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Everything posted by AgentRock

  1. I had something similar to your first idea in mmind. Whatever reason the PCs end up for looking for the train, they have to go get the Lieutenants' weapons (one for each suit, naturally) to call the train and battle Trask's spirit for the finale. Meanwhile the weapons start to influence the PCs with the negative aspects of the magic (brutality for the rams, terror for crows, etc.) that become gradually more of a problem over the ala The Rod of Seven Parts.
  2. A blog post on a campaign arc that I thought of recently. Comments welcome.
  3. 1) It'll be something to work out with your opponents. I'm on EST, so it's fine with me. It'll be a case by case basis, but the rules address if people can't meet up. 2) Campaign rules are being finalized. I'll pm you with a link to the google drive folder. AJR
  4. Right. I have to think the balance cost of Spotter was a pretty heavy reduction in his killyness.
  5. Ok, we've hit the minimum I wanted of 6. We'll keep accepting people up to this Friday, the start of Week 3, so if you want in, feel free to keep signing up. Rules packet will be completed and posted by then, and we'll be under way. Thanks to everybody who signed up.
  6. Cool! Welcome aboard to you, and to onelittlethunder.
  7. I'm mostly just looking to get the thing set up and do a small-scale test drive of the narrative campaign system over vassal, and hooked it up to the Nythera campaign. I'll go ahead and add you for now.
  8. Cool, you're in. Have a skype account?
  9. Phiasco and I are looking to organize a campaign league for a small number of players to run the length of the Nythera event (starting in week 3 at the earliest, obviously, since we're already under way.) I'm hoping to get 6 people who are willing to commit to one game a week against a predetermined opponent with a strategy and scheme pool defined (IE everybody is playing the same game, with the weekly event in place, so everything should be roughly level.) To counter the somewhat reduced growth people would see from limiting the number of games to one a week, the factions will put in place "Emergency Resource Allocation," a home rule wherein factions will receive 1 scrip per vp they acquire in game (as opposed to 1 per 2 vp) and all crews start the campaign with a bounty of their choice pre-purchased. Rules are still being written and finalized at the moment, but I wanted to take people's temperature on them and start gathering interest. Players will be responsible for scheduling their game with each other each week, and I'm still determining what exactly will be the consequence if people can't get their game lined up. We're North American Eastern Time Zone players, so unless you want to be up until the odd hours, probably best to stay within the North American time zones. Skype will probably be required for communication during the game. Obviously you need Vassal. It's meant to be a fairly light-hearted league/campaign (IE not super-competitive) so if you can't get your game in during a specific week it will probably just count as a double forfeit with no penalty/benefit for either player. Repeatedly missing will result in removal from the league and replacement with another player. I'm open to discussion on this point, however. Ideally, I'd like to have everybody using a different faction, so I'll keep this up to date with players and their faction as they sign-up. Edit: I've added a second ten thunders crew. Essentially, if they play in-faction their games won't count for the Nythera Event. 1. AWOL - Guild 2. Phiasco - Ten Thunders 3. Asrian - Outcasts 4. Tawg - Ten Thunders 5. Doctorwhat - Ressurectionists 6. onelittlethunder - Ten Thunders (again) 7. Bromerican Man - Neverborn 8. iamthefly - Ressurectionists Hit me up with sign-ups if you're interested, or rules suggestions.
  10. Nino also has his place in Squatter's Rights and against Deliver a Message. I could see it with Deliver a Message for sure. Just keep Perdita in LoS and...nope, no points for that scheme.
  11. I do like Death Marshals quite a bit, so I'll have to find some space to roll one in there. Plus they keep the Western look pretty well. Abuela's not been all that spectacular in games for me so far, at least in terms of damage dealing. I assume her real use is shotgun wedding and listen up young 'un.
  12. Haven't dusted my fat wolverine off in a while, so maybe it's time to give him another look. They seem like they have enough obeys to shove him upfield pretty quickly.
