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Lord Shaper

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Everything posted by Lord Shaper

  1. I'll get them to post here ASAP. I also have it up on my site... Only 9 more figures to paint before it comes up!
  2. I'm wondering if the new one is going to be closer to the original source material than the original one was tho... Remember the Crow wasn't there it was never a physical bird. I'd really like to know what happened to James to make him write that as well since it felt so personal
  3. Welcome from the wonderful world of Oz... If you have any questions let us know!
  4. Well to totally derail the thread you know they are working on a new Crow movie?
  5. Ahh Campbelltown is a bit far away for me... it takes me an hour to get to Sylvania when I go to Tiny's Tournaments heh For the OSL I've attempted at I've just started with a light drybrush around the area I wanted to do it and then pick out the closer parts to get a brighter light nearer the source. Have a look at what Ron does over at From the Warp here and search for his other articles too.
  6. I'm going to have to dig it out but it was either the American Indian one or the Razor/Crow crossover
  7. I keep hearing about this Hall of Heroes Where is it?
  8. I'll be there to hopefully raise my status with a different master!
  9. Those are fantastic! I've been following on your blog and have been wanting to do some of it myself. My problem is finding the foam sheeting to use for it at a good price.
  10. Your so close... it was one of the Crow comics that came out in the 90's
  11. I love what you've done there and can't wait to see them in person!
  12. I'm waiting for someone to figure out the statement under my name to see if I'm too old with what could seem as obscure references
  13. Those Waldgeists can really play havoc with the other persons plans... Mister Q showed me that one! I'd always recommend the twins so Lelu & Lilitu are almost a must in every crew!
  14. Welcome to the forums. There's a lot of guys over in the UK. What factions are you looking at?
  15. I was talking to someone at work about it... I wonder that the Avatar of Lord Chompy Bits is going to be like!
  16. I think you might have hit the nail on the head there... That's something I haven't thought of and makes alot of sence... the only reason I'd think it wasn't would be that Nurse was a Resser so it might be time to move to something else... Guild Guard, Stitched Together, Preformer/mannequin or Gremlins. That's an interesting one... and for those only with 1 or 2 factions then it might get them to go for more... I'm still hedging my bets on Molly though. It all depends on what the Drawbacks to them can be... Lets say that Lady J gets a boost to attack but there might be a reduction in defence... or not able to use Soul Stones when in Avatar form... It's really going to be a wait and see I think
  17. Has anyoen counted up all the figures to see what there could be left?
  18. Damn he knows how to spoil without spoiling us! I'm thinking the Box is going to have to be Molly... She's the fan favourite that hasn't came out compaired with her and Kaeris. Unless he's throwing us for a loop and it's going to be something from the next book! As for a convertable single model with different options I'm thinking it's going to be something like one of the Riders or the Rogue Necromancy since being the Chompy size is what I can think it is... Next is how many avatars am I going to have to buy... Currently to give Avatars to all of my Masters I'm going to need 8... Thanks for getting as much info as you did Nix! Can you remember how much Chompy was last year as well? I'm saving my pennies now!
  19. I know that's something cool to wake up to!
  20. How many puppets are left to put out though?
  21. Well money is going to have to go towards that and all the nightmares etc... it's going to be expensive very soon!
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