willing to accept their help and not be argumentative. · With the above being said, do not be afraid to question a rule or ability. Ask to see your opponents’ cards if you aren’t sure, or even just are curious of their abilities before the game starts, or even mid-game. It’s totally acceptable. Refer to your rules book as you need. Don’t be embarrassed, none of us have every rule memorized (excluding some OCD players I’m sure). Players won’t fault you for being sure you’re playing by the rules. · Shuffle your cards very, very well, and always offer your opponent the chance to cut your deck every shuffle. Cut theirs every time. This removes any question of counting or cheating in any fashion with the cards. · Keep obvious markers for special abilities. It’s paramount to know what status effects are out, what counters are on the table, etc.… If you play a Ressurectionist, you probably want to keep a few corpse counters. That sort of thing. I hope this guide that sort of got out of hand is helpful, if you can actually read the whole thing. Let us know how it all goes!
  9. Welcome to the boards! I'm thrilled to see another player every time I see one of these threads. And I can tell you assuredly that you don't need to be afraid to start painting. It's almost like magic the way the paint seems to just find its way onto Malifaux models. I'm no henchmen, but i'd be happy to offer a helping hand if I can, feel free to pm me questions! My specialties lie in the models listed in my signature. Enjoy the game, and be sure to show us some pictures of the painted models! And what crews did you "accidentally" eh-hemmm... pick up?
  10. Actually yeah, they have a great inventory there, but I've recently stopped shopping there due to their employees attitudes and some other stuff. And I'm actually going to be in Ft. Wayne Thursday if you're interested in a quick game (gotta be back thursday night for work friday) after the interview I have out there. Otherwise, some weekend I'm down there for sure. PM me your facebook and we'll set it up. I went for adepticon, and usually just to go into the city, but I'd be happy to venture that way for a game or two sometime. And yes, the wife painted the Ortega gang. And for the rest of the responses, thanks for the welcomes and kind words!
  11. This is a little late, I've actually been playing malifaux just over a year, amongst other games. I live/work in NW Indiana and usually play in South Bend, IN. I have been collecting more than playing recently however. I have the Marcus, Rasputina, and Ramos box sets from the Arcanist line, as well as Perdita and the Hoffman boxset which I purchased today from the Guild. My wife actually claims the Perdita box however. My main crew is the Cult of December, and I prefer playing at 25SS. I also am hoping to begin playing at a few other stores in NW Indiana, as well as down in Ft. Wayne and the surrounding area. Please feel free to message me if your interested in a game and are local! I'd love to find some new friends to play Malifaux with. Thanks to all the guys at Wyrd for their hard work and great community on top of it! - Dan / Acefisher1
  12. Thank you for all the compliments. The bases are Dark Age from Coolminiornot. I actually bought them at Adepticon. One note on them: they are slightly too big for the corresponding malifaux bases I mounted them on. Not a problem for me, but something good to know.
  13. Just wanted to share my main crew with everyone. Not the best painted, and these are my first painted malifaux minis. I'll probably buy and paint a new Rasputina soon. Malifaux - Cult of December by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr
  14. So i think pretty much everyone is going to have a master or crew they prefer to run. Let's post them up, and if you can, get a picture of your crew to add. I'll be adding one shortly. Please post whatever stone costs you prefer with your list so we know what we're looking at. I like to play at 25 stones for fast games. My personal favorite crew: Cult of December - Arcanists 25 Stones Rasputina - 4 Essence of power - 2 Ice Gamin - 4 Ice Gamin - 4 Ice Golem - 9 Winter's Acolyte - 6 Malifaux - Cult of December by Little_BIG_FISH, on Flickr I also sometimes run this list sans the acolyte to have 8 soulstones and attempt to overpower spam kill the enemy. I love to rush with the gamin/golem and use ice mirror to get extreme casting range and use them as suicide bombers in games. This list seems to be fairly easy on the cards, and you don't need to be holding the highest cheat cards to succeed most of the time. Having Rasputina also allows you to hold 7 cards, making this list much more tough with overpower casting. Essentially this list is great for wrecking other casters and high HP enemies. The true damage of the gamin and golem explosions and the AOE effects from triggers can one-shot many of the casters and 9+ SS models in the game. Another bonus is that I cannot lost Willpower duels, I can't even be affected by them actually. The Frozen Heart rule keeps this whole crew safe. Another tactic is a bait-trap tactic. Allowing the acolyte to draw in several enemies, then surrounding them with Rasputina's Ice Pillars making it impossible to run away, then rushing them with gamin and/or the golem forcing them to kill him and take the explosion damage, or sit there and let them beat on them. This is a great way to deal with powerful opponents. And of course, the final strategy I wanted to share from this crew; grab 'n go! Basically you run forward as quickly as possible when playing a treasure game and block off the enemy team using ice mirrored ice pillars from Rasputina. This allows you the ability to grab the treasure without worrying about the other teams line of sight or melee and get back to your homebase without even getting hurt. Also, leaving behind some gamin to act as blockers from pursuing opponents helps. This allows you to tie them up and potentially even kill them. Thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing and hearing about your favorite crew!
  15. Thanks for putting these podcasts out you guys. I've really enjoyed listening to them, and they really improve the quality of my workday when there's a new one to listen to. Some of the highest production quality out there. I'd love to hear some discussion based around the Arcanists. They have a lot of options when you look at the ability for marcus to hire any beast, and things like Rasputina's Ice Mirror. Not to mention Gamin Bombing the opposition. There are just a lot of things there and I feel that many people overlook much of what the Arcanists can do. Again, thanks for the great show. You guys are doing a spectacular job! I look forward to your next show!
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