  13. Here's a blog post I wrote about my current experiences with the Ortegas. As always, feedback is welcome.
  14. From the limited amount I read through Twitter, it appeared he was using Sonnia primarily. I'd love to have the winner pop in and elaborate, though.
  15. You deserve to be commended, if nothing else for being so open to trying lots of different models. A lot of times I get caught up in the group think and don't try to do what you did in these games, and just throw models in and see how they perform. Good job.
  16. This got me to snort at my desk at work. Well played, Henry. Learned the hard way that Widow Weaver can be a bit fragile, so need to play a game where I keep her further back. However, mauled face in a Headhunter against an opponent and crew style I'd been struggling with, so she'll have to see some more table time. Plus, that push four after the heads pop off is gold.
  17. When: July 18th 2015 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Where: Fun-N-Games Hobbies, 801 University City Blvd #14, Blacksburg, VA 24060 What: Demos for new players to Malifaux. No experience required. Who: Anybody. Interested in Malifaux.
  18. This is obviously an oversimplification, and one of the things that struck me when I actually sat down and wrote it was how tough a call it was to actually draw a hard line for the groups. Possibly a better analogy would be a spectrum ranging from fate independent to fate dependent schemes, but that's more work than I really felt like putting in a free blog post. Of course, if your crew builds are not set for the schemes in question, they are difficult. I guess the underlying theory was based on roughly equivalent crew builds just for sake of simplicity. Thank you for the comments!
  19. It's been a while since I put together a blog post, but I did one taking a look at schemes that don't require interacting with your opponent and, thus, are potentially independent from the fate deck's intervention for one side or the other. Here's the link. As always, comments and discussions are welcome.
  20. That seems...painful. I'll have to keep it in mind for the next time. Playing off your Nicodem list's theme, would it make sense to have a Seamus-Datsue-Dead Rider triangle of aura? Would you use Sybelle in something like that?
  21. Thanks for the tips. I have a nurse in the list for sure. Even if the enemy goes out of their way to kill them, they've still had an effect just by being that significant of a threat. As for your suggested build, my first thought was Izamu, Yin, and Jakuna for the points of the triangle. All 3 on 50mm bases to extend the aura out as far as possible, and relatively resilient. I missed the last set of playtest documents. If one of the aforementioned kind people were to share the documents with me, that would be wonderful.
  22. I've played a couple of games with Seamus, using him as suggested by some as the sneak-murderer he is portrayed as, ie back-alleying all over the board and picking off exposed models. I enjoy this playstyle, as it seems very characterful for Seamus and is pretty different from how I use other masters. The downside to this, however, is it tends to leave the rest of my crew kind of exposed to the enemy masters/heavies that rip through them when they're unsupported. Sybelle is supposed to be pretty tough, but she's been getting knocked down pretty rapidly in all the games I've played and seems to offer the most value just buffing belles. So I guess I wanted to take the group's temperature on Resurectionist non-leaders to fill this role of standing up to the enemy heavies. Izamu is one obvious choice, I'm thinking, and the Valedictorian seems like she can lay out a beating when she needs to. Any other thoughts? I was interested in the crew Fetid Strumpet talked about on Through the Breach with the triangle of Unnerving Aura [edited to remove stupid statements].
  23. I appreciate it. I figured it would come up in the Malifools as a recap from Joel, but the show ended. Like I said, I don't mean to knock Seamus or imply the crew isn't good. Just that you usually hear Lillith, Nicodem, Leveticus, Ramos etc. thrown around as the sort of group-think masters of choice right now. I'm interested to hear what worked at this high level of competition. Oh, and congratulations, obviously.
  24. My understanding is that the winner of the UK Masters, Ant, was using a Seamus crew. I got a Seamus crew for demos (new people love those zombie hookers) but I hadn't heard this master bandied around in the "power" crews of M2E. Obviously we don't really know what the "power" crews are yet (which I consider a strength of the game,) but I haven't seen any discussion on what new/different things were being done with those crews. Has he been interviewed on any podcasts about his crew? And/or would someone be willing to share with the group here?
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